48| Blessings

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With Antonio away I've been a lot more involved in his kids' life's back in Chicago. I wanted to make sure I can be there for them and that they're happy. I promised to help take care of them and that's what I wanted to do. So once Isaiah started going back to school I helped him with that and I've helped Tatiana find some things for college even though I've never been before and wasn't sure what to get for her. But we figure it out together and get her set up to move here in a few months.

As for tonight we were going to have family fun night. And as a surprise I was going to have Antonio on skype with us the whole time. So while Isaiah and Tatiana was at school and everyone else was working I go out and buy a projector for my apartment. I set up the project to the computer and pull up Skype. I call Antonio and after a few rings he picks up.

"Hey Anthony! It's good to see you" he smiles big. He was looking a little old but a lot less torn. You can tell that the Brazilian sun was doing him some good.

"It's good to see you too" I smile back.

"How have you been" he wonders and I just shake my head.

"I've been fine. I've been doing pretty good. How about you" I wonder.

"I'm good. I miss you guys like crazy, but I'm settled in here. It didn't take me long to make myself at home, considering it is my home. I've been able to reconnect with my family and show them all the pictures of what a beautiful family I was blessed with. I told them about my last 30 years and no one was mad at me. As soon as they saw my Connie and the kids they said they don't blame me. They would have stayed too" he says.

"That's good to hear" I smile.

"Are the kids not over yet" he wonders as he looks around behind me and I just shake my head.

"No, not yet. I called a little early because I wanted to talk to you without them here yet" I admit. He looked a little confused but eventually nods his head.

"What's on your mind" he wonders.

"Before you left I wanted to ask you this very important question but the timing wasn't right. Our minds were elsewhere and we didn't need anymore distractions. But I've been thinking about this and I wanted to get this done before Kelsey got home with the fam.

I wanted to ask for your blessing to marry your daughter" I finally say. I couldn't tell if the screen froze or if he did so I tap the computer a few times before he finally says something.

"Anthony, you know nothing would make me happier than you being a part of my family. You've been the answer to my prayers for so long and I know that you're going to be here in the long run. You can have my blessings and anything else you may need" he assures me.

"I haven't gotten anything planned yet so there's not much to tell. There's no ring and no plans in motion. But I have been thinking a lot, it's almost been a year and we've already been through so much together. And I'm not sure getting married will help anything, I don't want to have her stressed with planning anything just yet, not until we get used to living without you and Tatiana is settled into college and Isaiah is better. But we did talk about getting married one day and she does want to. Even though marriage is such a material thing to her, she does want to get married. I just need to make sure I do it the right way and for the right reasons. She can see right through me and all I want is her to see is my deep love for her. So hopefully I can figure something out that's special to her" I insist.

"You could do no wrongs. I know that whatever you plan to do for her she'll love it because she loves you. Don't stress yourself trying to think of something, it'll come to you.

Then when you guys honeymoon you should come to Rio. You can stay with us then spend all your money going deep sea diving or zip lining or whatever else you want to do" he suggests. I smile big at the idea of being able to spend some time with him and their family out in Brazil while on our honeymoon.

"That would be amazing. I love that" I admit.

"Good. If you need help with anything else let me know. I don't work much here because I don't really need to. Don't be afraid to reach out if you need to" he assures me.

"Will do" I promise.

Eventually the family comes over and everyone freaks when they see Antonio on the tv. They all talk to him and show them whatever it is they wanted to. Everyone is making big strides and doing big things and they couldn't wait to show him. Although it's just not the same without him here, it's nice to be able to still do family fun night and for him to be here with us.

"So what's everyone's plans" he asks as we sit around the tv. We all had a plate full of food like usual and even Antonio did too.

"Anthony's leaving for training camp soon so that sucks. But the first month he'll be there without me then the last month I'll join him. There's too much work to do here at home to take two months off, so one month should do it" Kelsey insists.

"Can I come" Isaiah asks and I laugh.

"No sir. You still have school and baseball to get ready for. You gotta stay with Trevor" Kelsey I insists.

"But I want to watch Anthony play" the boy pouts.

"You can watch him on tv" she assures him.

"That's what I'll be doing" Antonio insists. I couldn't keep the smile from my face as I looked up there.

"You watch my games" I wonder.

"Of course I do. It's not that easy to find non blocked out games, but I had a few friends who hooked me up and I can catch every game. Hopefully none of them ending up with one of my kids getting a baseball to the head like the first time" he teases.

"I don't know. That worked out pretty last least time" I tease as I wrap my arm around Kelsey. She leans her head on my shoulder and I just smile down at her.

"I would say so" he agrees.

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