17| Fate

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After a lot of arranging and a lot of figuring stuff out Anthony gets my whole family out to a baseball game. I assured him he didn't have to do that, I don't think Tatiana has ever watched a Cubs game and Trevor watches more White Sox than anyone, but he insisted he wanted to bring us out. He said we were a part of his family now and he wanted his extended family there to watch him play. So of course they all agreed to come, they would do anything he told them to do.

"I have something for you" Anthony says as he comes up behind me. He covers my eyes and I start to smile.

"Is it a new boyfriend" I tease.

"You wish" he jokes.

"I really don't" I insist.

"Good, because I got you my jersey and it would be really awkward to wear it with someone else with my name on the back" he admits as he takes his hands off my eyes. When he does I see one of the white pin stripe Cubs jerseys with his name and number on it. I smile really big as I pick it up.

"I have to admit, this is pretty cool" I say.

"I never had a girlfriend in high school to give my lettermen's jacket to, so I guess this would have to do" he jokes.

"It's perfect. I'll change into it right now" I insist.

So I go get changed and we were ready to go. We arrive at Wrigley early enough to sit out in the bleachers and chill out in the sun. The wind was blowing out which means I'm sure we'll see some long home runs today.

"That cloud looks like a baby elephant" Anthony claims making us all look up. I look at the clouds and smile as I see that the movie has started.

"That one looks like a UFO" I say talking about a different one.

"That one looks like a baby bottle" Isaiah insists pointing to another.

"Wow, there's actually a lot of cool things up there" Tatiana admits.

"That's why I keep trying to tell you" I tease.

"Not everyone is made to love with their heads in the clouds" she claims.

"Of course they are. We all have dreams, something that seems so close yet so far away. And some dreams just stay up in the clouds because that's where they're meant to be. But sometimes they come down and you don't have to cloud chase anymore" I explain.

"Then there's you who's dream it is to cloud chase" Trevor accuses.

"And what's wrong with that" I question.

"Well looking at your life nothing I guess" he insists.

"You would be right" I smile.

Eventually Anthony had to go down to get ready and we knew where our seats in the bleachers were. It gets a little rough out here but I got my brother and dad to keep things civil. By game time the bleachers were full of faithful Cubs fans who didn't have a whole a lot to put their faith in. But in the world of professional sports that doesn't really matter. You pick a team and you live and die by them. No matter how bad or how good the season is, you stick with it to the end and you're proud of your team. Just like I am of Anthony.

Come the 7th inning it was a tight game. We were tied at 2 and both teams had their chances. Anthony steps to the plate with two on and two out hoping to get something past the infield to bring home the runner on second. The whole at bat he was fighting off pitches and taking the ones he knew he couldn't get to. Finally as the pitcher starts to get tired he hands a ball over the plate just where Anthony likes it. He unloads into the ball sending it soaring through the sky. The sound was so loud it echoed in the park, and the ball went so high that it felt like forever it was in the air. And as it started to come down I notice that it was headed right for me. I get awful flashbacks to about four months ago and I start to tense up. But in the fear of getting hit in the head again and not being able to avoid the hospital, I reach my hand up. I feel the ball fly into my hand as I stumble backwards to catch it. I immediately jump up with the ball above my head to show that I had actually did it as the people around me celebrated.

"Aah! I caught the ball" I cheer as my brother grabs my other hand and lifts it like I just won a fight. Everyone around us cheers for both me and Anthony who was casually strolling around the bases. He points out to where I was and I point back at him. He had the silliest grin on his face because he knows how this ended last time he put the ball out of play near me.

I pull the ball back down and smile big as I look at it. That was one of the greatest feelings ever and it's crazy that this keeps happening to me. If this isn't fate I don't know what is.

Finally the game concludes and the Cubs win on the go ahead run that I caught all by myself, without a glove might I add. We sing go cubs go and I take pictures with my family. Eventually Anthony brings us down to meet the rest of the guys and have some fun before people headed off to where they needed to be.

"I'm really happy you decided to catch that ball with you hands and not your face this time" Anthony teases.

"Ha Ha, very funny" I mumble.

"I have to admit that was a impressive catch. I didn't know you had hands like that" he admits.

"It was self defense" I smirk.

"Well I don't know about you but I'm happy I hit you in the head with that ball. It lead to some pretty incredible things" he insists.

"Yeah, it lead to me actually catching a ball" I laugh.

"Do I have to sign that one too" he jokes.

"No, I want you to have it. That way you know that if you ever fall I'll catch you. Hopefully with my hands" I tease as I toss him the ball.

"I'll put it with the picture you got me for my birthday. It's sitting but my couch in the living room" he tells me.

"I know baby, I cleaned your house the other day" I remind him.

"Right. Which reminds me... I tried to cook the other day" he starts.

"What did you do" I sigh.

"Let's just say I ended up ordering pizza" he claims as I laugh.

"Alright alright. Let me take my family home then I'll meet you at your place to clean up and I can reach you how to make food, not fire wood" I tease.

"Deal" he smirks.

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