Chapter 14 - Secret Revealed

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Christa: Now that you two are here I've got a question, Lee when were you going to tell us about the radio?

Kenny: Tell you what?

Christa: That it's working! That there's someone else on the other end of that thing! You didn't think that might have been worth sharing with the rest of us? Well?

Lee: I was going to tell you. Kenny and I only found out yesterday.

Christa: So both of you were keeping it from the rest of us? Great.

You realise that the argument is going to last a while but the radio working is a bit of a worry so you go over to Clem.

Y/N: Clem.

She turns to you.

Y/N: How long have you had the walkie?

Clem: Since the start, why?

Y/N: Was it working the whole time, or just now?

She seems hesitant to answer and you don't feel comfortable making her this way.

Clem: Its...

Y/N: Clem it's okay if you don't want to talk about it right now, maybe you can talk about it later, when you feel better.

Clem: Thanks Y/N.

You both walk back over to the group.

Lee: I think we could all use a little time to rest up and gather out thoughts, at least until those walkers outside wander off and Omid's feeling better.

Kenny: He best feel better quick. I ain't gonna wait around here too long.

Ben: At least this place seems secure.

Y/N: Maybe we should go and check the house for any danger. You know just in case.

Christa: Y/N's right.

Kenny sighs but agrees.

Kenny: Fine.Ben and I will take the upstairs, Lee you've got down here. Make sure to check every door.

Lee: Okay.

They leave.

Clem: Can I help?

Lee: It's okay kiddo I got it.

Clem: Lee... I'm sorry.

Lee: What for?

Clem: Going through the door without checking first. It was pretty dumb.

Lee: Just ask me first, next time you're gonna outsmart all the grown-ups. Okay?

Clem: Okay.

Lee walks off and you go after him without anyone noticing.

Y/N: Lee.

Lee tuens and is suprised to see you.

Lee: What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with Clem.

You disregard his question.

Y/N: What's your plan?

Lee: Huh?

Y/N: Clem said a while back that we were close to where her parents are. She wouldn't say that unless there is some plan or something else.

Lee: Why the sudden interest?

Y/N: I need to know.

Lee: Well Clem and I talked for a while in the train about looking for her parents when we got to Savannah. We thought...

Y/N: If that's your plan you're going to have to be careful. This may be sad to hear but looking at the way this place looks, with all the walkers around, I'm not to sure they made it. If they did they probably moved on.

Lee: That's a fair point Y/N.

Y/N: Just know that Kenny is going to get that boat, he'll head off to safety. I think that's a better chance for your survival than out in the streets.

Lee wants to say something but stays silent.

Y/N: I'm not saying you shouldn't look for them, all I want is for both of you to be safe. You're the closest people to me and I don't know if I could keep going without you.

Lee: Don't worry about that, we'll be right by your side. Always.

Y/N: Thanks... I'll go back to the others.

You go back to the others and talk to Omid, Christa and Clem for some time before Lee returns.

Lee: The place doesn't have much in it. We should be safe until it quiets down outside.

Christa: Good. Thanks.

Lee: Is he okay?

Christa: For now  ut his leg might get infected. You didn't happen to see any meds did you?

Lee: Nah, just some dog food and whiskey.

Y/N: You should never put those two together.

Lee: How would you know?

Y/N: Dad drank a lot and one day took dog food thinking it was my cereal. He poured whiskey and...

Omid: What happened?

Y/N: Its kinda hard to explain but the toilet was a mix of brown and red, don't ask why.

Omid: Shit.

Y/N: Exactly.

Clem: You had a dog.

Y/N: Yeah a sib..sibar...

Omid: Siberian Husky.

Y/N: Yeah that one.

Clem: What was its name?

Y/N: Hulk.

Omid: Cause its strong right.

Y/N: Really strong.

Christa: By the way I wanted to ask, Clem do you know the man on your radio?

Y/N: Go ahead, Clem.

Lee: You're not in any trouble.

Clem: It's just..a friend. I don't think he'll hurt us.

Y/N: What have you been talking about?

Clem: I told him I was looking for my parents and that they were in Savannah.  He seems nice, I think he wants to help me find them.

You and Lee trade nervous looks as Christa speaks.

Christa: Honey, trsut me, that's not what he wants. He...

Ben: LEE!

Ben runs halfway down the stairs.

Ben: Lee, you need to get up here, now!

Y/N: What's wrong?

Ben: Kenny.

Ben and Lee go upstairs and you think of going but decide to stay out of this one. You sit down thinking about what Clem said.

Y/N thoughts: Why would a complete stranger want to help Clem find her parents? And why would she not tell us about him if he was a friend? There's something else going on.

After spending a few minutes thinking about the current situation all thoughts exit your mind when you hear a gunshot from where Lee, Ben and  Kenny are.

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