3| One Hell Of A Women

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After the whole incident at Wrigley I've been getting nothing but crap from my family. My circle isn't that big, I don't trust a lot of people and in my situation it's better if I just stick with my family. But the only thing is I'm literally always with them. With mom being gone I'm the leading lady, but that still doesn't save me from the daily teasing.

"Are you ready for your date" my sister Tatiana asks. I move from the mirror I was getting ready in to glare at her head on.

"It's not a date" I defend.

"Then why are you being defensive" she counters.

"I'm not being defensive. I'm annoyed" I assure her. "There's a difference."

"Why can't you just admit that he invited you back because he thinks you're cute" she quizzes.

"Because he invited Isaiah too" I remind her.

"But Isaiah can't come today because he's at baseball camp" she says.

"I'll get him out there too, but Anthony already planned this date for us to come and he insisted I still came" I explain.

"Uh huh..." she trails off.

"It's not a date" I say a lot more reassuring than before.

"Whatever you say" she sing songs as she walks out of our room. I just shake my head as I finished getting ready.

It's been exactly one week since the incident and my head was finally looking better. I could cover the bruise with makeup and take some pills for the headache and I'll be good to go. The world has stopped spinning and as long as I don't do too much there's no real threat.

Once I was done getting ready I head on over to the park. I find Anthony waiting for me outside the gates and I smile. As much as I hate to admit it, i wanted to be here as much as he wanted me to be here. I make my way over to him and he pulls me into a friendly hug. His hands drop to my waist and I don't fight it. I'm not gonna lie, he smelled really good and it made me a little weak.

"I'm happy you could make it" he insists.

"Thanks for inviting me" I smile.

"It's the least I could do after nearly ending your life" he teases. He seemed a lot more relaxed and at ease this time around.

"You could have done nothing" I joke and he laughs.

"I could have. But that's not the kind of guy I am" he claims.

"Then what kind of guy are you" I wonder as we start to walk around.

"I'm not sure" he claims.

"What do you mean you're not sure? You don't know who you are" I ask.

"I do! I mean, I think I do. I just don't know how to explain it" he insists.

"How would your friends explain you" I wonder as he starts to laugh at himself.

"They would say I'm loud and eccentric and love to talk. There's never a situation where I don't have something to say or know what to do. They think I'm a enforcer and like to get caught up in the thick of things, whenever the benches clear I'm the first guy out there. I'm very much a team first kind of guy, I like to lead my example and do what's best for the guys. They would say I could probably take showering a little more seriously but I have a speaker in my bathroom, I think I use my time pretty wisely" he claims making me giggle.

"Alright. And if you were one of your friends introducing who you are to me, what would you want me to know" I ask.

"That I'm trying. I'm trying to be a good player and a good son and a good friend and a good person. I spend half of my life trying to make sure everyone around me feels happy and appreciated and the other half is for fun" he says.

"When do you sleep" I ask.

"What's sleep" he smirks.

"Ahhh. So that's how you do it" I tease.

"I'm too worried about everything to get any sleep" he claims.

"Worrying just means you suffer twice" I tell him and he stops walking.

"What's about you? Who is Kelsey Valdez" he asks.

"I'm the sky" I say and he looks at me weird. "People only know about me what they're willing to explore. It's easy to get lost up there with all that space, but you can follow the stars and you'll never get lost" I say.

"Woah... that was beautiful" he admits.

"I spend a lot of my time with my head in the clouds" I admit.

"Speaking of your head, how is it" he wonders.

"A lot better now. My dad was worried that I wasn't going to wake up the next day. He sat by my bed the whole night and made sure I was still alive" I laugh. He was so concerned.

"You still live with your dad" he questions.

"Kind of. I have a brother, Isaiah who you met who is about to be a sophomore in high school and a sister who is going to be a senior in high school so I'm sticking around my home to make sure they're okay. But last year our house caught on fire and we lost everything. Every single thing. So we all moved to a apartment and I help my dad make sure the kids are okay and can get what they need. I help pay for the apartment and I take them to whatever they need if my dad can't" I explain.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry to hear that. That's horrible" he admits.

"I didn't mind losing the house or the stuff in it. Losing my mom was what made that unbearable..." I trail off.

"Did she die in the fire" he asks.

"Yeah. The house collapsed on her because she went back in to make sure we were all out" I say.

"Oh Kels" he starts.

"Don't you get those sad eyes on me. We're capable of seeing some beautiful things in this world and I don't want you to see the ugly in me" I insist.

"I don't see anything ugly when I look at you" he claims and I once again start to blush.

"That's very kind of you" I insist.

"How about I actually show you around instead of doing a awful job of flirting with you" he asks and I laugh.

"I'm down for a tour" I insist.

So he shows me around the friendly confines and takes me wherever I was allowed to go. Eventually we end up on the field and even though I'm not a huge baseball fan, this was so cool. There was a few white puffy clouds in the sky and the outfield looked like a screen saver. It was honestly amazing.

"So you said you work at the museum" he asks as we lean against the netting. We were close enough to be touching but weren't quite that close as we watched the grounds crew work the infield.

"Yeah, I work in the Adler Planetarium. I do some guide work and help out with the planetarium shows" I explain.

"So you're very into the sky, huh" he asks and I laugh.

"You could say that" I admit.

"Can I ask why you like it so much" he wonders. I look up to the beautiful blue sky and just smile.

"The sky is kinda like life. There's so much we don't know, that we'll never know, and maybe we'll never learn. But the journey through space and time, that's what makes it all worth it in the end. I love the thought of endless possibilities, the thought of my happily ever after being out there somewhere within this galaxy" I sigh.

"I just have to say, you're one hell of a woman" he says to me and I smile.

"Is that so" I ask.

"I very much think so" he claims.

"I'm in a complicated situation... I don't know if I'll be around for much longer. I don't know if I'm someone you want to get attached to" I warn.

"I don't think I care" he insists.

"Don't say I didn't warn you" I smirk.

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