88| Making Plans

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Today I send Kelsey out to be with her friends and to just get out of the house for once. As much as I would love to be selfish and keep her here, she needed some vitamin d and probably a margarita at this point. She's been a impeccable mother and she's spent every second she can with the baby, but too much of a good thing isn't really a good thing. That's why I kicked her out for a little while. So the girls happily take her away leaving me and our family with the baby in the house. And this also gives me a chance to start putting my proposal plans in motion.

"Alright everyone. I need your full attention for this week is about to get even more exciting" I start as we sit around the living room. I had Elissa asleep in my arms as that's the only way I could get everyone's attention on me. But in her defense she's a great distraction.

"What is it" my mom wonders trying not to eye the baby in my arms but failing miserably.

"Tomorrow I plan on proposing to Kelsey and I need your guys' help" I explain. Everyone stops what they're doing and their eyes shoot to me. Looks like I finally got their attention.

"Yes! Finally" Tatiana yells as she jumps up from the couch. I smile as she does a happy dance in her spot and it looked like my mom was going to join her.

"Tomorrow seems a bit soon to drop this on us" Trevor insists.

"Well I couldn't get her out of the house until today and Antonio leaves in two days so my window of opportunity is small. But it's a great opportunity so I'm not missing it" I promise.

"Alright, fair enough" he admits.

"What do you have in mind and what can we do to help" my dad wonders making me smile.

"I want to do it tomorrow night on top of the house under the stars. We'll have Ellie with us too to make it is that much more special. But I wanted to set fireworks off in the backyard. I talked to the neighbors about it and since they love Kelsey so much they were more than okay with it. So I'll need someone to help set up and send off the fireworks. Then I need someone to help me get her to stay inside and hang out with the baby while I set things up on the roof. I'm gonna have a little picnic set up and mom I'm counting on you to cook dinner because if I do she really will turn me down. But other than that that's all I got as far as plans" I admit.

"I can be in the tree and take pictures of you proposing when the fireworks go off" Tatiana says and I smile.

"I would love that" I insist.

"And I can trick her into dressing up, say it's my last day here and I wanted to do something nice" Antonio starts.

"I got dinner covered" my mom adds on.

"I'll watch the dog" Isaiah says and I just shake my head. That was as much his dog as it was ours.

"Awesome. So it looks like we're all set. I'm going to propose tomorrow" I announce and it falls silent. It sinks in that starting tomorrow a lot will change. Kelsey's family isn't really conscious of the whole marriage situation and my family a little too familiar. But I known we're ready to do this, we've been one big family for like a year now and now it's just going to be official.

Once that was all figured out I sent them on their way. Trevor goes to get the fireworks which I'm sure was a bad idea and my mom goes to get the food. I had everything I needed so I spent what was the rest of my quiet time to hang out with the baby. This is the first time it was just me and her, but I was sure I was going to keep her safe and happy. She just sits in my arms as she looks around. Usually babies are ugly when they're this young, but our little Ellie was a Gerber baby. She was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen that wasn't her mother. And I loved her just as much.

After I take about a million more pictures and send them to Kelsey before I put her down for a nap. I chill out on the couch and decide to finally put some pictures of her out on social media. So I hop on Instagram and try my best not to cry as I explain what being a dad to this beautiful little baby means to me.

"A week ago I became the best thing I can ever become, I became a father. And until I become a husband there is no title that comes close to being as satisfying as being a father. It took one look for me to know that I would go to the end of this earth for her if she asked me to. I would quit everything just to be with her the rest of my days. But I know she would never ask that of me because she's loves me too. I'm so happy that I'm going to be the first man in her life and we can do father daughter dances and I can show her the world. I'm so happy that I have a life long partner in Kelsey that can show her how to be strong and beautiful and brave and so so smart. There's nothing I want more than for my little girl to be like her momma in all the best ways possible. Now I have two girls in my life that I would happily put life on the line for and I wouldn't change a thing about that. There's so much love that no matter where I am or who I'm with or what's going on I know I have Kelsey and Elissa and they love me and there's nothing better than the love we have. It's only been a week but having Elissa in my life gives it so much meaning and having Kelsey right by my side telling me that I'm a good father, it's the greatest feeling in the world.

I just wanted to share with everyone the blessing I've received and let everyone know both the baby and the mom are happy and healthy. Can't wait to show the world this family I have and how lucky I am to have it."

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