30| Getting Out

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I roll over in bed early this Tuesday morning. There was a little bit of sunshine coming in through the blinds Anthony leaves open since we live so high up and no one can see in the window. I smile to myself when I see him laying next to me, mouth gaped open and his eyes closed shut. His hair was such a mess but I kinda loved it, I thought it was really cute like that.

I softly cup his face as he closed his mouth. He lets out a soft grunt as he stretches out under the covers. Eventually his big brown eyes flutter open and land on me. He smiles big as he pulls me closer to him.

"I love waking up like this" he says with his scratchy morning voice and I smile.

"And why is that" I wonder.

"Because I can look at you and know that my day can't be bad because I get to be with you" he claims.

"Have you always been such a smooth talker" I question as he laughs at me.

"Nope. This all started with you" he assures me.

"Good" I smile.

We lay there for a little while longer just holding each other. We didn't say anything, we didn't need to. We had each other and that was enough for us to be happy.

"You know, the walk off for cancer event is at the end of the month in Florida" he randomly says.

"I know. Your mom has been texting me asking me about how to make fliers and how to promote the event like we did for the laugh off" I explain.

"I was wondering if you wanted to fly out with me for the weekend" he asks.

"I would love to Anthony, but I can't fly" I remind him.

"Why can't you" he questions.

"I don't have a birth certificate or a social security card or anything like that" I explain.

"Shit... I forgot" he sighs.

"But we can drive. It can be a fun little road trip" I suggest.

"That little road trip is a 20 hour car ride" he tells me and my eyes get big.

"Alright. It's a big road trip" I admit.

"I think that would be really fun. I can make a forever playlist and we will stuff the car with snacks. We can have the windows down and cruise the whole way there" he says.

"That sounds like a lot of fun" I admit.

"Can you get off of work for a few days" he wonders.

"Yeah. We're closed on the weekend since school started and I have plenty of time to take off. I'll just have to let them know" I insist.

"Perfect. We can have a little rendezvous away from everything. Just you and I" he claims. 

"And all the people there to help you fight cancer" I remind him and he smiles.

"Hey, is this your organization or mine" he teases.

"Ours" I assure him.

Finally we roll out of bed and into the kitchen. He starts the coffee because that's the only thing I trust him with. I make us a omelet with all the good stuff in it and we eat our breakfast in the kitchen.

"So what's on tap today" he asks me. Since the museum was in fall/winter hours I had extra time to do stuff. And although my favorite thing was to stay in and cuddle with my big guy, I knew I had to get out there in the real world some time.

When the Stars Align (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now