57| A Toast

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Once I get settled in Arizona I can finally meet some of the guys and their girls who were here. I wanted to be a part of this organization, it's a honor to be. I had so much fun last year and they treat us all so nicely. I was happy to be back here and see the old faces and the smiling new ones. It seems like I was the only one who was in a serious relationship with a player and not here with their guy. But I finally made it and I was excited to meet everyone, especially Anthony's new buddy Kris who was apparently dying to meet me.

So I pull on a Cubs tank top and a pair of jean shorts. I pull my long hair up into a pony tail and apply extra deodorant. I take a look in the mirror and smile when I see a little tiny baby bump starting to form under my clothes. Being only two months there wasn't much there, and keeping it to ourselves won't last too long. But I'm going to enjoy this as much as I can.

I meet up with Anthony after one of his practices and we go to dinner with his friends. I get introduced to a lot of people and it'll take a while to get to know the name of everyone, but they were all great people. They loved Anthony and they were pretty excited that I could join them too. Especially his new character friend by the name of Kristopher Bryant.

"So you're basically a cooler version of Anthony" Kris teases earning a scold from his new buddy. Anthony gives him the finger with the hand that was on my shoulder and I playfully knock it away.

"Pretty much" I smirk as Anthony squeezes my side.

"How long have you guys been together" Kris' girlfriend Jessica wonders. She was a beautiful young woman who was from Vegas like Kris and I've learned we had a lot in common. I loved her already.

"Almost 11 months" I explain and her eyes go big.

"Seriously!? I would have guessed you gave have been together for years with the way you two talk about each other. It reminds me a lot of Kris and I and we've been together since high school" she says.

"Relationships are beautiful and mysterious. I never thought I would have something like what Anthony and I have. I've had many great things in my life, my family is incredible and I have friends I would die for, and yet the best thing I can ever call my own is what I found with Anthony. Being away from him, well it was a pain I've never had before. Not even worse than when my mom died or when my dad left. This was like... like my heart couldn't handle not being with him. We would talk every day for hours but my heart wanted more. And now I finally have him" I say as I wrap my arms around my giant teddy bear.

"Awww I love you so much" he says as he kisses the top of my head.

"I love you to the moon and back" I promise.

"That's not a lot" he teases.

"I love you to Jupiter's moons and back" I smirk as he smiles down at me.

"Better" he teases.

We find a seat for dinner and I sit with Anthony's hand between my legs. He pulls me as close as he can while we talk to his buddies. I couldn't keep the smile off my face as they told stories and made me feel right at home.

"So Kelsey, what made you want to date Anthony even though he tried to kill you" Jon Lester questions and I laugh.

"Honestly I felt bad because a lot of people were giving him so much shit for it. It hurt like hell but my heads were in the clouds and he finally pulled me down. You know, once I woke back up" I giggle.

"So what do you tell your kids when they ask you how you two meet" David questions and I smile.

"I'll say he knocked me off my feet" I smirk.

"Wow" Jon shakes his head and I start to laugh.

"See, I have to keep her. Who else would let me concuss them and still love me" Anthony teases.

"Nobody" I scoff.

"Good. Because I don't want anyone else. I want you" he claims as he grabs me.

"I'm yours" I promise.

"I'm going to be sick" Kris claims and I start to laugh.

"Alright guys. I got a toast" Jon claims as he raises his beer. Everyone else does too and I raise my beer can than Anthony drank and filled with it water since I can't drink. But a girl can dream. "Here's to us guys having the best girls to support us. We couldn't be who we are without you lovely ladies. You bring us joy and happiness, no bad game could dim your lights and we love you so much. Here's to you" he toasts.

Everyone clinks their cans together before taking a nice long sip. While I would love a cold one right about now, I was kinda happy I couldn't. I've dreamed of being a mom and I think I can go nine months without drinking to have my beautiful baby in my hands.

After a really fun but really long night I take my highly intoxicated boyfriend back to the hotel. I get him to change and brush his teeth before tucking him in. I change and do my end of the night routine before joining him under the covers. He pulls me into his side before he rests his hands on my stomach. I smile to myself as he starts to kiss my shoulders.

"Baby, you need to sleep. You still have a game tomorrow even if it is just spring training" I remind him.

"But you make me so happy" he mumbles against my skin.

"And you getting some rest so you're not cranky tomorrow makes me happy" I claim.

"How can I be cranky when you're here" he questions.

"Because you're a wonderful man, but you're still human. And you're body is not going to be so forgiving when you wake up with a hangover and have to play tomorrow" I remind him.

"Wow, you're already a great mom" he claims.

"Yeah. I've been taking care of you for over ten months now" I tease.

"Heyyy" he pouts making me giggle.

"Oh shush, you know I love you" I assure him as I tap his chest. He pulls me close and I hold him back.

"I'm so happy my friends love you as much as I do" he insists.

"I don't think that's true" I insist as he starts to laugh at himself.

"It's not. No one can love you as much as I do, it's impossible. But they do love you" he claims.

"So you keep saying" I tease.

When the Stars Align (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now