Chapter 34 - Feeling Helpless

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You all ran through the forest, trying to avoid the walkers all around the area and after a few minutes the undead moans and growls died down as everyone was trying to catch their breath.

Pete: I think....I think we're safe.

Luke: Yeah...yeah, we're good.

They look at each other before taking a glance at Y/N then you.

Luke: Hey, you alright?

You: I...I'm alright.

Luke: And you little man?

Y/N tries to respond but remains silent, making you worry even more.

Luke: Okay then, I'll take that as a no.

You continue to walk as far away from the walkers as your legs can carry you.

Pete: What are you two doing out here?

Luke: Where are the, uh...the people you're with? There's no way two kids made it this far on their own.

Pete: I don't want them thinkin' we're doin' anything but trying to help you.

You: The group we were with got attacked and got split up.

Pete: Hmm...these folks mention what the were after?

You: They might've just wanted food. We were cooking some sort of weasel.

Luke: They attacked you for a weasel...? Damn that is low. They didn't mention any names, right...? They weren't searching for anybody?

There is a small pause before they speak.

Luke: Well...I'm Luke, and this's Pete.

You: I'm Clementine and that's Y/N.

Pete: It's nice to meet the both of ya. Sorry for what happened to you two back there.

Luke: For now, we're gonna take you back to our group, okay? We got a doctor with us and Y/N here looks like he could use some..OH SHIT!

He drops Y/N to the floor and he grabs his leg in pain while trying his hardest not to scream to avoid drawing walkers.

You: Y/N.

You go to him and try helping him up.

Pete: What? What is it?

Luke: He's...he's been bit, man. FUCK! Fuck fuck fuck...what are we gonna do here...?

You: A dog bit him!

Pete: I didn't see any dog, Clementine.

Luke: Come on, kid. Look, we just saw you two with those lurkers back there!

Pete: I can't remember the last time I saw a dog.

You: No! It really was a dog! Ple...

Y/N grabs your shoulder and shakes his head.

Y/N: Making...a lot of noise is gonna bring more of them here.

Luke: This is the best time to make noise!

Y/N: You...You said something about having a doctor, right?

Pete: Yeah.

Y/N: He can take a look at my bite and tell it's a dog bite. I'm sure you'll believe him over us.

There is yet another silence as Luke paces around nervously.

Pete: Alright. Let's see it.

Luke: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, watch yourself.

Y/N shoots him a look you've once seen, when you were in Savannah with Lee and the stranger, making Luke take a few steps back but he tried to hide his fear with intimidation.

Luke: Hey, don't...don't look at me like that! You're the one that's bit here, okay?

Pete takes a look at the bite on Y/N's leg.

Y/N: I'm pretty..sure walkers don't bite like that.

Luke: it like they say?

Pete: That's a dog bite alright. Looks like it sinned its teeth in pretty good too.

Y/N: Don't...remind me.

Pete: Where'd the dog go anyway? The one that did this?

You: I cut it over its eye and it ran away.

Luke: That's really unnecessary for a dog bite.

You/(Y/N): Shut up.

Pete: Alright that's good enough for me.

You feel a huge weight leave your shoulders, even though you were not the one bitten.

Luke: What?

Pete: Kid didn't even divert from his story or break eye contact.

Luke: What else would he have done.

You help Y/N up and he leans on you.

Luke: This is just stupid, I...come on Pete. What if the kid just has some guts so he can easily look you in the eyes while lying.

Pete: If he is lying then Carlos will make the call. It was Y/N's suggestion to have him look at it and that alone makes him innocent to me.

Luke: Nick ain't gonna...

Pete:- Don't start boy.

Luke: Sorry, sir.

Pete pats him on the shoulder and you all carry on walking until the cabin is finally in sight.

Pete: Y/N...are you feeling alright?

Y/N: Yeah...just lost...some...blood.

You feel your hear sink as you watch as he falls to the ground. You try tobget him to wake up but nothing seems to work.

You: Y/N...

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