4| On the Other Side of the Horizon

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As the season wears on there's two things that I notice. One was that this team is inevitably in a rebuild. But there's plenty of young talent in the farm system ready to come and make a difference when they're ready. I can't get too caught up in the numbers from it being so early this season because I know that this isn't the team that's going to go the distance. And the other thing was that I had this certain girl who was constantly running through my mind.

I constantly wonder how she's doing, if she's happy and if she's thinking about me too. I want to know what she knows and feel what she feels and I'm not sure she feels the same way about me. We've only met a few times and we talk over the phone but it hasn't gone much past that. It's so hard to read into her because she's so cryptic about pretty much everything. Whenever we text or call she never just tells me what she's doing or why. It's always some lyrical piece which I guess is pretty cool. I've never met anyone like her and she's got me under her spell for sure. But I still feel like there's more to her than she's telling me and I'm dying to figure it out.

But I had the day off today and I decided to pay Kelsey a visit at her job. I've been in Chicago since 2012 and I've never been in this building before. So I pull on a nice shirt and pair of shorts to impress her. I make sure my hair looks really nice and head on out.

After walking around for a while I find Kelsey sitting by a door. She had on khaki shorts with a black belt and one of the navy blue work shirts I've seen other people in. Her long black hair pulled back and just a slight bruise where I hit her with the ball on her forehead. She was really a sight to see, she could be a exhibit in this museum herself.

I walk over and she smiles so bright when she sees me approaching her. I know she's all into the sky but nothing burns brighter than her smile. I mean the girl is a energy source, I was obsessed with being around her and the aura she had. It's something you can build a future off of.

"Well good afternoon Anthony. I was not expecting you to be here today" she claims.

"Thought I could come surprise my favorite girl at work" I claim and she smirks at me.

"I'm your favorite girl now, huh" she questions.

"You have been for about two and a half weeks now" I admit.

"Well isn't that the sweetest thing" she asks.

"I'm just not sure you feel the same about me..." I trail off.

"If you want to know you should have just asked" she claims.

"And what if I ask and you don't like me back" I ask softly.

"And what if I do" she smiles.

"Do you" I question as my voice cracks and she smiles. She stands up from her little counter and comes around to where I was standing. She grabs my wrist and pulls my hand up like I was going to give her a high five. She places her hand on mine so our fingers matched up.

"I like you like how I like to look off into the sky. There is a horizon out there where I do not know what stands behind it" she says as she moves her hand up so her finger meet mine. I still couldn't see her fingers like I couldn't see the other side of a horizon. But the feeling of her hand on mine was intoxicating. "There's a line between what I know and what I don't" she explains. She laces her fingers get fingers through mine making the horizon our fingers made disappear. "It's not until we step into the unknown will we ever truly see what is on the other side of that line" she says.

"So you do like me" I say as I point my head to our hands that we're now holding one another.

"I do" she smiles and I couldn't help but smile back.

"I don't know about you but I feel a lot better now" I admit and she giggles.

"It does feel good to stay out loud" she agrees.

"So does this mean I can ask you out on a date" I question.

"Listen, Anthony, I like you. I really really do, but I already told you that I might not be around for all that long. I don't want you to get attached to me and I can't be there for you" she insists.

"I'm already too attached. I literally showed up to your work just to see you even though I hate coming out in public. I've already told my parents about you. There's no going back" I promise her and she smiles.

"Alright, fine. I think I can do a date" she agrees and I nearly jump in excitement.

"Really" I squeal causing her to giggle. I would do anything to see her eyes light up like that.

"Yes really. It's not going to be good if I want to keep you around but you keep asking me out" she teases and I laugh.

"Are you sure, because I feel like you enjoy how idiotic I am around you" I insist.

"While it is pretty entertaining, I would rather be with you than against you" she admits.

"That's good to know" I nod.

"Since you showed me around where you work I should really show you around my place then huh" she claims and I smile.

"I would love that" I admit.

So she keeps her hand in mine and we walk around. She shows me pictures and the interactive parts of the tour. We finally get to the planetarium and she turns the machine on that has all the displays in it. The stars appear in the sky around us and I let out a gasp. I stand in the middle of the room as she moves the sky around. She finds the place she likes and she stops before joining me in looking up.

"Alright, this is the coolest thing ever. I want one" I insist as she giggles at me.

"It's pretty cool. Its nothing like the real thing, but I still love it nonetheless. When my mom was still alive she worked here and she would bring me to work with her. She would put this up and I would sit down and just look into the sky. I felt like I was really up there with the stars. I always thought it was cool that we all live under the same sky and exposed to the same stars yet have such different perspectives. Really opens your eyes to things" she explains.

"It's cool that you've always had the sky for you. I think it made you into the most interesting person in the world" I admit.

"I'm glad you think so" she smiles at me. I slowly move in closer to her as she leans in. I close my eyes ready to press her lips to mine.

Then someone opens the door and we break apart. I see a upset looking older man standing in the doorway looking around.

"Kelsey" he yells making us jump.

"Right here sir" she says stepping forward into the light. I stay in the back where he can't see me and pray I don't get her in trouble.

"There's a group here ready for a tour and you're nowhere to be seen. Fix it" he demands before stepping back out. The door closes loudly behind him and I can hear her let out a sigh.

"I should probably get back to work" she admits.

"Hey, that's okay. We still have our date to look forward to" I remind her.

"Right" she smiles.

When the Stars Align (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now