13| Family Fun Night

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Family fun night has been a tradition in our house since I had been born. Once a month we play games and have a pot luck and mess around the living room, just have some good family fun. But since we moved to the apartment we haven't got to do it at all. Not even once. But thanks to a lot of convincing and a little bit of bribing I convinced everyone to be able to be home at the same time for one night. Tatiana won't be off with her girlfriends and Isaiah has no baseball. Trevor was back in town and my dad doesn't work at night for many reasons. So I grab Anthony to make it a even 6 and we get the game night under way.

"I have to warn you, I'm very competitive" Anthony starts and I raise a eyebrow at him. We were all sitting in the living room deciding what games we want to play and what teams to be on.

"Oh that poor boy" Treavor laughs as I send Anthony a smirk.

"It's good that you're competitive, you're gonna need that" I tease and he smirks.

"Oh, so it's like that" he questions and I nod.

"Just like that."

We set up the first game which was charades. The rules were simple, we were going to do motions and actions and no sounds whatsoever. Just some good old fashion charades. I was on a team with Isiah and my dad and the other team was Anthony, Trevor and Tati. We get started and immediately we get really intense. My mom was the mediator during these games and Anthony, he was the instigator. So where she's usually pulled us back he was pushing us forward and we get pretty worked up. He plays on a team for a living, I expect nothing less than childish games and petty disappointment. And I think he was living up to my standards.

"This is charades Anthony, you cant use your words" I argue as my family laughs at this petty argument we were in the middle of.

"I used a sound, not a word" he defends.

"You were trying to be a sports car, it doesn't even say words" I giggle.

"I don't see anywhere in the rules where it says I can't make a sound" he claims.

"There are no written rules, this is charades. And never have you been able to make noises. You're supposed to be acting" I remind him.

"Well if I'm acting like a car I should be able to make sounds" he claims.

"Wow... you're impossible" I shake my head.

"Why do I feel like this is the first time you guys have ever disagreed on anything and you've been together for almost three months" my sister says.

"Pretty much" I admit.

"That's not healthy" Trevor claims.

"Why do we need to fight" I ask.

"It's the circle of life" he insists.

"It's really, really, not" I assure him.

"You're telling me that you guys agree on every single thing" he questions.

"Of course not. But we know there isn't anything bigger that our relationship so fighting solves nothing. We won't agree on everything but we don't fight about it either. It's not always about right and wrong, it's about compromise and... and love" I say softly. I see Anthony smile at me as my brother just has this shit eating grin.

"Riiiight" he says.

After a few more games it was time to eat. My dad and I made some traditional Brazilian foods and the apartment smelled amazing. So we fix our plates and sit around the living room like it's thanksgiving. The tv stays off as we sit and talk and laugh. We tell embarrassing stories growing up and share our dreams. Even though mom wasn't here, I could still feel her presence around us making sure we stick together and fight for each other.

"What's your favorite memory of your mom" Anthony asks me and I smile.

"It was the first night I was up on the roof. She almost killed me because she didn't know where I went off to. But it was right after Trevor was born and he cried so much as a baby so I needed to get out of the house. So I went on top of it instead.

Once my mom calmed down and told my dad not to call the police that I wasn't taken she joined me up there. She pointed out all the constellations, she painted a beautiful picture in the sky with the stars. That was the first night I realized all the potential the sky held.

She told me that I had to love the light for it showed me the way, but I had to love the darkness too, for it showed me the light" I say.

"I miss her" Isaiah sighs. I pull him into my lap and give him a good squeeze.

"We all do buddy" I assure him.

"Oh Anthony, you would have loved her" my dad insists.

"I already do. I look around this room and she's everywhere. In the pictures, in the food and in the games. She's in all of you, so she will never really be gone" he says.

"That's right" my dad smiles.

After dinner was dessert where we decide to watch some home videos. So I sit in Anthony's lap and we watch a video from a day at the beach. I smile big as I watch us all about five years ago messing around without a care in the world. I miss my innocence, my blind trust and unconditional happiness. But being here with Anthony and my family, it makes it all worth it.

"Your mom was very beautiful, just like you" Anthony whispers in my ear.

"She was incredible. She couldn't hurt a fly if her life depended on it. I just want to be as wise and caring and free as she was" I admit.

"You can do it. There's not a thing in this world I don't think you couldn't do" he claims.

"That's very sweet of you, like always" I tease as he smiles real big.

"Maybe your brother is right, maybe our relationship is unrealistic" he claims.

"It's something unlike anyone has ever known. And I don't think it's a bad thing" I insist.

"It can't be bad if it feels this good" he says.

"I couldn't agree more."

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