Chapter 12 - Long Road Ahead

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You both walk out of the box car and you spot Clem on her own.

Y/N: Hey Lee how's Clem?

Lee: She looked a bit sad when you left.

Y/N: Can I go talk to her?

Lee: Sure I'll go over to the rest of the guys.

Y/N: Thanks.

You walk over to Clem and sit next to her.

Y/N: Hey Clem.

Clem: Hey.

You both sit in silence for some time.

Y/N: I'm sorry..for how I've been acting.

She stays silent for some time before speaking.

Clem: It's okay Y/N. I sort of understand how you feel.

Y/N: You do?

Clem nods her head in response.

Clem: I miss my mom and dad, it's been so long since I've seen them.

Y/N: Well unlike me it doesn't show.

Clem: It doesn't?

Y/N: As far as I know you're the toughest person I know.

Clem: Thanks Y/N.

Y/N: Umm Clem...

Clem: Yeah.

Y/N: That she mad?

Clem: Christa?

Y/N: Yeah.

Clem: She was at first but then Lee explained everything to her.

Y/N: What'd you mean everything?

Clem: Carley.

Y/N: I see.

You stand up.

Y/N: I'm going  to apologize anyway.

Clem: Should I come with you?

Y/N: I think I should go alone.

Clem: Good luck.

Y/N: Thanks.

You walk away from Clem and head over to Christa.

Y/N: Umm Christa.

She turns to you speaks up.

Christa: Why don't you take a seat Y/N.

Y/N: Okay.

You sit down next to her.

Christa: You wanted to talk.

Y/N: I'm sorry...for earlier. I wasn't thinking and I....

Christa: It's okay Y/N I understand. It's painful to lose someone close to you.

Y/N: I'm still sorry.

Christa pats your head and pulls you in for a short embrace.

Christa: Don't worry about it Y/N just try and think before acting even if you're upset.

Y/N: Okay I'll do my best.

Christa: Good.

You get up and walk back over to Clem.

Clem: Looks like it went alright.

Y/N: Yeah.

You continue to talk for a while until you hear loud groans from the distance.

Y/N: Clem do you hear that?

Clem: Its getting louder.

Y/N: Ben what's going on!

He looks over at the distance and the expression on his face said it all. You sigh as you know that the end is not near, the end is here.

Y/N: Everyone get on the train!!!

They all turn to you as Ben also screams at them.

Ben: Walkers are on the way!! Lots of them!!

They all notice the large herd and jump on the train as Lee and Omid are able to but down the gas truck.

Lee: KEN GO!!!

With no hesitation he starts up the train and gets it moving but two people were missing, Lee and Omid.

Christa: The others!

Kenny: They'll make it!

After a few minutes a loud thud hits the top of the train and Lee appears without Omid. A second thud follows and Omid drops down to the ground.

Christa: Omid!!

She jumps out of the train and rushes to Omid's side. She helps him up and they run as fast as they could but Omid was limping. You extended your hand out to Christa as Lee extends his to Omid and you both manage to pull them in.

Christa: Thanks.

Omid: Yeah.

You look back at the herd.

Lee: That was a lot of them.

Y/N: Yeah.

Clem: Are you okay.

Lee: We're okay.

Omid: Speak for yourself my leg is fucked!

Christa: We're fine Clementine.

After some time you were getting restless and decided to go over to Kenny and Lee, maybe they can help you out. You reach the door and hear them talking so you wait outside the door.

Kenny: Next stop, the Atlantic.

Lee: We're finding Clementine's parents when we get there.

Kenny: I thought they were dead.

Lee: Looking for them then.

Kenny: That's not the plan.

Lee: Its ours, she and I talked about it.

Kenny: What about Y/N.

Lee: We thought we should bring him with us but I never got the chance to talk with him about it.

They remain silent for a bit.

Lee: You'll be alright Ken.

Kenny: I guess. Blood in my brain, blood in my heart.

Lee: I'll leave you to your thoughts, she's out cold like I've never seen before.

Y/N: I better go before they see me.

You are about to leave but stay outside the box car for sometime to look at the scenery.

Y/N: The world is actually beautiful, well aside from the walkers and damaged buildings and roads. Because of the end of the world I was able to meet the best people in the world, honestly I don't know if I want to go back to the way things were. I gotta be losing it  why am I thinking this way, just because I suffered in the past doesn't mean I should wish for people to suffer now.

You walk back into the box car and go to sleep.

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