Chapter 22 - Back Home

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You: Ben, you're staying with us.

This surprises everyone in the room, especially Ben and Kenny.

Ben: Really?

Kenny: Man fuck this shit, the kid doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.

Lee: Kenny! Shut the fuck up man enough is enough!

Brie: What about the rest of us, don't we get a say in...

Brie screams as a walker breaks through the door and grabs her. Walkers grab onto her and bite her, then rip out here guts with their teeth.

Vernon: Brie!

You: Can we go now please?

Molly: My thoughts exactly.

Lee: Damn right. Vernon! let's go!

The group runs through the Armory door . Lee tries to slam the door shut but it doesn't stay that way.

Lee: So much for the Armory.

Kenny: What's left of it.

Christa: A few rounds, that's it.

Lee holds the door close.

Kenny: You didn't close the door behind us?

Lee: I couldn't, the lock's busted!

Kenny: Great, just fucking great...come on, there's gotta be a way out down here!

The group walks down the stairs and opens the door only to find a bunch of walkers that instantly heads towards them. Lee hurriedly closes the door.

Kenny: Fuuuck!

You: Back upstairs!!

The group's runs up the stairs as you notice a rifle on a corpse and you take it.

You (thoughts): This will knock me on my butt.

You: Lee!

You toss the rifle to Lee and wait for him. The two of you fire at the walkers closing in. While moving up the stairs Lee's foot breaks through one of the steps.

Lee: Fuck!

You: I'll hold them off, find a way to get free.

You kill the walkers as Lee tries to break free. After a few attempts his leg is free and he gets up.

Lee: Walk ahead of me!

You: Right!

You walk past Lee as he shoot down the walkers. You look ahead of you and find walkers on the stairs.

You: Watch out!

Christa shoots some of the walkers as you kill a few yourself. Lee takes out his hatchet kills some of them before a hatchet gets stuck in the back of the head of a walker.

You: Push him over.

Lee pushes it over the edge but it grabs onto his gun. You aim your gun at the walkers eye and put a bullet through its head and it falls.

Lee: Thanks Y/N.

The two of you make it up to the top of the stairs where the rest of the group is.

Kenny: Come on!

Lee: Any way out of here?

Christa: This leads to the roof, we might be able to find a way down from there.

Vernon: You didn't come into town from the railroad did you?

Kenny: Yeah,why?

Vernon: Nevermind. I can see the sewer where we came in from here. I think we can do this.

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