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November 23rd 2o21

Rio de Janerio, Brazil

7:30 am

Ever since my dad moved back home we come to Brazil for a few weeks in the winter and spent time with him and my family that's here. After we got married in 2016 we honeymooned here and now we bring our kids with us to have some grandpa time. Plus Anthony isn't working and as much as I love Chicago, it's nice to come here where it's hot and I can enjoy the warmth instead of being stuck at a baseball game.

Elissa is six now and she's such a warm hearted little girl. She always asks about grandma and she even looks like her too. She's so bright when it comes to learning about the world around her and loves her daddy so much. Those two are inseparable at times and I wouldn't want to have it any other way. I love being her mom and she took after me being the oldest kid and always looking out for her siblings. I couldn't have asked for a better first kid to grow old with.

Seven months after Anthony and I got married we had our second child, another perfect baby girl who was a spitting image of her father. Little Caroline May is my tough girl, the Tom boy of the crew for sure. She's just four years old but already on a elite t-ball league and never comes home with her uniform clean. But she's a little mommy's girl and always helps out in the kitchen or follows me around at work. Asking me questions about the sky and why things are the way they are. I'm sure this world is going to crush her innocent soul but I'm going to enjoy this bliss she is trapped in right now.

Not too long after her came our third girl. Anthony claims he must be doing something right for he loved me and our little girls. Little Josie was born on Christmas in 2019 and she truly was a gift. They didn't think that she would make it for she was born with her heart on the outside of her body. But she fought like hell, she was stronger than all of us and she was born. She got surgery and we're lucky to have her here with us today. While that was the most stressful and the hardest time of my life, the love of my family got me through. My dad was there for all three births and didn't leave until he knew he could leave us.

Then just this year we finally adopted a kid, a little boy from Lagos. He was a part of the child trafficking system and we went out there to get him and bring him home. He's only baby, just 7 months old. But we love him with all our hearts. He might not look like me or Anthony but he was our baby, no one could tell me any different. Christian Michael Rizzo was a huge part of this family and I loved him with all my heart.

"Are we there yet" Elissa asks for the millionth time as we continue to drive through Brazil. It was way too early to be doing this already but luckily for me we were almost there.

"We're almost there baby, a few more minutes" I promise.

"Mommy can I show Christian around" Caroline wonders and I smile. She was so protective over him it was honestly adorable. She loved him so much and she's adopted him too.

"Of course, just be careful baby" I beg.

Once we arrive at the house everyone spreads out. Elissa goes straight to the pool and Caroline takes Christian next doors to grandpas house. I keep Josie with me because I'm admittedly and rightfully over protective of her. Even though she's good now I don't like to let her out of my sights so the toddler hangs out with mom and dad as we get everyone settled in.

"Where is my wife" Antony yells out and I smile to myself. I find him where I imagined he would be and that would be in the living room. I find him laying on the couch and I just shake my head.

"What do you want this time" I ask him.

"I want to cuddle" he claims.

"But we just got here" I say.

"And I haven't been able to cuddle with you since we left last night so come over here and let me hold you" he demands.

"Why do you take your cuddling so seriously" I ask as I walk into his embrace. He pulls me right into his chest as he wraps his arms around me. He nuzzles his face into my neck and I couldn't help but smile.

"Because I love the way I feel when you're in my arms. I love the scent of your perfume and how it dances around in my head. I love knowing that you're the best girl out there and you're here with me, no one else. I guess the real reason is because there's every reason to want to be with you. And I always do" he promises.

"I'm so happy I married you" I insist as he chuckles at me.

"That makes two of us" he agrees.

"But we should probably go check on the kids at my dads house. If we leave them there too long they're never coming back" I insist.

"Okay. But I want to hang out with you for a little while longer. I never get to just be with you" he reminds me.

"Joise's here" I remind him.

"Okay but she's asleep in her room. And even when we're in bed someone always ends up there with us. So I just want to be worn you, even if it's for a little" he claims.

I roll over so I was facing him. I pull him into a soft kiss that lasts longer than most do. When we break apart I keep my eyes closed as I try to remember this moment. This little moment where not much is happening or changing, yet I felt so powerful.

"I love you so much" I whisper.

"To the moon and back" he promises.

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