8| The Girlfriend

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It's the middle of June now and the weather was getting pretty hot. And that means it's time for a pool party in the sun with cold beers and warm hamburgers fresh off the grill. So Theo fires up his swimming pool and decided to host a team party for the guys. He's really into making sure the team was like a family and he took really good care of us. Plus we've had a lot of history together. He drafted me in Boston and brought me over with him to the Cubs. So usually when he throws parties like this I always come. And as custom has it I'm supposed to bring someone with me. Even though I don't know if I would call Kelsey's and I's relationship boyfriend and girlfriend, she's very much my significant other and I would really like for her to come with me to hang out with my guys and eat some good food.

"I don't know Anthony, this is kind of a big move" she says as I bother her at her lunch. "Me meeting your friends and eating their food."

"Are you planning on being with me for a while" I ask and she stops.

"Well... yeah. For as long as I can. For however long our forever may be" she insists.

"Then you were going to meet my friends eventually anyways. We've been dating for a month now, I think it's safe for you to meet my friends" I promise. I see the wheels turning in her head as she things long and hard about this.

"Alright, okay. I'll come with you" she agrees and I smile.

"Really" I squeal.

"Yeah. You've been gone for a few days and I really missed you, I would love to spend some more time with you anyway" she claims and I smile.

"Awww" I tease and she starts to blush.

"Yeah yeah. What do I wear and what time do I need to be ready" she asks.

"Wear a swim suit and a cover up and I'll pick you up at 3" I tell her.

"I'll be ready" she smiles.

I head off home to change into my swimming trunks and a new t shirt. I pack a pool bag and pick up a potato salad to bring to the cookout. I swing by Kelsey's place and pick her up. We head over to Theo's before meeting everyone in the back yard. It was already smelling good and the music was loud. I know this was about to be a good time.

"What is up my people" I yell out and they all start to cheer. I walk over to Theo's wife Marie who was by the food table and hand her the potato salad.

"Oh, how nice of you to buy this from the store with love" she teases and I laugh.

"I'm not a cook, you know that" I defend.

"Is your beautiful girlfriend a cook" she asks as Kelsey stands beside me. She wraps her arm around mine as she joins me.

"Oh... she's not my-" I start.

"I'm Kelsey" Kelsey interrupts as she shakes Marie's hand. "And if Anthony would have told me that this was a time to bring food I could have brought so many different dishes, and none of them would be potato salad" she shuns.

"Well if I would have known..." I trail off.

"Next time I'll bring some real Brazilian food, my dad has all the good recipes" Kelsey insists.

"Next time" I ask and she smirks at me.

"Yeah Anthony, next time" she assures me.

"I knew you were mixed with something. You are extremely gorgeous" Marie tells her.

"Me! Look at yourself" Kelsey insists.

"I like her Anthony, good job" Marie teases and I smile. I thought I did pretty a pretty good job myself.

We peel off from the food because table I know I can do damage some there and we head to the pool. I lace my fingers through hers as I hold her close.

"So... girlfriend" I ask and she smirks.

"I had some time to think about what you said earlier, and you were right" she starts and I look at her weird.

"I was" I ask as she giggles at me.

"You were. You said that if I see myself with you going into the future I would have to stop avoiding everything that ties me to you in the fear of losing it. That means meeting your friends and getting labels" she explains.

"I know you aren't really comfortable with that stuff" I assure her.

"That's not it" she insists.

"Then what is it" I wonder.

"I don't want to hurt you if I'm no longer here" she claims.

"I don't think that would hurt more than you being here and being able to be with you" I promise.

"And that's why you are right" she smiles.

We find a space to lay out and change to get into the pool. A bunch of the guys were already in there trying to get us to come play pool volleyball with them. So I slide my shirt off and throw it with my stuff to the side. I shamelessly watch Kelsey take off her cover up to reveal her white bikini. I knew other guys were staring, some of the girls too, but I didn't mind because I knew she was going through it with me and no one else. So I sit back and watch as she shows why all it took was a look for me to be hooked on her. She was curvy like a Brazilian woman, built strong to carry the weight of the world on her shoulders. To say she was beautiful inside and out, well it just doesn't do her any justice.

"Can you please stop staring" she begs and I start to blush.

"No" I tease as she smiles back at me.

"At least help me with sun screen" she bargains.

"I can do that" I assure her.

I put sun screen on her and she puts some on me. After we were both protected from the sun we jump in the pool. It was a hot day so it was nice to hang out in the water for a while. Kelsey sits under my arm as we talk to the other guys on the team and their significant others. We play around and talk about things not baseball related. I enjoy my time as a man in a committed relationship for the first time since I was fresh out of high school.

"So how long have you been hiding this one" Travis Wood asks and I smile.

"A little over a month" I admit.

"You must have hit her in the head a little too hard if she agreed to go out with you" he claims.

"Or not hard enough" Kelsey mumbles and I gasp.

"Ha... I like her" Travis claims.

"Well I'm a little hurt" I admit.

"Oh come on. You know I'm just messing with you" she insists as she rests her hand on my chest. If only she knew what that did to me.

"I'm still hurt" I claim.

"Poor baby, come here" she says as she swims over to my lap. She kisses my cheek and I couldn't help but smile. "Better" she asks.

"Better" I admit.

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