6| Shooting Star

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I look into the mirror as I fix the collar on my light blue shirt. My white shorts fit perfectly and my belt hung snug around my waist. I made sure my hair was nice and my lips weren't chapped. Once I decided that I looked good I was good to go so I grabbed my wallet and keys before tossing them in my pocket. I head on over to the address that Kelsey sent me to pick her up for our date.

And as I got closer and closer to her apartment I realized that she was right. This isn't the best place in town to be, but considering they had to start all over from nothing they were probably just happy to have a place to live. I've always been lucky enough to have enough money to support me and my dreams. But some roads are harder than others to walk down and who am I to judge someone else because of the situation they are in?

So I grab the bouquet of light blue flowers that matched my shirt and head up to apartment 4C. I knock a few times and wait not so patiently for Kelsey to answer the door. I hear a bunch of commotion before the door flies open. I see Kelsey standing there in a cute light blue dress that stops just above her knees. I can see every curve from her waist to her legs. Her short sleeves shows off her tan skin and toned arms. Her long black hair was curled and pinned back and it looked like she was a bridesmaid for a wedding. She was so stunning, always has been since the day I met her, and I felt like the floor was melting underneath me and I was going to fall under.

"Wow... Kels... you look so incredibly beautiful" I insist and she smiles. Her beautiful blue eyes look into my brown ones as she welcomes me in.

"Thanks. My sister put this all together because she's a lot more used to the dating scene than I am" she explains.

"That's right" the girl who I assume her sister is says as she appears beside Kelsey. She looked just like her sister but a lot younger. She looks me up and down as she starts to nudge her sister with her elbow "Woaaah Kels, nice job" she nods.

"Tati... I need you to leave. Now" Kelsey begs as her face starts to turn a shade of red and her sister rolls her eyes. She was a teenager after all.

"Fine" she huffs. "It was nice to meet you Anthony" Tatiana says as she walks away.

"You too" I laugh.

I come in and hand Kelsey the flowers I got her. She smiles big as she runs her fingers over the pedals. She looked like a beautiful picture you would see in a magazine to sell some expensive perfume or something.

"These flowers are beautiful. They look just like the-" she starts.

"The sky" I finish and she smiles real big.

"Look at that, you do listen" she teases as she nudges my side.

"I would follow you anywhere" I admit.

She puts the flowers in some water and grabs her stuff so we can head out to our date. I see a older man come up to us and stop. He had dark hair and eyes just like Kelsey. He smiles big as he looks at us together in our unplanned matching outfits.

"You guys look great together" he says with a thick accent making me smile.

"Dad" Kelsey whines.

"I know I know. I'm not supposed to embarrass you. It's just... you guys look amazing" he admits.

"Well thank you" she replies as she moves in closer to me. I wrap my arm around her and it felt so right. I hold her close and I'm sure she can feel how hard my heart was beating.

"I'm Anthony" I introduce as I stick my other hand out to shake her dads hand.

"I'm Antonio" he replies as he shakes it. "And I hope you two kids have a lot of fun tonight."

"Thank you" I nod.

With that we head out to my car and I drive off to pick up some food for our date. I wasn't sure what she would want so she came with me to pick out what she wanted and I didn't have to worry about it.

"So where is your dad from? Because that's the coolest accent I've ever heard" I insist as we drive off to the real destination.

"He's from Brazil. He's been in the states for about 30 years and he still hasn't lost his accent" she giggles.

"I knew you were mixed with something beautiful" I insist and she doesn't reply right away. So I turn to her smiling up at me and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Do you talk to all your lady friends like this" she questions and I laugh.

"No" I assure her. "I only feel like this when I'm around you" I promise.

"Good" she teases.

I drive off to this little place I came across when planning this date. It was just outside the city where all the lights and city life wasn't blinding you. You could see all the stars on this clear night and I knew Kelsey would love that. So I pull off to the side of the back road we had been on and put the car in park. I put a blanket on the hood of my car and we jump up there. We sit back and look up to the sky and let the stars get caught in our eyes.

"I see why you like this so much" I admit as I eat another chip.

"It's like a new movie every night" she says and I smile.

"Sometimes I feel like you came from up there" I say and she laughs.

"And why is that" she wonders.

"Because you're like a beautiful mystery to me. A shooting star" I explain.

"I like that" she admits.

"I like you" I say a bit too quickly to be cool about it.

"So you keep saying" she smirks.

"I really want to walk this earth with you. I want to explore the unknown with you" I insist.

"I told you Anthony, I don't know if I'll be around much longer" she reminds me.

"I would rather have a few good times with you than know of a long life without you" I say.

She suddenly moves closer as she cups my cheek. The next second her lips were on mine and I felt like I was in the sky. I felt like there was a indescribable light that surrounded me that burned like the sun. I felt like a star blaring with energy as her lips moved with mine. My fingers get tangled in her hair as I hold her so close she couldn't let go.

Eventually we break apart and I bite my bottom lip to stop myself from being greedy and kissing her again. I could feel it throbbing against my teeth as I finally open my eyes. I see the stars in her eyes and I couldn't help but smile.

It was than moment when I believe in fate, when I believed in two people being meant to be. And I believed that there was nothing I would let come between us. For I never had a kiss like that where I felt like my life was changing. But it was because she was slowly but surely etching her name in my story.

"I'm so happy I hit you in the head with that baseball" I joke as she starts to giggle.

"I think it's working out just fine" she admits.

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