Chapter 24 - No time to lose

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???: Y/N! Y/N!!!!!

A voice shouts out to you. You struggle but manage to open your eyes.

Lee: Y/N.

You try to stand but fall on your knee, Lee helps you to your feet and you sit on the couch.

Lee: How are you feeling?

You: Ow, my head.

The pain has reduced but it's still very painful.

Lee: I found you laying unconsciously on the floor and Clem is nowhere to be found.

You remember what just happened before you passed out.

You: We have to find Clem!

Lee: What?

You: That guy on the radio, he said he knew where her parents are.

Lee: Did he say anything else?

You: No.

Lee: Alright, I'll go look.

You: I'm coming with you.

Lee: No you're not. You're hurt.

You: I don't care! Clem is out there with some stranger who could put her in danger and I'm not going to sit down on my butt while my friend could be in danger.

Lee: Fine! But stay close to me and always have your weapon ready.

You nod and the two of you exit the house and are in the backyard. You spot a hat with D on it.

You: Lee.

Lee: Oh, God...

You both walk over to the hat and Lee picks it up. You then the radio crackle nearby.

Lee: Clem?

Almost instinctively, Lee climbs over the fence and heads over to the radio.

You: Lee wait up.

You open the shed and run to the outside. You spot a body behind some trash bins which Lee is looking for Clem then you realize what it really is.

You: Walker!

You shout out to Lee but to no avail as it jumps out and lunges at Lee, butting him on his left arm.

You: No!

You cry out as you pull out your gun and shoot the walker. Lee pushes it over and it falls to the ground.

Lee: Thanks Y/N.

He gives you a reassuring smile which you don't reciprocate. Instead you give him a look of sorrow and pain.

Lee: What's wrong?

You don't say a word as you look at the blood on his arm. He follows the gaze of your eyes and comes to a terrible realization.


Christa: Lee?Y/N? Clementine?

You feel tears from in your eyes but you wipe them before noticing Kenny,Christa and Omid approach the two of you.

Kenny: What are you two doing out here, are you crazy, it ain't safe.

Omid: Any of you guys seen Clementine? She's not in her room.

Kenny: Vernon ain't in the house either! What the hell is going on?

Christa looks at the hat in Lee's possession and notices the blood on it.

Christa: Guys whose blood is that?

You are in a panic and don't know how to respond, you breath heavily but are able to mask it from the others. You see Lee roll his sleeve over his bite.

Lee: It's a walkers, fucker jumped me from behind.

You (thoughts): What is he doing? We have to let the others know, maybe I should tell them. But if I do that there could be some conflicts and maybe Lee has a reason. Grrr I don't know anymore

You are lost in thoughts, in a dilemma as you don't know what to do. Tell the others or keep this a secret for as long as possible. You are pulled back to reality when someone puts their arm on your shoulder.

Christa: Y/N.

You: Yeah?

Christa: Are you okay, you look a little worried.

You: I'm...I'm just worried about Clem.

Omid: I understand kid but me, Christa and Kenny can't go look for her right now.

You: What?

Lee: I'll go on my own...

You: I'm coming with you.

Kenny: Huh?

Christa: You've done way too much, just stay here with us.

You shake your head and remove her hand from your shoulder.

Kenny: He's not going to change his mind, just accept it.

Lee: You've got your weapons on you?

You (thoughts): How can he be so calm.

You nod in agreement.

Lee: Alright, let's go.

Christa: Good luck, to the both of you.

Kenny: We'll get the boat out onto the river. Figure we can wait there until you get back. Or at least until nightfall.

Lee: Alright.

You and Lee walk away from the group but Kenny says something before You leave.

Kenny: Lee you,Clem and Y/N are the only family I have left. Go bring her back and take care of yourselves.

You both nod and head out.

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