Chapter 18 - Nearing the boiling point

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Ben watches, fear in his eyes, his skin becoming pale white, as he stares down the barrel of your gun. You loosen the grip on your gun and put it back as he takes a deep breath.

You: It would be a waste of a bullet.

Ben: Thank....

You: Don't think I've forgiven you. And don't think I ever will.

He stands in complete horror as you think of punching him in the balls but his pants were covered in pee.

You: Better look for new pants.

You walk back to the stairs and brush past Clem and Lee, only to be stopped by Molly.

Molly: Easy their kid.

She looks into your eyes, witnessing the anger and sadness they hold.

You: Can i go now?!

She moves out of the way as you walk into the backyard. You notice the sky darken which almost represented your heart as you felt a familiar pain but this time, for some reason, greater than before.

You: How could Carley, someone who was innocent, die over something so stupid. And yet a..a shitbird like Ben gets to live but I guess I'm not one to talk, I let the shitbird live.

You recall the current events, the chance you had to get rid him but you didn't.

You: I..I was too weak, now Carley's dead and I let the culprit live. Why? Why?

You place your gun in your hand and grip it tightly.

Molly: Looks like you've got some steam to blow off.

You: Huh?

Molly: The group is planning to go to Crawford to get some supplies, I don't advise it but you could come along.

You: I thought Crawford was dangerous, especially for kids?

Molly: You aren't an ordinary kid, that much is plain.

You: Why do you say that?

Molly: Not all kids have that much pain in them, all you need is a glance at their eyes to see it and the gun, obviously.

You: What about it?

Molly: You now how to use it?

You: Yeah. I would show you but I don't wanna attract any walkers.

Molly: Smart, not many of us are. That could be useful, so are you in.

You: I'm in.

Molly: Guess we'll be seeing you later tonight.

She goes back inside as you sit there by yourself, watching the Sun ho down while gathering any sharp weapon nearby without stepping too far from the house. After waiting for a long time, the others finally emerge from the house.

Christa: Y/N you've been out here the whole time?

You don't respond which concerns her.

Molly: Don't worry he's alright.

The group starts discussing the plan as Vernon arrives, this time accompanied by a girl.

Kenny: Who the hell is this?

Vernon: This is Brie, she can help us.

Molly: Ready to go kid?

Everyone turns to see you standing on your own, cross armed and serious faced.

Lee: Y/N's coming?

Vernon: Hold on, if he's coming and the people of Crawford find him...

You: I can take care of myself.

They all go silent and look at you.

You: I've dealt with people like the one's of "Crawford" way before this whole thing started and I've survived.

Vernon: Maybe so, but you're still a child.

You: No child has been through the things I have, so don't compare me to anyone.

They all try to argue but the enraged tone in your voice took them by shock, especially for someone so young.

You: We're wasting time.

Kenny: Kid's right.

Lee walks over to you.

Lee: Don't you think you can stay with Clem and help her protect Omid.

You keep your back turned to him but respond.

You: Clementine is smart, she can take care of herself.

Lee: You believe so?

You: She's one of the few people I trust here.

Lee: Then maybe, one day, you should tell her everything.

He walks away without explaining but you already now what he was talking about, your parents and why you are sensitive about it. The thought of staying and talking to her runs through your mind but the hate in your heart currently reigns supreme. You had no time to stay and talk. You were going.

Kenny: Let's move out.

Ben hands Lee a hatchet and the group moves out.

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