71| Superhero

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As the summer continues to roll by I try to do things as normal as possible. That's easier said that done when there's a human growing inside of you, but people usually let me off the hook because there is. And while this was a great excuse to have people buy me doughnuts and to not do laundry, there's many things I still want to do that I would normally do, like help Anthony out at the children's hospital.

So we pack up a bag that should hold us over for a few hours and head on over to the hospital. We get our badges and decide to check up on the kids we often times visit. Although a lot of the kids I've grown fond of have gotten better and moved out, some of them haven't. Some of them are still here, some of them are gone and I won't see them around here ever again. But all of them have a giant piece of my heart.

"Can you imagine hearing the words your child has cancer" I ask Anthony as we walk around the hospital. There was a little down time with it being the kids' lunch time and we decide to chill in the hallway until they were ready to play again.

"No. My heart hurts just thinking about that. I hate having to even think about the idea of our kid being sick and there's nothing I can do about it. I don't know what I would do if I had to watch my baby girl go though this. When it's you going through this it's one thing, it's a whole another thing when it's someone you love. The hurt in these kids eye, it's awful. But to look in the parents eyes and talk about the chances of them losing their kid to something they can't help, well that's something more painful than anything I've ever known. They're not sick but they would rather it be them than their baby. To know your child is sick and is suffering, well I imagine that to be a horrible feeling. As a parent there's nothing you can do" he explains.

"What would you do if our little girl got sick" I wonder.

"I would fight like hell" he admits.

"And what happens if it's not enough" I wonder. He just sits there as he stares off into space. The thinks real hard and long about it until a tear comes into his eye. I feel awful for saying this stuff, but this is some people's reality. They don't want to hear it either but they don't have a choice. We can't prevent our child from getting sick like this, it sucks but we just can't. And that's what these families are going through right now, that's why it's important to have people like Anthony who have such a big heart and want to ease the pain.

"The scariest thing about becoming a dad is telling my little girl that there's somethings I can't do. Most kids think their father is a superhero, I want her to think that I will always have her and I won't let anything hurt her. But I can't always do that. There's so many dads in here promising their kids the world and all they'll remember is the world inside this hospital. I don't want that for my kid. Being in here as a part of the foundation is great, but to be here as a dad would be the worst thing I could ever think of" he admits.

"Well then I guess it's a good thing that you're such a good guy. Because even though you being here doesn't make the kids any healthier it puts the biggest smile on their face. And the dads get just as excited to see you and to see their kids happy again. Even if it's just for a little while" I say.

"I'm not that special" he claims and I scoff.

"You're amazing. No one in the sports world is doing what you're doing for these kids. All you want to do is make them happy. You want to take away that pain you felt when you were sick too. And you can't change their illness but you can take away some of the pain. And no one does it like you do" I explain.

"I can't cure cancer" he insists.

"You can't. There's a lot of things we can't do, but there's more that we can. No one is making you be here today. This was a choice you make over and over again not because you have to but because you want to. You're special Anthony, anyone can tell you that. But these people whose lives you touched even more so. I feel like a criminal because I get to experience your love every day and it seems like there should be a catch to you. But there isn't, You're so wonderful and the people in here know it just as well as anyone" I insist.

"I wouldn't be able to do this without you. You're my most favorite person in this world and you make this place so much brighter. The kids always ask for you and they can't wait for you to teach them about the stars. You let them dream and see things beyond their wildest imagination. Plus you're super pretty and everyone adores you" he insists.

"I'm happy I get to do good stuff like this with you. I know it can get heavy and sometimes being here isn't easy. You meet so many incredible kids and you'll never know if it'll be the last time you see them. But at least while you're here they can have some fun, see the good in this world" I smile.

"This foundation means the world to me. All I want is to help these families because they've already been through so much. I can't think of a better person to do this with" he claims.

"I hope our baby turns out to have a heart like yours. We need more people like you in the world" I insist.

"I don't think you can handle two of me" he insists.

"I can't, but one of you is just perfect" I say as I cup his cheeks. I pull him down into a quick kiss before her grabs my side. He rests his forehead on mine as he closes his eyes. I watch him and I could feel my heart beating hard. Even after all this time she still makes me nervous.

"Thanks for being here with me" I say softly. My fingers getting tangled in her hair as I embrace her.

"Thanks for being my rock" I smirk.

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