25| Settling Down

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And just like that this baseball season comes to a end. Many teams from around here were headed to the playoffs, but none of them were the Cubs. And while the season seems a bit lost, there was a lot of good in it. Anthony and his friends tried their best, and although we won't all be together again next season I'm happy we had the time we had together. I met such incredible people that I'll never ever forget, and for that I am thankful.

"So what happens now? Do you guys like... hibernate or something" I question as Anthony laughs at me.

"No. Most guys go home to train. Everyone has a dietician and a personal trainer of some sort. A little bit closer to baseball time we hit the cages and work on agility until training camp next year" he explains.

"Oh, so what are you doing" I wonder.

"I'm not sure yet. I wanted to talk to you first" he claims.

"You're 26 Anthony, you can make your own decisions" I remind him. I didn't want him to feel chained to me because I can't go anywhere.

"And I'm in a serious relationship with you and I want to be with you. I want to go home but not nearly as much as I want you here with me" he claims as he gets up off his couch. He grabs my waist and pulls me into him.

"I can't be what's keeping you here. There's people out there who really really need you baby. I know Chicago has become home to you, but you're a free spirit. You have friends all over the nation and there's so much out there for you that you can't find waiting around here for me" I insist as I cup his cheek. But he just shakes his head as he places his hand on the other side of mine.

"Those places don't have you, that's why I don't want to go there. I've met the best baseball players in the world and some cool famous people, but I would pick you over them any given day. I've had 26 years to fuck around and do what I want, I'm ready to settle down" he claims. His eyes go big once he realized what he said. "I mean... I'm ready to stay and continue to build our relationship" he corrects.

"You meant what you said, that's why you said it" I remind him.

"I did, but you don't really "settle down" in this lifestyle I live. Right now, for me, settling down means me staying here when I can be elsewhere. Maybe you moving in..." he trails off.

"Moving in? Anthony that is a huge deal" I insist.

"I know, I know, but I've given it some thought. This way Tatiana and Isaiah can share a room and your dad doesn't have to sleep on the couch, he can have Isaiah's bed. And you can still help out, cook and clean and help pay, but I can take care of you so you can take of them" he explains.

"I wish it was that simple, but what if something happens and I'm not there to help" I question.

"You can't keep carrying the weight of your family on your shoulders. Tati wants to go to Cali next year and you won't be there to help her. Trevor can more than afford a place of his own but he's staying to help out. And your dad is the wisest guy I know, they'll be fine" he claims.

"I don't want them to be fine, I want them to be happy. They already lost mom, I don't want them to lose me too" I defend.

"They can't lose you. You're the sky and the sky is always there. But you're not going going to live with them forever. As hard as it is to picture a future without them in it, it'll happen. You'll always be a huge part of that family and you'll always be your mother's daughter. Nothing changes that. But if you're serious about being with me than be with me" he begs.

"I... I'm not sure. I'm gonna need some time to think about this. I'm sorry" I sigh as I let my head fall.

"Hey, don't beat yourself up about this. I'm sticking around so I got all the time in the world. You think it over and let me know, just know that I'll always be here for you with open arms. I'll buy you your own set of the soft towels you use every time you're here and I'll even buy stuff to cook with" he teases and I smile.

"So you just wanted a chef" I joke.

"No. I want the girl who can cook like nobody's business, who can sing like a Disney Princess, who can name off stars like Galileo, who is sexier than a Victoria secret model, and is more thoughtful than MLK" he says as he pulls me closer to him. His face just centimeters from mine as he stares into my eyes.

"I do like sleeping with you" I smirk and he smiles.

"Is it because I'm like a big cuddly teddy bear" he wonders and I giggle.

"That and the fact that you make me feel safe. I know that as long as you have your arms around me I'll be okay, I'll be more than okay" I explain.

"That's why I think we should settle down now while we can" he says.

"I know, but there's so much coming up I don't know if I'm ready yet. I've never been in a serious relationship before, I don't know what I'm doing. I'm not like my dad and can just listen to my heart and know what to do. Because my heart is telling me to throw it all away just to be with you and I know that's not right. Sometimes the brain is more logical and you have to listen to it" I sigh.

"I don't want you to have to change to be with me. I don't want you to quit your job because you don't need it anymore. I don't want you to ghost your family to be with me. I just want to build our life together, here, just like I dreamed we would" he explains.

"And we will. I don't know if it's going to be now or later, but we will. I know we're gonna last and I know sooner or later I'll move in. I just have to make sure I'm not doing something that puts everything I worked my ass off for on the line. Especially when it comes to my family. If I change addresses again that is very high risk stuff. I got away with it for work but the bank will catch on quicker if I change it again. I just gotta be careful I don't mess something up because I'm blinded by love" I defend.

"I get it, I really do. And I didn't expect you to move in right now. Just... think about it" he suggest.

"I will. And in the mean time I think I have an extra pair of clothes to stay one more night" I smirk.

"Oh really" he asks using his deep voice he knows I love.

"Yes really" I mimic mocking his voice.

"Then why don't we go jump in the shower" he suggest and I smile.

"I would love to."

When the Stars Align (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now