16| The Love We Share

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As a part of this community and my community back in Florida I do a lot of charity work. Through the Anthony Rizzo Family Foundation we raise money to help families with kids who have cancer pay for treatments and hospital bills and help with pediatric cancer research. Anything to help these kids get through something no kid deserves to go through.

This month we have one of the three charity events we run. Laugh-Off For Cancer was one night event where fans can come hang out with the players and there's stand up comedy hour and karaoke and the players serve drinks all around. I always had fun at these things and it's for a great cause so a lot of people usually join in. All the proceeds go straight to the children's hospital and helps families in need.

So we head over to a hotel ballroom in downtown Chicago I got rented out. My parents help me set up and get things going. Kelsey and her family was coming and they even paid to come so the money could go to a good cause. But I haven't got to see my beloved girlfriend just yet, I had to make sure everyone knew where to be and when before I could sit back and relax.

"Alright, I think everyone who needs to be back stage is there" my dad explains and I nod.

"Perfect, now I'm gonna go find my girlfriend. I'm sure she's looking for me out there" I insist.

"Son, wait" he calls out and I stop. I turn back around to see eye to eye with him. He had a somber look to him and I knew something wasn't right.

"What is it" I wonder.

"Doesn't being with someone who isn't supposed to be here, legally, bother you" he asks and I freeze. I furrow my eyebrow and step closer so someone didn't overhear us.

"What do you mean? She was born in Chicago, if she doesn't belong here then where does she belong" I question kinda over this conversation already.

"That's not what I mean. I mean aren't you afraid she's going to get found out and that's going to hurt your image? If people find out that you're with someone like her that can really hurt you and the events like this that you put on" he insists.

"That is an awful awful opinion you have there. Love knows no boundaries, their story is so beautiful and hopeful and if anyone takes anything else out of it then that's their problem. If mom was in the same  situation you would still love her, you would fight for her because you know that where you come from isn't as important as where you're going. And I'm going to fight anyone that gets in my way of showing that girl how much I love her every chance I get, even if it's you" I assure him.

"I love her. I think she's a incredible girl and I think you guys are perfect for each other. I would love one day for her to be a part of this family. But baseball won't always be there for you and if you lose it over this..." he trails off.

"I'll still have what matters most, and that's her. Baseball is great, but it isn't her. I get there's risks, but what's a love without a risk" I ask.

"What if her dad gets found out? Then you're the guy with a girlfriend who has a illegal dad. There are plenty of people here in Chicago and Florida who will have something not so nice to say about that. That's the kind of stuff that doesn't sit well with front offices and fan bases. You've created something amazing here with your foundation, is that worth losing too" he questions.

I see my dad stop looking at me and look past me. His eyes get big as he steps back a little. I turn around and see Kelsey there in a beautiful red dress standing absolutely still. She had tears in her beautiful blue eyes and my chest tightens. She was so worried that my parents wouldn't accept her and I promised her that they would, because I thought they did. But apparently I was wrong.

"Kelsey..." I try and her head falls as she looks at the ground. She does a little sniffle and I walk over to her. "Baby, let me explain" I beg.

"I know you love me Anthony. And I love you more than I love the stars in the sky. Every single day I think about what would happen if I were found out and how that would affect you. And for a while I tried to push you away so you would never have to chose between me and your life. I don't want to hurt you but I don't want to leave you either. But if me being with you is a problem then..." she starts.

"No no no, look at me" I beg as I pull her chin up. I see her glassy blue eyes and wipe away a tear. "Those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. The people in baseball knows how this goes, most of the kids coming up are from Puerto Rico and Venezuela and places out of country and they come here to chase dreams. And they should be able to do that here and so should you. The people who need to know that you belong here do, or they will. If I thought that this would end up with both of us hurt then I would have cut this off a long time ago. But I didn't because I believe in us, but I need you by my side because I'm so much stronger when you're here with me" I insist.

"I'm not going to leave you. I promise" she smirks and I smile.

"Good. Now let me talk to my dad for a second then we can go out and get the show started" I say and she nods.

I turn to my dad who was standing like a little kid who just got caught drawing on the walls. I stop in front of him and he couldn't look me in the eye. He knew I was upset with him, but I didn't want to be.

"We started this foundation to help people who can't help themselves. To aid good people in being able to continue doing good. So why is it different with Kelsey and her family? Why shouldn't we be allies to them" I question.

"I don't know" he says softly.

"You know how important family is and how important caring for thy neighbor is. This is no different than helping those kids who were handed problems that weren't theirs and being expected to fix it. Now I'm going to continue to live my life with her and her family, with it without you. Which is it" I ask. He looks back up at me and he gives a innocent smile.

"With" he replies and I nod.

"That's what I thought. Now let's go help some kids who need treatment" I insist.

We walk over to Kelsey who was standing there waiting for me. My dad walks away from me and over to her and I let him go. I know he just wants to look out for me and I believe that he does like Kelsey. You have to be an idiot not to. He just forgets that even though we live in this society it doesn't mean we have to believe what everyone else does. Just because situations are different, it doesn't make them bad. Just different.

"Listen... I'm sorry for what I said. I know you and your family are good people, the last thing I would ever want is for you guys to leave. I've never seen my son so happy in his life and it's easy to see why. I'm just tryin to protect him" my dad explains. Kelsey doesn't say anything but wraps her arms around him. She pulls him into a big hug and he is taken back at first. But eventually a smile comes on his face as he hugs her back. He rests his head on her head and I knew that we were all going to be okay.

"It's okay John. I get it. Just know that the love we share should be stronger than the fears we have" she says.

"I know that now" he assures her.

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