58| Buzzed

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There's many things I love about our new manager. He's made this spring training something that's more of a vacation than anything. He treats us like kings and all he asks in return is that we fight on that field as he does for us off of it. There's these saying and gimmicks he has to keep us interested and it always works.

And for the first time here at training camp he is holding a benefit event for cancer. Him and a bunch of the guys from the cubs organization, including me, we're shaving our heads to raise awareness for cancer. I didn't even hesitate to support the "Respect Bald" event and even throw my own share of money in there. Hair grows backs and it's for a good cause so I wanted to do my part.

So this early April morning I go out onto to the field where there was a stage lined up with chairs. I sit next to Joe and he starts the event off by saying a few words and being the first to get his head shaved. A kid with cancer cuts his hair and the people just loved it. The kid did great and I couldn't wait to see who paid to cut my hair. I wait patiently for my turn but I hear a bunch of chatter start around me. I turn around to see what everyone was talking about and see Kelsey standing behind me in one of joes shirts with a razor in her hand. She looked great, but she also looked scary with those buzzers in her hands.

"What is this" I ask as she walks to the chair I was at. I start to squirm a little as she gets closer to my chair.

"Hey babe, how are you" she asks as she leans over and gives me a kiss. I look up at her nervously as she gives me a mischievous smile.

"I was fine until I learned my girlfriend was about to shave my head" I admit.

"Don't you trust me" she questions.

"No" I admit and she smirks.


Everyone gathers around because this was must see tv at this point. I look around for someone to help me but instead they just smile and laugh. I hear the buzzer turn on and I quickly turn around.

"Woah woah woah, do you know how to use one of those things" I question as she smirks at me.

"I'll figure it out" she defends.

"Can we not figure it out on my head" I beg.

"Nope" she smiles.

I feel hands on me and see my friends holding me down. The buzzing sound gets louder and louder until I feel it against my head. I see a bunch of hairs fall into my lap as I let out a gasp.

"Oh my god" Kelsey giggles.

"Oh my god, I can't believe you just did that" I laugh as I reach up and feel the bald spot on my head.

"Well, there's no going back now" she insists.

"Yeah, thanks to you" I accuse.

"Well I can't just stop now" she claims.

"Will someone please get those things away from her" I beg as she goes for my head again.

"Sit still" Jon demands.

"Yeah, stop being a baby" Jake adds on.

"I'm sorry that my girlfriend attacking me with clippers scares me" I scoff.

"If you would just sit still then we would have been done by now" Kelsey claims.

I finally let her finish shaving my head and as much as I hate to admit it, she did a good job. I kinda dig the buzz cut look on me.

Kelsey gives me a kiss and I tell her good job before she joins the girl group on the sidelines who was also doing some fundraising of their own for the Cubs charities. I clean up all the extra hairs before joining a few of the news people who were here covering the event. They ask for a few words and with this being a cancer event I happily oblige.

"Well that was a nice surprise" someone mentions and I just laugh.

"Aren't "nice surprises" supposed to be good" I tease.

"It was nice for us. Did you not expect your girlfriend to cut your hair" they wonder and I just shake my head.

"Not at all. I mean I trust her more than I trust anyone. She's just never done that before but I'm happy to be her first client. I think she did a wonderful job" I admit as I run my hands over my head.

"Are you happy she made it into camp" another wonders. I turn and look at her talking with the other girls and I just smile. I couldn't help it, she has that affect on me.

"From the moment she got here I've felt like myself again. She makes me a better person, on the field and off of it. She supports me as a player then she does stuff like what she did today where she surprised me in the best ways possible. I'm lucky to have a girl like her who still wants to do what she loves and continue to work but also knows when it's time for us to be together for a while" I explain.

"Not many famous athletes are in relationships with people who also work. Are you worried about that at all" someone wonders. But I just shake my head.

"I'm not worried one bit. I don't even notice other girls anymore, not even a second look. I know there isn't a women out there that is better for me than that woman. I've never thought about anyone else besides her since we met all that time ago. She's all I can think about and it sucks when she's away, I'm not going to lie about that. But she supports my dreams and I support hers. She's special, she has a gift and I would be extremely selfish to keep her to myself. So she inspires people the best way she knows and I try to do the same" I explain.

"That's pretty cool" a woman admits.

"I like to think so" I agree.

"So what does something like today mean to you to have your two worlds collide" someone wonders.

"There's no two worlds, just one. Everything I do is to try and help these kids with cancer and Kelsey has been nothing but helpful since the beginning. She has so many good ideas of ways to help the kids, I'm sure she was begging to get ahold of the clippers and to do this too. There is no two worlds colliding. We live as one and love as one, as simple as that" I insist.

When the Stars Align (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now