Chapter 33 - The two of us

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I wake up on some land near to a river. It looks like I didn't get hurt from yesterday's disaster.

You (thoughts): Y/N.

I get up and look around for him. After a few seconds I see a person laying flat on the ground and you run over to them. It was Y/N and the back of his head had dry blood on It.

You: Y/N. Y/N!

He didn't respond or move around at all, he was out cold. You tore a piece of your shirt and used it to get some off the blood off.

You: Hello!? 

You call out for any nearby help but there is only silence.

You: Y/N you have to wake up, please.

Maybe one more attempt would work and it did. He began moving around and finally opened his eyes.

You: Y/N!

You give him a hug while still on the ground.

Y/N: Clem...Damn, my head.

You: Take it easy, I think you hit something on your head yesterday when we were carried by the water.

Y/N: Yeah, I wonder who's fault that is.

He remarks while getting to his feet.

You: Sorry.

Y/N: If you hadn't  done that we would probably be dead so don't worry about it. Where are we anyway?

You: No clue. But we gotta find the others.

Y/N: Right.

The two of us began walking and stop at some broken stairs.

Y/N: They're pretty high up, think you can manage.

He says with a grin on his face.

You: Watch and learn.

You attempt once and only miss by a few inches.

Y/N: You want some help Clem?

He says holding back his laughter. You jump a second time and get it.

Y/N: Never mind.

You get onto the stairs easily and look down at him.

You: See, didn't need your help at all.

Y/N: Sure.

He jumps and gets it on his first try, then joins you on the stairs. You feel a little embarrassed and he notices quickly.

Y/N: So why did you miss the first time.

You: You're annoying.

Y/N: Hahaha, I didn't know facts were annoying cause...

You: Let's go find the others.

You walk off and he follows you.

Y/N: Think Christa and Omid are around here?

You: I'm not sure, let's just keep looking.

You continue walking and eventually follow a trail in the deep woods. While walking you see a dog on its own. It turns around and growls at you.

You: It's okay boy, it's okay.

He calms down and there is a nothing but silence, even Y/N doesn't really know what to do. You reach out to let the dog but a hand stops you.

Y/N: Don't do that.

You: Why?

Y/N: Just don't.

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