76| Cherish You

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Life isn't always perfect. It's always worth it, never taken a moment for granted, but sometimes life catches up with us. Kelsey can get over worked so she's always tired or doesn't feel like doing much. She gets upset when she can't get her shoes on because her ankles are so swollen or when I forget to put the toilet seat down. And she's not really upset, she doesn't like to worry about the little stuff. She always says "if it's not hurting someone then it shouldn't really matter" but being pregnant doesn't really let you think like that. So to help her relax I decide to make a little spa day in the house. Draw her a bath and give her a massage. Order in a nice dinner because if I make it it won't be that nice. Then we can watch a romcom and drink sparkling juice and eat ice cream. Just give her a day to relax and take care of herself for once instead of worrying about everyone else.

Since I had no baseball obligations today I wake up early for once. I find the nice robe I got for her that was the softest one I can find and lay it next to her in bed. I go to our bathroom and start the water. I make sure it's hot but not too hot for her to go in. I drop in a bath bomb and light the candles and play the music so the scene was set. Now all I needed was my beautiful girlfriend.

A few minutes after I finish getting ready the door opens and I see Kelsey there in the robe. She must have gotten my note to change and be ready to be pampered. Her hair in a messy bun on top of her head and a soft smile on her face. I was sitting on the edge of the tub and I call her over by patting my lap. She comes over and sits down and I smile up at her.

"Good morning beautiful" I start.

"Good morning Tony. What's all this about" she wonders.

"It's about the fact that you work so hard and you never get a break and I want to show you that you are appreciated and loved. I know you have it tough still working and making a baby and trying to keep up with me. I'm a handful myself more times than not but you always walk through life with a smile on your face. You never complain about how hard it is or that you're not happy. You keep going every single day making everyone around you happy. And now it's my turn to go out of my way to make you happy" I explain.

"I don't want your one day away from baseball be spent doing stuff for me. I'm your girlfriend and your child's mom, I love doing all this stuff I do. Even if it's exhausting some times" she admits.

"And I wanted to do this for you. I've had it planned for a while and I want to make you feel as good as you make me feel" I insist.

She places a soft kiss on my lips and I hold her face. She kisses my forehead before standing up off my lap. She sheds the robe and I help her into the tub. I turn the music up as I join her.

"All I am, all I'll be
Everything in this world, all that I'll ever need
Is in your eyes, shining at me
When you smile I can feel all my passion unfolding

Your hand brushes mine
And a thousand sensations seduce me 'cause I

I do, cherish you
For the rest of my life
You don't have to think twice
I will, love you still, from the depths of my soul."

I rest my hands on her growing baby belly and she rests her hands on top of mine. She laces her fingers through mine causing me to smile to myself. My chin rests on her shoulder as she softly sings along. I smile big because I'm so happy I was able to do this. She deserves a day like this and from the bottom of my heart I've been wanting to do this for the longest time. She deserves the world, and I can't give her that. But I can give her my world so that's going to have to be good enough.

"It's beyond my control
I've waited so long to say this to you
If you're asking do I love you this much, I do

In my world before you
I lived outside my emotions
Didn't know where I was going
Until that day I found you
How you opened my life to a new paradise

In a world torn by change
Still with all of my heart, until my dying day

I do, cherish you
For the rest of my life
You don't have to think twice
I will, love you still, from the depths of my soul."

"Thank you for this, Anthony" she says and I just shake my head.

"You don't have to thank me. Because if that's the case I have a lot to thank you for. I'm just doing what I wanted to do for you because you deserve it. You're a gift to me and I want to cherish you as much as I can. Every chance that I can. And this is my chance" I say.

"Why are you so amazing" she asks.

"For you" I admit.

"It's beyond my control
I've waited so long to say this to you
If you're asking do I love you this much, yes I do

I've waited so long to say this to you
So, if you're asking if I love you this much, I do
Oh, I do."

I softly kiss her shoulder and she brings her hand up to cup my cheek. She turns around so she can give me a real kiss.

"I love you so much" she whispers as she stares into my eyes. Not that I ever doubted but I could tell she meant it. I can tell she was telling me not because she felt like she needed to but because in this moment it was all she could say.

"I love you too the moon and back" I smile.

When the Stars Align (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now