64| Big Brother Is Watching

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With it being the middle of May there was a lot of exciting thing ahead of us. We can find out the gender of the baby this month and soon it'll be the one month anniversary of Kelsey and I meeting and dating. Plus with schools getting out and Tatiana starting college it's starting to look like a jammed packed month. But I make sure I follow up on a promise I made.

So I drive over to a little baseball field not too far from Chicago. I find the side where Isaiah's high school baseball team was playing and I sit there. Trevor was off at work and so was Kelsey so it was just me here to watch him. But I wanted to spend some time with Isaiah since I haven't been able to do that a lot recently. After spring training I got back into the swing of things with my feet hitting the ground running. I haven't had any time to hang out with my favorite high schooler. But his high school team was in baseball season now and since he's been healthy for a while he's in the clear to play.

So I find him and happily find a spot to watch him play. I sign a few things for the people who asked and take pictures before they let me be. I finally kick my feet up and watch baseball instead of being a part of it. I've been trying to get out here to see him play for a while now, it just hasn't worked out that well. But I finally found some time to see what Isaiah has been doing and see just how good he is.

As I watch him play I realize just how good this kid is. I knew he was but I've never seen him in action before. He was by far the best player on varsity, even as a sophomore. But he was mature in his play and he was smart. Being a short stop ain't easy, it's the hardest position player position in baseball and it takes a lot of talent and will to play there. He made it look a little too easy. Then he gets behind the plate and he looks like a high school version of Kris. While he wasn't that big in stature his game was huge and he made plays all over the infield. It won't be long before he gets some serious looks from scouts. I can see him following my path and graduating high school then going straight to the majors.

His team ends up winning pretty easily and he had himself a game. He was batting like .566 and went 3-4 today. He could play the long ball and the small ball game which is rare to find. Whoever ends up getting him will be lucky.

"Nice game little bro" I say as he walks over to me with his dirty baseball pants and his bag thrown over his shoulder. His eye black smudged but he defiantly looked the part.

"Thanks Tony, I'm really happy you could make it" he admits. His smile as big as I've ever seen it.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world" I insist.

"How do you think I did" he asks and I just smirk at him.

"You remind me a lot of myself when I was in high school. Though you're a bomb shortstop you can play anywhere on the infield and can hit from either side of the plate. You have a incredible eye for the ball and there's not a spot in the lineup I wouldn't put you in. I think you did pretty darn great" I admit.

"That means the world coming from you" he claims.

"How about we go pick up some ice cream then you can come chill at our place until your sister gets off work" I offer.

"Can I play with your dog" he asks and I just laugh.

"Yes, I'm sure Halley would love to play with you" I assure him.

So we stop off and pick up some ice cream for us and some for Kelsey and the baby. She was really into the cookie dough right now so I make sure to get enough to last her the night. We head back to the house and to the backyard to enjoy this beautiful May afternoon. I watch as Isaiah hurl balls for Halley to get. With such a arm like his it keeps her busy for quite a while.

"So what are your plans for the summer" I wonder.

"I'm not sure. Probably do some training. My junior year will probably be the last year I do football so senior year I can focus on baseball. But I'm not ready to hang my pads up quite yet. And I would love to see my Dad sometime this year, but I'm not getting my hopes up" he claims.

"Why not" I question.

"It's just not something that seems viable right now. Tatiana is gone and Trevor works so much just to make it by, there's no way we can go see our dad. Plus with the baby coming I don't think I want my sister going to Brazil. It just sucks, you know. I miss him" he shrugs.

"What if he comes here" I ask and he stops.

"My dad, back in the states" he questions.

"Yeah, he can stay here for like a week or so. He can see you play summer ball and come to a game. He'll be able to help Kelsey and I our with the pregnancy since he's already raised 4 great kids. Plus I kinda wanted him here anyway" I admit.

"For what" he wonders.

"For when I propose to your sister" I say. He drops the ball and his jaw at the same time as he turns to me.

"Excuse me, when you what now" he questions.

"Propose. We got the house and the kid and the only thing not in this equation right now is the ring" I explain.

"Are you sure about this" he asks and I laugh.

"I haven't been so sure of anything else in my life. Not even baseball makes more sense than her and I being together. And I know marriage doesn't mean as much to her as it does to most girls, but she does want to get married. She wants to create this beautiful life together and I do too" I explain.

"That's both beautiful and sickening at the same time" he claims making me smile.

"You'll understand when you get older and see just how good a good girl does for you" I promise.

"I don't need a girl. I just need baseball" he claims.

"Funny, I used to think that same thing. And now I would easily give up baseball for my girl" I admit.

"I can't believe you're saying this about my sister" he says.

"She's the best person I've ever known. You're a close second" I wink.

"When are you really getting my dad back here to propose" he questions. I know he doesn't want to get his hopes up but I don't break my promises.

"It's going to be soon, as soon as I get the plans figured out. He doesn't know about my plans yet, you're the first person to know about this and I haven't done anything yet. But before the baby gets here I'm gonna propose on top of this house like how she used to hang out with her mom. You all will be there and it's going to be perfect" I smile.

"I have to admit... you're pretty good at this stuff" he admits.

"I try" I wink.

When the Stars Align (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now