Chapter 20 - Destined to fall

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You and Ben spent the entire time looking for ways to open the Armory but nothing seemed to work.

Ben: This is impossible.

You: We can't stop Ben.

Ben: Yeah.

You both stop talking as you hear noises coming from outside the door.

Ben: Oh no, walkers.

You move closer to the door.

Ben: Hey what are you doing?

You: It's the others!

Ben: How can you be sure about that?

You: You telling me that walkers can talk now.

Ben tries to respond but keeps quiet as you walk out the door and let Lee,Brie and Kenny into the classroom.

You: Are you okay?

Kenny: Yeah and we got the gas cans.

You: Awesome.

Kenny: How's that door coming?

Ben: Not so good.

Kenny: Here, let me give you a hand.

You notice Lee has returned on his own without Molly or the battery.

You: Uhh Lee, where's the battery and Molly?

Lee: Molly has the battery, she said she'll be here soon.

Kenny: She'd better be.

Some time passes and Christa and Vernon are yet to return which concerns you as you go over to Lee to talk to him.

You: Christa and Vernon went out to get medicine right. They've been gone a while now.

Lee: I'm a little worried too. Wanna go have a look?

You nod in agreement.

Lee: You have your stuff with you?

You take out your hidden knife and your gun. They are all in good condition and you put them back.

Lee: Alright let's move out.

You both enter the hallway and go over to the nurse's office, where several walkers are surrounding the door and you both crouch down.

You: That is a lot of them.

Lee: Christa and Vernon must be trapped in there.

You: We need to take them out.

You take out your gun and Lee does the same

Lee: Alright on three. 1.2.3!

You get up from cover and kill all the walkers without any problem.

Lee: We need to bring you along more often.

You: HaHaHa. Thanks Lee.

You enter the office and Christa aims her gun at you and Lee but puts it away after recognizing that its you two.

You: What happened you guys?

Christa: They swarmed the hallway after we got in. They must have heard us rooting around in hear. This whole school is infested, they're everywhere!

Lee: Calm down Christa we took care of them.

You: The meds, did you guys find anything?

Vernon: Yeah...that's our other problem. Take a look. Looks like they were keeping all their prescription meds in that safe...locked up tight.

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