61| Moving Pieces

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While life has taken a lot of twists and turns recently, it's all been good things. Everything happens for a reason, and this has been the best reasons I've ever had. But it's been hard keeping up with all the pregnancy stuff like trying to make sure I get all the dietary stuff I need and now we're moving on top of that. It's been a lot to handle and it doesn't look like it's going to slow down anytime soon.

And today was going to be one of the hardest days I'll have to endure this summer. Today we were sending my sister off to college so she can get settled in and know her way around campus. Her summer classes start in May but since she's so far away she was given some time to settle in. And as much as I would love to go to Cali and help her set up the dorm room and see where she's going to be living for the next four years, we have so much to do here. No one really knows about moving and besides my dad no and one knew about the baby. But I'm three months along so we decided that it was time to tell at least our families.

So we gather Anthony's family and mine in our apartment. We have a going away party for Tati as she leaves tonight to fly out to Cali and meet her friends she has down there. Trevor was going to drive up with the rest of her stuff later on this week but she'll be fine for now. We have drinks and snacks and try to act as normal as we can. Once everyone got here we decide to break the news.

"Can I have everyone's attention" Anthony asks as he gathers everyone around. He wraps his arm around my side and I wrap my arm around him too.

Everyone comes over and waits in anticipation to see what he's going to say next. Isaiah brings Halley over with him and sits down in front of us as everyone surrounds them. I look around and smile big ready for this cool moment in life.

"While we are here to celebrate Tatiana and her leaving to start a new life in college, there's something that we want to tell you. This is also a going away party for us. This is probably the last time we will have something like this here in this apartment" Anthony explains.

"Where are you guys going" Laurie wonders.

"We bought a house" Anthony announces and we get some cheers for that. It wasn't huge news but still news.

"That's awesome! Why are you guys wanting to settle down in a house now" Trevor wonders.

"Well with Halley getting so big and the house being closer to the field it just works. Oh, and this way we have more room for when the baby gets here" he says.

The room falls dead silent as everyone turns to me. All eyes were on my stomach as they all try to see if this is one of Anthony's little games or if this was for real or not.

"Cici, are you pregnant" Tati gasps and I smile. I lift my shirt to show off my growing baby bump. A round of gasps sound as everyone runs over to where I am.

"Seriously" Laurie squeals and I nod.

"Yup. I just had my three month checkup and we're doing good. The baby is due at the beginning of October" I explain.

"This is the best day of my life" Laurie claims and Anthony gasps beside me. "Oh hush, you know I love you" she says as she playfully pushes him.

"I can't believe you guys are pregnant. Now I really don't want to leave" Tati insists.

"I'm not having this baby unless you're here. When it's time I'll make sure you're back so you can meet you little niece or nephew. I'm not doing this without you" I promise.

"Does dad know" Trevor wonders and I nod.

"We told him yesterday" I smile.

"So this is real, this is actually that is happening" he questions and I laugh.

"I wouldn't lie about this" I assure him.

"My god. My little sister is pregnant. I'm gonna cry" he claims and he wraps his arms around me. I roll my eyes as he squeezes me tight. He might give me a hard time and joke around a lot but the bottom line is he loves me. He still looks after me even though I'm older he still cares for me like a younger sister.

"Don't get soft on me now" I joke.

"I'll try my best but if you have another girl I'm going to lose it for so many different reasons" he assures me.

"That's my big strong brother" I laugh.

After everyone calms down and all the questions that we knew the answer to were answered we decide to take them to the house and show them what we had so far. Tati won't see it again until the baby's about to be here and I would love some input about what to put in there. We had some work to do but it shouldn't be too long before this house was as beautiful in the inside as it is on the out. So we show them where the house is and what is done. We end up in the back yard and Isaiah plays with Halley because of course he does. I sit and watch ready for this next chapter of my life to come.

"Remember when you and Anthony first started dating and you wouldn't let him in" my sister asks as she sits next to me on the porch. She hands me a lemonade and I thank her.

"Yeah. I was so scared that he just thought I was pretty and that all the other stuff that comes along with me would drive him away" I remember.

"And now look at you guys. You got this beautiful house, a cute little dog, you're about to have a baby, you got a promotion and Anthony is about to do another season in the bigs. This is the kind of life couples dream about" she insists.

"And the only thing that would make it better is if you could stay to enjoy it with me. I'm gonna miss bothering you all the time" I smirk.

"I'm gonna miss you too" she smiles. I lean my head on her shoulder and we watch our growing family play around in the backyard. I let out a long sigh once I realized that so much is about to change.

"You're not going to forget about me, right" I ask my sister.

"Please. I'm telling everyone I possibly can about my older sister who is the strongest person I know. And besides me the smartest" she teases.

"Alright, fair enough" I admit.

"I won't even have to mention that you're dating a famous guy. You're so cool without that label" she claims.

"Are you sucking up because you need money" I question and she gasps loudly.

"I am hurt you would even ask that. And I need $20 for food at the airport" she admits. I laugh as I pulls 20 out of my purse and hand it to her.

"Spend it wisely" I warn.

"I will" she promises.

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