68| Hey Now, You're An All-Star

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The baseball season is a long one, 162 games give or take a few. And it's easy to go through stretches that are hard and seem like they'll never end. You feel like you can't hit, your team can't win. It's hard to have fun when there's so much pressure to do better and you can't escape the pressure because you're putting it on yourself. Nothing seems to be working and you get discouraged fairly easily. My mistakes won't fly under the radar, they're on the Internet and on the mind of every cubs fan. While this was just my fourth real season in the big leagues I was pretty much accustomed to the up and downs of a season of baseball. It doesn't make it any easier but the hardships you once faced is no longer such a hardship. I know that I'm going to go through slumps, I just gotta figure out how to get out of it and try not to self destruct along the way.

"You ready for the game" Jon asks as he joins me at my locker. He wasn't pitching today, that's why he was talking to me right now. If he was pitching then he wouldn't even look at me. Sometimes I kinda wished he pitched more often.

"As ready as I'll ever be" I insist. I had been here for some time after having breakfast with Kelsey this morning and I retreated to here to just clear my head.

"I don't think you're ready" he claims and I look at him weird.

"What do you mean" I ask.

"Why don't you come with me and find out" he questions. At first I was going to say "hell no", but he has never steered me wrong and was one of my dearest friends.

So I let him pull me up and out of the clubhouse. I squint hard when the sun hits my face after being secluded in there almost all day. Once my eyes adjust I look around and just see the friendly confines. Nothing much.

But then Jon turns me around and I see Kelsey and Tatiana and Trevor and Isaiah all standing there with my jersey on. I jump up and down in my spot a few times before running over to my extended family. The first thing I do is pull Tatiana into a huge hug because I missed her so much. Things haven't been the same since she left and I'm happy she could make it out to the game.

"How are you here" I ask.

"Well I originally was just going to come out for the baby shower, but Cici convinced me to come a little early and catch a day game at Wrigley" she explains. 

"Well I'm really happy you're here. All of you" I insist.

"There's actually a point to all of this" Kelsey explains and I look at her weird. I turn to Jon who just looks st me with a shit eating grin tatted on his face.

"What is it" I wonder.

"We were asked to come here today to celebrate you" she claims.

"What did I do, exactly" I wonder.

"You, my friend, are going to be starting in the all-star game" Trevor says and my eye nearly pops out of my head.

"Seriously" I ask.

"Yup. You and Kris" Kelsey smiles.

"Woah! This is so cool. What do I do now" I wonder.

"Well before the game they're going to announce that you guys are going and we'll be there right next to you" she explains.

I had only once been in a allstar game before in my short career as a Major League Baseball player, never as a starter. But even with me playing below average right now I got enough votes because the fans believed in me. And I can't let them down, they've been let down enough times being a fan of this organization and all. But with Kris doing what he's doing and all the other guys stepping up who's to say we can't take these perennial losers into perennial winners? Who's to say we can't turn it around and surprise some people? Not too long ago people were saying I was a bust and a wasted draft pick. Now I'm going to represent the Cubs in the all star game alongside my buddy trying to make the fans and my family proud.

So I go back into the clubhouse and pull on my jersey. I take some pictures by myself then with Kelsey and her family. I take pictures with Kris too before they do the little announcement before the game. I stand with Kelsey and her family as I wave to the crowd. I couldn't keep the smile off my face as I looked around. I was trying to remember this moment forever and I hope I can.

When that was all said and done we go to do interviews. Kelsey and her family go to their seats by first base and I stand by home as the interviewer asks some questions.

"What are your expectations for the all star game" the woman asks.

"I want to pitch" I smirk and she laughs at me.

"Home run derby, most likely. But pitching probably won't go over too well" she assures me.

"I'm just messing around, I'm hoping to have a good time and make some memories. This weekend is going to be a lot of fun, to go to Cincy and hang out with the best players in the game right now, that's so cool. I think what this team is going to do this year will exceed everyone's expectations. I'm happy to be here no matter how hard the times may get. This is my family and this is where I want to be, now and until the end of time. I'm lucky, I've got to make a family here and I can't bring them with me to Ohio to experience this all with me. It's just such a good time" I insist.

"What do you want to do there" she wonders.

"I want to hang out with my girlfriend. She'll be almost 6 months pregnant by the time we get there and we'll be in the home stretch waiting for our baby to come. I'm going to enjoy what will most likely be the last trip of just her and I together" I say.

"You're having a pretty exciting year huh" she asks and I smile.

"I am. Even though the team isn't performing the way we should be we're still a good team. No one can tell me differently. And all I want to do is contribute and be a part of this team. To be able to represent this organization at the summer Classic is a honor and I can't wait."

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