Chapter 13 - Noble deeds and bitter glory

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You all walk through the abandoned streets of Savannah, Lee, Ben, Christa, Kenny and Y/N have drawn all your pistols and Chuck carries a shovel. Omid limps beside Christa and Clem walks beside Lee, staring at her walkie which is attached to his hip.

Clem: Can't I at least hold it. For a little while. We're getting close to where my mom and dad are, so...

Lee: Not now, how about later Clementine, maybe later.

Clem: Okay.

Lee: How's Omid?

Christa: His leg's in bad shape.

Omid: I'm fine.

Christa: You're not alright, you need to rest. He needs to rest.

Lee: I hear you,but stopping out here is too risky, he'll have to hold out until we find a boat and get out on the water.

Christa: I don't know how long he can keep this up, if this keeps on going we'll have to carry him.

Kenny: Or leave him.

Christa: What? No, that's not an option. We can't..

Kenny: Lady, I've known you for all but twelve hours. You don't get to say we unless you're talking about you and him.

Christa: You know, since this whole thing started, I've seen the best come out of people and the worst come out of people, I guess we know which category you fall under.

Kenny: There you go again, "we". There's no "we" it's just "us" and there's you and your boyfriend slowing "us" down.

Christa: Go to hell Kenny!

Kenny: Ha! You taken a look around lately? It ain't that long a trip.

Lee: Here let me help you out.

Christa: Thanks.

The belltower starts ringing.

Ben: What the hell?

Christa: Maybe this place isn't dead after all.

Kenny: Keep moving. No one's ringing that bell, it's automatic.

Lee: What kind of chrurch bell goes off at twenty past the hour?

You look around and see a figure climbing on the rooftop.

Y/N: Someone's up there.

Lee looks up and he too sees the figure before it vanishes.

Lee: He's right.

Ben: Are you guys sure? I don't see anything.

Y/N: Look we're not stupid there was a person there, in the belltower and they're alive.

The radio crackles..

Stranger: If I were you, I'd get out of the streets. Now!

Y/N: Isn't that thing busted?

Christa: That's what I thought too.

Lee: Who the hell is this?! Hey! I said answer me!

Omid: What the hell is going on? Is someone trying to fuck with us?!

Y/N: Sounds like they are warning us.

Chuck: "Ask not for whom the bell tolls..."

Kenny: What are you yammerin' on about?

Chuck: "It tolls for thee..."

Dozens of walkers approach the group. The bell has stopped tolling.

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