Chapter 71

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Reader's pov
In the early hours of the sound of dry leaves crunching under the boots echoes throughout the content silence between yourself and Clementine as the two if you trudge through the vast wilderness towards your home, the New Frontier. Glancing at the peaceful smile on her face, a smile of your own appears as memories of the past few months spent in the New Frontier begin to replay.

Despite the shaky start, Clementine breaking Gabe's nose, things have been relatively peaceful. Save for the occasional walker visits during hunting trips and meaningless run-ins with wanderers not much has gone down, Liam and AJ can have other kids they can play with and have a chance to experience a decent enough childhood, and Clementine doesn't have to worry much anymore.

Clementine: Y/N.

Clementine says gaining your attention. You raise an eyebrow signalling for her to elaborate.

Clementine: You were staring at me and seemed lost in thought, just wanted to make sure you're alright.

She says with barely audible worry in her voice, though after knowing her for so long it's pretty easy to notice it. A thought comes to mind which should get rid of it, worrying her is something you promised to stop doing.

You: I wasn't lost in thought.

You say getting her to stop and look at you suspiciously, her hand on her hip and her eyebrow raised.

Clementine: Really?

An innocent smile makes its way to your face as you reply.

You: Just admiring the most beautiful sight in the world.

Thought your outward expression was innocent, inwardly you were laughing at the sight of a now blushing Clementine.

Clementine: The-The m-most beautiful sight?

You nodded sagely as you continued.

You: Yep, I was so transfixed in those beautiful eyes... I just couldn't help myself from looking away, they just like everything about their owner, are just too perfect.

The struggle to burst out laughing was tough as she blushed furiously from your compliment.

Clementine: D-Don't say things like that you dummy.

She said making you cock your head to the side in genuine confusion.

You: But it's true.

You said. Sure you weren't inherently focused on her appearance at the time but everything you said about it was all genuine. It really did confuse you sometimes when she got flustered after being complimented by you.

Clementine: Perfect is a stretch Y/N.

She says looking at the ground. You poke her forehead with your right index and middle finger making her look at you.

You: Well I guess you're right, but still I love everything about you, even your imperfections.

Clementine looked at you with a smile on her beautiful face.

You: And I know Liam and AJ feel the same way.

Happiness emanated from the girl and the hint of worry was finally gone, much to your relief. You hold out your hand towards her.

You: C'mon, let's go and get these guys back.

You say referencing the deer on your shoulder and he five rabbits hooked to her belt you managed to get thanks to the crossbow strapped to Clementine's back and throwing knives strapped onto your right thigh. She takes your hand and intertwines your fingers with hers.

Clementine: Yeah.

Only a few minutes after your entrance through the large gates the two of you, still holding hands, are greeted by Javier and Kate.

Javier: Nice catch.

He says with a mischievous smile, something Kate mirrors and both you and Clementine gave a single thought. What now?

Kate: You're right, we should definitely let you guys go on more dates on the outside.

She says earning a light blush from Clementine while you merely smiled.

You: As long as the aren't any walkers or raiders, I second that notion.

You say honestly getting a chuckle from Kate as she gazed at the blushing Clementine.

Javier: All right, let's help you with these.

He says while taking the deer from you, with Kate getting the rabbits.

Kate: You guys left pretty early today, I'm sure you're hungry.

Javier: Yeah, go to the food court and have breakfast.

They said before walking away. You scratched the back of your head in embarrassment as you turned to Clementine.

You: Sorry.

You apologized only to get a smile from her.

Clementine: Don't, I enjoyed our time together.

You mirrored her smile as the two of you headed towards the food courts. Upon arrival you watched as two young boys hugged Clementine, a smile forming onto your face.

Clementine: Easy you two.

She said through giggles as she hugged them back.

AJ: We missed you guys!

Liam: Yeah!

After letting go of each other, the boys hugged you with just as much love.

You: What've you been up to?

You asked as the two separated from you.

Liam: Just playing and spending sometime with Ashley and Sam.

AJ: And annoying Derick.

He said, with the three of you giving a goofy grin. A sigh escaped Clementine who lightly bonked you on the shoulder.

Clementine: I swear you're a child.

She said with mock anger.

Liam: You guys coming to eat?

He asked getting nods from us.

AJ: Well you guys came pretty early, so you must be pretty hungry.

Liam: Yeah let's go!

He said while dragging Clementine with him. Not wanting to lose, AJ grabbed your hand and followed suit. After a few minutes all four of us arrived at the food courts to find Karen, Kenny, Ashley and Sarah waiting for us with Derick sitting a few tables away on his own. Not surprising.

After greetings and are peaceful breakfast, with Clementine showing more confidence and feeding you much to the joy of the nearby women and the amusement of the men, except Derick who didn't care, tensions grew as Javier and Kate arrived.

Kate: We need to talk.

She said in a voice of seriousness, one which they all knew. We all sat nearer to each other and gave them our full attention.

Javier: Seems there's something building up in the other communities. Something which could hit New Frontier.

He said raising our suspicion.

Kenny: Like what?

He asked the question on all our minds.

Kate: War.

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