Chapter 51 - History lesson

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The sun was setting and you were still in the forest with Clem. It's been a while since your conversation and there has been no other words spoken. All you've done is sit on a tree and stare at the setting sun.

Clem: It's beautiful isn't it?

You: Yeah. Makes you forget the world is falling apart.

She moves clsoer to you.

Clem: How was it, seeing your mom?

You: I, I couldn't believe, I thought I was dreaming or something. It was a long while since I was that happy.

Clem: I bet you cried.

You: W..what?

Clem: You did!

She raises her eyebrow and smiles at you.

You: I didn't cry and if I did you'd be the last person I'd tell.

You laugh a little before noticing that Clem is looking a bit down.

You: What's wrong?

She sighs before answering.

Clem: It's just that, I wish I could've seen my parents differently. I risked so much to see them but it was a lie.

You: Yeah, I remember. I hadn't received a blow that hard before in my life.

Clem: Sorry about that.

You: Don't sweat it.

Clem: No Y/N, I attacked you for no real reason and haven't apologized for it since.

You: It's okay Clem, I understood why you did what you did.

Clem: Still is there anything I could do to make up for it?

She's not going to let this go is she.

You: I got it. C'mon let's go.

Clem: Where?

You climb down the tree and she comes down as well. You walk back to the place you had your small scuffle with Derick.

Clem: What're we doing here?

You look around and pick up an AK-47. It still has bullets in it. You walk to Clem and put it in her hands.

Clem: Y/N what's going on?

You look around and see 7 walkers approaching.

You: Take them all out.

Clem: Don't know why but it won't be a problem.

She steps up and aims the gun.


A walker drops to the floor.


Another falls.

She continues to dispatch the walkers until there's only one left.

You: What're you waiting for?

Clem: Just watch.

The walker approaches Clementine but she doesn't seem fazed at all. It is a few steps away and she removes a knife from her boot.

You(thoughts): When the...

With a single strike, she slits the walkers neck before knocking it to the ground and stabbing it in the eye. She walks back to you with a confident smile on her face.

Clem: Impressed?

You: Yeah, I think this might work.

Clem: What might work?

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