2| I Can Do Better

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"You gotta go in there and apologize to her" Starlin insists as he nudged me towards the training room. I stop myself before I get to the door as I turn to him.

"What am I supposed to say? Sorry for nearly ending your life" I ask.

"That's a good place to start" he smirks.

"You're really going to make me do this" I ask and he nods. I let out a exasperated sigh before walking over to the door. I never thought I would almost kill someone with a baseball yet here we are. And now I'm supposed to somehow make this better.

I open the door and quietly step inside. I see the team doctor checking the girl who I hit out on a table making sure she wasn't about to slip into a coma. But I heard the ball hit her head from the batter box I was standing in. I know that hurt.

"Alright Miss Kelsey. I don't think your skull is fractured and I don't think there's any major damage done. But you most definitely have a pretty severe concussion and you're going to experience a lot of swelling and bruising on you're forehead. I suggest you stay off your feet and take it easy for the next week or so. Keep icing it and try to get some rest" the doctor tells her.

"Okay. Thank you so much for checking me out" the woman I now know is named Kelsey says.

"Of course. Here's my number and please call me if there's anything I can do for you" the doctor says handing her a card.

He moves to the side and I start to go over to where the doctor was to address her properly but I stop. And not on purpose, I literally couldn't move a single muscle in my body. It was in shock because I had come face to face with a women who could have been a goddess. She looked like her likeness would be painted in the sky with stars. She was so beautiful any man would have killed to have just a single moment with her. I've been a lot of places and seen a lot of girls, but this one seemed to be of another world. I've never, in my entire existence, been so snake bitten by just looking at a girl. Her skin looked like sand on the warmest beach and her eyes like the sky over Wrigley on a clear day. Even with the bag of ice on her head I could tell she was a woman like no other.

And I kinda smashed a ball into her face.

"Woah, you're Anthony Rizzo" someone says and I turn to the kid next to the girl. It looked like her brother or something so I give him a smile and nod.

"I am" I announce.

"You're the guy who tried to kill me with a baseball" the girl accuses with a small smile and I nervously laugh. I grab the back of my neck as I look around trying not to break under her hypnotizing eyes. She didn't seem upset at all but it doesn't make it much easier. I felt like I just damaged the Mona Lisa.

"Yeah, listen, I'm really sorry about that" I start.

"Anthony... I'm just messing with you" she smiles real big. Her sexy lips pull tight revealing her perfect teeth and I let out a long sigh as I shake my head.

"I'm sorry. I just... I feel really bad. I've never hit anyone before and my heart drop when I heard it hit you. I wasn't even watching where it was going or who it hit. I just know it wasn't good. I feel awful" I ramble.

"I'm fine, I promise" she insists.

"Is there anything I can do for you" I ask.

"Can you sign the ball" she asks as she takes it from the kid and I start to smile. "My brother ended up picking it up while everyone else rushed to make sure I was okay and as much as I want to yell at him, it would make a good souvenir" she insists.

"Are you sure that's what you want" I ask.

"Well considering the only other thing Im going to get out of this whole things is a bump on my head and a headache, yeah" she admits.

"I can do better than a signed baseball" I insist.

"Oh can you" she smirks.

"Yeah. How about I bring you and your brother out for another game and I can show you around. My treat" I offer.

"You promise not to try to kill me again" she teases and I laugh.

"I promise. No more surprises" I insist.

"I think we can come back, once I'm allowed to be up and around again" she says looking up to the ice sitting on her head.

"Alright, then can I... can I get your number" I stutter. She pauses for a second because she knew that for whatever reason I was extremely vulnerable around her. I'm sure that happens to her a lot, I was pretty good with the girls but she's got me flailing in the water.

"Yeah, here" she says handing me her phone. I put my number in there and text myself so I have it. I still sign the ball for her brother because he really wanted it signed and toss it to him.

"Ugh, this ice is melting" she mumbles as she takes the ice pack off her head. I see a baseball sized bump on her head and even see the laces outlined on it. I wince a little as I shake my head.

"Again, I am so so sorry" I sigh.

"If you're going to keep apologizing you're going to waste a lot of your breath. I know you didn't mean to hit me and I know you feel bad that you did. But I promise you, everything is going to be okay. Sure it hurts like hell right now, but I'll heal and I'll be fine. You apologizing won't make it heal any quicker, I know there's better things you could be worried about than me" she claims.

"I don't think there is anything out there better than you" I say before my eyes get big. I cover my mouth once I realize what I just said as she starts to blush.

"That was kinda cute" she says trying to make me feel a little bit better.

"I'm sorry if I'm acting weird. Its just... you're very pretty" I admit and she giggles.

"Thanks. So are you" she smirks.

After I get her a new bag of ice her sister comes to pick her and her brother up and we say our goodbyes. I help her into the car and watch them drive off. I let out a long sigh as she disappears down the road. That's the kind of girl I dream about and I just caved her head in.

I return to the locker room to finish getting undressed and ready to go home for the afternoon. I see Starlin leaning against his stall next to mine as he waited for me.

"She was real pretty, huh" he asks.

"I didn't notice" I blush.

"Yeah you did" he accuses. "I was standing at the door and I watched some of that. That was painful" he admits.

"I wasn't as smooth as I would have liked, but I think she likes me too" I claim.

"Oh yeah. Nothing says "I like you" like getting your skull crushed in" he smirks.

"It was an accident" I whine.

"Yeah. And somehow it got a really cute girl to like you. Obviously you're doing something right" he claims.

"Apparently so because I got her to agree to come back" I smile.

"Seriously" he questions and I nod.

"Yeah. You know, once she's allowed to leave the house" I mumble.

"Real smooth" he teases.

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