89| When The Stars Aligned

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"Do you really have to leave tomorrow" I ask my dad as we hang out at the pier. We sit there like we did so many times before today. But this time I had my baby here with us and I was saying goodbye to the first man I've ever loved all at the same time.

"I do. You know I can't stay this time around" he insists.

"You stayed last time when you weren't supposed to" I remind him and he laughs at me.

"I was stronger back then. I hadn't been found out yet and I was more than determined to make a life here with your mother. She was my tie to this place, she was what made me strong enough to stay" he claims.

"When can we see you again? I don't want my kid to grow up not knowing her grandfather" I insist.

"We'll figure something out. Anthony promised to keep me around" he winks and I smile.

"He's pretty great huh" I ask as he chuckles at me.

"He's the greatest man I've ever met" he admits. I couldn't agree more

After we finish hanging out in the sun I return home. As soon as I do I inhale deeply and let out a sigh. It smelled great in here and I don't know how. Anthony has been home alone, at least I thought he was. But I know he didn't cook anything that smelled like this. Nothing that comes out of a box smells this good.

"Anthony" I yell out trying to see where he was. I see him come around the corner and he was wearing a pair of shorts and a nice shirt with a collar on it. His hair was all styled and he had the biggest smile on his face. "What's going on" I wonder.

"I had my personal chef prepare us a special dinner tonight" he claims and I laugh.

"Was it your mom" I wonder and he starts to blush.

"Maybe" he replies pretty much proving my thoughts.

"I love your moms cooking" I admit as he relaxes a little.

"Good" he nods.

"Why do you seem so nervous" I wonder and he quickly looks at the ground as he starts to shift his feet.

"I'm not" he replies wearily. I didn't believe him but he obviously didn't want to talk about it so I wasn't going to make him. If it was a real problem he would break and tell me anyway so no need to push it.

"Okay then. What happens next" I ask and he perks up a little. He comes over and takes Elissa from me. He grabs my hand and takes us up to the roof. He had a spot for our sleeping baby in a little crib and he sets her down. He then pulls me to a blanket set up by the telescope where the delicious smelling food was waiting for us. There were some candles and a glass of wine and it was all set up nicely.

"I had to fight Halley to get the food up here uneaten" he admits as we sit down and I giggle.

"Well I'm happy it made it, it looks amazing" I insist.

So we sit there and eat our dinner. Then when Elissa wakes up he grabs her and she joins us for the special occasion. Whatever that may be. I enjoy my glass of wine for I had nine months of making up to do. So Anthony takes over on daddy duty and I enjoy this beautiful night in my favorite place in the world.

We watch the sun set on this beautiful day and I sit there with my head on his shoulder. I hold Elissa in my arms as she watches the sun set over the horizon with us. Music plays softly as we say goodbye to the sun and hello to the moon. I turn to Anthony who was already staring down at me. I start to blush as I look around.

"You want to tell me what's actually happening? Because I expect you to take good care of me and be thoughtful and heart-felt, but this feels different. It feels like you planned this all to the last detail and somehow got my dad involved" I explain.

"There's actually something really important I need to ask you. And I wasn't sure how to do this, none of the scenarios I had in my head was good enough for you, but I am still going to try" he explains.

"Okay. And what does all this mean" I question.

He pulls me to a certain spot on the roof he had marked off and I just stand there waiting to see what this was all about. I had our baby in my arms and he puts her noise canceling headphones on her. He goes to the bag he had up here that held things we used for our little date. He pulls something out before falling to his knee.

It was then when it all hit me. I knew exactly what this was and what was happening. I feel the tears start to rise in my eyes as I use my free hand to cover my mouth. I couldn't keep the smile away as he looks up at me. He looked so nervous which was so precious to me.

"There's only a few times in the entire existence of the universe where the stars align in a way that the world makes sense. Only once will they create this path that we should walk and follow until the end of times for us and almost everyone misses their chance.

I got lucky, for the stars aligned the day I met you and I knew it. I never doubted that they didn't, I couldn't see them but they were there. And they lined up perfectly just so our paths could cross. Just so you and I can be together and the rest would fall into place.

And it did. The stars became unaligned since then but we stayed together. Through it all we weathered the storm, defied the odds and created this love that kids dream of having when they grow up. A love that our baby can pick up on and easily be a part of. Then one day when our family is done growing and we can finally look back we can look back to a night like this and thank god that the stars aligned that fateful day you and I met.

I know marriage doesn't mean all that much to you and I know that our relationship is still relatively new. But nothing would make me happier than seeing "Mrs. Kelsey Rizzo" on your desk at work and having a wedding where I just cry every time I look at you. So will you do the honor of marrying me" he finally asks.

"Yes" I mouth as the word failed to pass my lips. He smiles big as he slips the ring on my finger. That was the most beautiful ring I have ever seen and I absolutely adored it.

A moment later fireworks start to go off and I gasp. I watch them explode among the stars and admire them and all their beauty. I look down and see my friends and family and Anthony's friends and family enjoying the fireworks.

"Let me see the ring" Trevor yells up at us. I raise my hand as they all let out a cheer. We return to watching the fireworks and I try to get the one in my chest to slow down.

"I'm so happy that you're mine" Anthony tells me as I smile up at him. I rest my hand on his chest and I see the reflection of the fireworks in my ring.

"Yeah baby, me too. Me too."

When the Stars Align (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now