47| We'll Be Okay

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After Kelsey's dad was gone her and her family had to still keep moving forward. They talked to him every day and sent each other pictures and Skyped as much as possible. It wasn't the same without him here but it's still nice to be able to hear his accent and laugh. He still had this big smile on his face as he listened to Kelsey go on and on about life here in Chicago. He showed us a few of their family members he wasn't able to reach and his place in Rio. It's hard to believe that he left such a beautiful place, but once you look around it's not that hard to see.

And it's been going pretty well in his absence. Since the whole documentation situation got cleared up Trevor got a new job. Since he was the primary care taker for Isaiah he quit his logging job and took over Antonio's house care business. Being in Chicago a lot of people needed their driveway shoveled or some type of lawn care need so he stayed in the neighborhood and continued to help people with their house. He did that on top of going to his new job with Isaiah's high school being a aid with kids with disabilities. Tatiana used her new found documentation to file for scholarships so she can do stuff other than worry about student debt once she gets into college. They were basically throwing money at her which she didn't mind. But she didn't know what to do with all of it either. And Isaiah was going pretty well himself. Although football is over and baseball hasn't started yet he was still in good shape. He gradually made his way back to school and he just needs to be careful with his lungs in the mean time. But the doctors think he is going to be fully recovered with plenty of time before baseball season starts. For now he could just go to school then come back home. So until he fully recovers that's going to have to do.

As for Kelsey, well she's doing just fine. She's killing it at her job and she's got her office back in order after we destroyed it looking for those papers. She doesn't like living without her parents around but she was doing a pretty good job of it. Luckily for her she had a lot to keep her busy.

"Whatcha doin" I ask as I find her in the office area. She was siting at the desk in front of her laptop just staring at it. It had a blank slide and nothing else on it.

"I'm staring at this stupid slide and wondering why it's not giving me any ideas" she claims.

"I thought you already planned a new tour and show for the summer. What more do you need to do" I ask.

"Since I'll be with you for part of spring training I gotta make sure I do my part in my absence. Give them ideas of constellations to follow or galaxies to explore. Let them know what to do and how to do them. But I can't explain why the sky speaks to me and how to speak back to it. I can't trash this passion I have for all the wonders of the sky. How do I put that into a power points" she asks me.

"You don't, you can't. That's love and there's no words that can say it or ways you can tell it. It's just who you are" I insist.

"Then what am I supposed to do" she asks.

"How did you get me to fall in love with the stars" I wonder.

"Are you saying that I should have sex with everyone" she smirks and I shake my head.

"No no no. I mean open their eyes then open their hearts. When you talk people listen, what you say is always interesting and always true. People can pick up on your little voice cracks when you get excited or how softly you talk when you say something really important so people have to listen. You know what to do, you just gotta follow your heart" I insist. I softly kiss her neck and she starts to moan.

"You're being more of a distraction than a help right now" she claims.

"Alright, alright, I'll leave you be" I promise.

"Wait" she says as she grabs my hand. "We're okay, right" she wonders and I look at her weird.

"Yeah, of course. Why wouldn't we be" I question.

"I don't know. Everything's been so crazy and I kinda turned down your proposal but we've never really talked about it. I just wanted to make sure we were going to be okay" she explains.

"We're going to be great" I say as I walk back over to her. I pull her up and into my arms and she wraps her arms around me. I press her face into my chest as I hold her as tight as I possibly could. She was trying so hard to be what everyone needed her to be. So hard. And I wanted to help her but there's so much that needs to be touched upon. I never know what that complex mind of her makes up. But I can be here for her and I can assure her that nothing that happens to us can be stronger than our love.

"I'm sorry for what's happened. I wish it would all end" she whispers into my chest.

"I don't want you apologizing for any of this. It hasn't been easy but at the end of the day you're coming to bed with me and that's all I care about. I know you want to marry me, I know you only said no because you want to do it right and it be for the right reasons. I get that. Just so long as you know that I love you more than anything on this earth, we'll be okay" I promise.

"Then we'll be okay" she smiles.

When the Stars Align (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now