29|Mini Me

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My whole life my family has meant everything to me. They supported me and I supported them. I was there when Isaiah had a nightmare and wanted to sleep in my room with me. They were there when I broke my arm playing soccer in high school. Through all the ups and downs my family was right there next to me. They mean the world to me and they always will.

But things change, we lost mom and dad hasn't been the same since. I haven't seen a real smile from him in over a year and I don't think I ever will again. Trevor wants so desperately to get out of town and take Isaiah with him. They can't stand being here without mom, it doesn't feel right. Trevor can work anywhere he wants to, he's a logger, and Isaiah wants to go to Florida and play baseball like Anthony did. He wants to go to the baseball programs there and grow up to be just like him. And Tatiana is about to go to college in California at the beginning of next year. She's going to go off and do bigger and better things.

As for me, my family is still my number one. But Anthony is a part of my family too. He picks Isaiah up from school if Tatiana is staying to do some club stuff and I'm at work. He hangs out with my dad without me even knowing most times. He's quickly become everything to me and I don't think that's a bad thing. I'm 26, I was bound to fall in love some time. And luckily for me I fell in love with this goofy man who is lead by his heart more times than not. His intentions are always pure and he is willing to change a lot for me. It is only right if I do the same for him.

So I take off of work today and go over to his place. The person down stairs opens up the elevators so I can go up and see him. I knock on his door a few times and he eventually answers it in nothing but his underwear.

"Hey babe" he starts as he pulls me into a kiss. "We aren't going to the hospital for a few more hours. They're still setting up the Halloween party decorations" he insists.

"I know. I wanted to talk, just you and me" I say.

"Oh no, what did I do" he asks and I smile.

"Nothing. You're not in trouble. I just wanted to tell you that I've made my decision" I say.

"Awesome! Decision on what exactly" he wonders.

"About moving in with you" I say and suddenly he was more awake.

"I thought you already decided you weren't going to" he admits.

"No. I said I needed more time to think about it. And I did" I explain.

"So... that means you are moving in" he wonders.

"If you still want me to" I insist.

"If I still want you too, listen to yourself! Of course I want you here with me. I want you all the time and I promise that will never change" he assures me.

"Then it looks like I'm moving in" I smile.

"Are sure this is what you want? I won't be upset if you still want to be with your family" he says.

"I do want to be with my family, but I want to be with you more. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and I want to spend every day loving you as much as I can. And I know that this doesn't change who we are as a couple, I'm not scared of what would happen if we were no longer together. I don't think that I would ever be able to live without you. I'm ready to be stuck with you until you go off for baseball again" I insist.

"Well most of your stuff is already here so why don't you come in and we celebrate this crowning moment in our relationship" he suggests.

"You just want to have sex" I accuse and he smiles.

"You are correct" he agrees.

"Alright, fine. But then we have to pick up the rest of my stuff because we need to get ready for tonight and our costumes are going to take a while" I insist.

"Deal" he cheers. He reaches over and picks me up before bringing me inside his apartment. He takes me straight to the bed before setting me down on my back. He moves a piece of hair out of my face and I smile up at him.

"I love you, so much" I remind him and he smiles back.

"To the moon and back" he promises.

By 4 o' clock my stuff was all moved into his place and Isaiah was already all over my bed, much to Tatiana's dismay. But when she goes off to college and has to have a roommate she will be more than prepared.

We get changed into our Halloween costumes which I quite enjoyed. I was Meg and he was Hercules and I thought we looked the part. I make him take a million pictures because no one will believe me when I said this is how we spend our first Halloween together. Once we were satisfied with our costumes we head to the children's hospital to hang out with them.

"Oh look! They're playing just dance" I cheer as I see a bunch of the kids all dressed up dancing in front of a screen in the play area.

"Oh no, we're not dancing. Not when I look like this" he insists as he motions to his costume that barley reaches his knees.

"Come on! You're not Anthony Rizzo, starting first baseball for the Chicago Cubs right now. You're Tony, these kids' friend who plays with them even though they can't go out and play" I remind him.

"I hate when you use good morals against me" he mumbles as I pull him to the game.

"You'll be fine" I assure him.

We play just dance for a few songs before they switch it over to Mario kart, much to Anthony's pleasure. I let him be with the kids because in a lot of ways he's just a large kid. I find some of the other kids to hang out with and we carve fake pumpkins. Halloween was never really a holiday I looked forward to but I thought this was great. The kids got to be kids and I got to be a part of it.

I find a little girl dressed in a Anthony rizzo uniform and I go sit with her. She had some Halloween candy and was looking through what she collected.

"I have to say, you have a pretty convincing costume on" I admit and her eyes light up.

"Really" she gasps.

"Yeah. I see Anthony every day he's in Chicago and you look just like him" I assure her and she smiles.

"He's my hero" she explains.

"Yeah, he's mine too" I admit.

"Are you his girlfriend" she wonders and I nod.

"I am. Would you like to go talk with him" I question.

"More than anything" she insists.

So I pick her up and take her to Anthony. Once he sees her in his uniform and her hair done like his he smiles so big.

"Woah, Kels did you bring me a mirror" he jokes as the little girl giggles in my arms. "Who might you be" Anthony asks.

"Jennifer" she says and he smiles.

"Well Jennifer, you might have just won the costume contest for most handsome" he claims and I roll my eyes. This man never does take a break.

"Your girlfriend says I look just like you" she cheers.

"Like many times before my girlfriend is right" he claims and I shake my head.

"Are you guys going to get married" she asks and my eyes go big. He just smiles over at me as he nods his head.

"Yeah, yeah we are."

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