85| Ready Or Not

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September brings so many great things into my life. Most importantly, it brings fall. Granted fall doesn't officially start until the end of September, I was still quite excited because I'm closer to my favorite season than I was the day before. I can decorate the house all warm like and start making pies and figuring out Halloween costumes, our first as a little family. Especially now since I'm cooped up in the house I have plenty of time to figure all this stuff out.

This beautiful early September day I decide to join some of my friends at a Cubs day game. I don't know how much longer I'll be able to do this before I have a little one with me so I wanted to get to as many games as possible before I'm worried I will be carrying a crying baby or having to change a diaper in public. So I get my pregnant ass dressed and ready for a long day. I drive over to the field and park out back. I get taken inside and find my seats with my people. I join some of the other significant others and family's and talk around until the game gets started. I make sure to keep a eye on the ball at all times as I watch the Cubs play some of the best baseball they've ever played. It helps when you have Jake Arrietta doing things that no pitcher has ever done before and making everyone look absolutely foolish, then you got the young guns like Javy and Schwarber making some big things happen at the plate. It was awesome to watch the games and be a part of the hype. The people were talking about the Cubs again, and not about how awful they were. They weren't talking about the lovable losers or their perennial awful records. They were taking about how this group of guys might be the ones to rewrite history. And I think they're right.

After they win yet another Jake start in a commanding fashion we all hang out afterwards. We chill on the field and they let the kids and their dads play catch. I stand by Anthony because he can't play catch with his kid yet. But this time next year she'll at least be able to be put on the field with us taking pictures and experiencing some history too.

At about 4 people start to leave the field. The game had ended about a hour and a half ago and the boys have been out for about a hour. But the kids were getting worn out and the dogs needed let out so people start to file out. Anthony grabs my hand and we walk out but I stop before we exit the field. I grab my stomach and I feel something that I wasn't really ready for.

"Hey, you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost" he admits.

"Babe, I think my water just broke" I admit as I move my hand from my stomach to where my pants were now soaked. I know for a fact I didn't pee my pants, although I think I would rather that happen right now.

"What?! What do you mean" he questions frantically.

"There's only one thing this means" I assure him.

"The baby is coming" he gasps as I nod.

"Ready or not, she's coming" I say.

"Oh god, okay. I know what to do, I read about this. Once the water breaks we need to record your contractions" he replies.

"I'm not having many yet" I insist. He stares at me for a second before saying something again.

"What about now" he asks and I just shake my head.

"No Anthony. Nothing yet. But that gives me time to go change and you can get the baby seat and baby bag in the car. I'm going to call my brother and let him know the baby is coming and that he can meet us at the hospital" I explain.

"How are you so calm right now!? I'm freaking out so much that I don't even remember what position I play in baseball" he claims and I giggle.

"You play first base, and I'm freaking out too. But when it comes to keeping my cool in intense situations then I can usually keep it together" I explain.

"Thank god, because I'm seeing sounds right now" he says as I just shake my head. This man of mine...

After I calm him down some we hop in the car and drive over to the house. I take a shower and change and by the time I get out the contractions were coming quickly. I figured that this was all going to take place sooner rather than later and that I'll need to get to the hospital pretty quickly. So I shoot my brother a text and Anthony loads up the car. We zoom over to the hospital where they get me into a gown and monitor me quickly. I lay there with my eyes closed and Anthony holds my hand trying to help me through the tougher contractions. I try not to break his hand because there would be a lot of people upset with me, but this wasn't exactly fun for me. By the time I get settled in I was already 6 centimeters dilated and this whole labor thing was going by fast. Anthony had called his parents in but the earliest they could get here was 11 tonight and if I'm still going by then I'm reaching in there and pulling this baby out myself. But I'm hoping it won't resort to that.

Anthony excuses himself to make some more phone calls and get things set up since I wasn't supposed to be due this early and no one was really ready. I still had three weeks left of my pregnancy before the baby was expected but she had other plans. I guess she couldn't wait to meet us. The doctors assure me that she's doing fine and having her early won't hurt her which made me feel better. I just try to keep my blood pressure down and not let the pain get to me too much.

"How are you doing baby" Anthony asks as he rejoins me. My brothers were by his side which made me smile big.

"I've been better" I mumble through the pain.

"Anything I can do" he wonders.

"Can you open the blinds so I can look outside" I wonder and he smiles at me.

"Of course" he assures me. He gets back up and opens the blinds. I look outside and look to the sky. I see all the clouds passing around the sun and I know my mom is here with me. She's got me and thanks to her raising me to be strong and smart I can do this.

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