37| Secret Admirer

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Although the museum wasn't that busy during the holidays we were still open for business. A few people blow in while they're visiting families for the holidays and they enjoy our planetarium exhibits. There's never a bad time to learn about space, it's always going to be there no matter the season, but around this time a lot of people are with their family and friends somewhere by a fireplace where it's warm. Not a lot of people want to brave the bitter cold to come look at stars. I can't relate, but I know it happens.

So I end up chilling with Chelsea as we wait for someone to need something. We didn't have a tour for a while and I could have fallen asleep standing up honestly.

"Do you know those girls over there" Chelsea asks as she points to three girls standing by the Jupiter display. They were all eyeing me and doing a awful job of hiding it.

"I do not" I claim.

"They keep looking over here like they know you" she admits.

"I know... I'm not sure what their deal is. But I intend on finding out" I insist.

I pick myself up off the wall and fix my skirt and blouse I was wearing. I walk over to the girls who fall silent when I get to them.

There was three girls all standing there not very discreetly talking about me. The tall one on the end was around my age with dark hair like mine and brown eyes. The girl next to her had light brown hair and dark brown eyes like my dad. And the girl on the end had dark brown hair and green eyes. All three had on cubs jackets and a pair of jeans on as they stand against the wall. And all of them had their eyes on me as I stop right in front of them.

"Good afternoon ladies. Are you guys looking for a tour or a show" I question. The dark haired girl laughs as she shakes her head.

"No no, I believe we were looking for you" she says and my eyes get big. Blunt, but I guess she's just getting to the point.

"Oh, then how may I help you" I wonder.

"Are you Anthony Rizzo girlfriend" the light haired girl just blatantly asks and I stop. I turn to her as she just stares at me.

"And why do I need to answer that" I wonder.

"I mean, we already know. Even though you don't have social media he posts pictures of you all the time. It only took a few minutes to find you. We just wanted to see what all the hype is about" the dark haired girl explains.

"The hype about what? About my relationship" I question.

"About you. The mysterious girl who took the most eligible bachelor in Chicago and took him from under the nose for all the other girls" she explains.

"I've been with Anthony for almost eight months, this isn't news" I defend.

"It is to most people. But more and more people are figuring out who you are and what you do. They can find yourfamily and where you're from and what you do. Your name is out there and all it takes is a few clicks to find you" the green eyed one says.

"I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be rude but I guess I'm not getting this. You guys google searched me and followed me to my work just to ask if I was dating Anthony Rizzo" I question.

"Pretty much" the tall one says.

"Why" I wonder.

"Anthony is a treasure in this town. Everyone loves him, even White Sox fans can't deny that he's a lovable guy who just so happens to be very good at baseball. It's news when he's in a relationship" the light brown haired girl explains.

"My relationship isn't news, that's my life. The things him and I do and share isn't related to baseball. It's about us and our love" I defend.

"I'm sorry to tell you this, but he's a big deal. And people like us who don't want to believe he's really taken will take things into their own hands" the middle girl says.

"So there's more of you that's going to show up at my work to ask me about things not in this museum" I question.

"Pretty much" she agrees.

"Why" I ask again.

"That's just the way it is" she insists.

After I finally get rid of them I return to my job. I try to refocus but I kept thinking about what she said about people trying to figure me out. And what happens if someone does.

Once I fail to refocus I decide to go home early. I needed to be in solidarity to clear my head and rest for a little. So I go up to Anthony's place and let myself in. He was laying on the couch in the middle of a cat nap and I decided to join him. I lay on top of his body and he wakes up a little. He wraps his arms around me as I lay my head on his chest.

"Why are you home so early" he mumbles as he peaks at the time on his phone.

"Because I needed to get away from there for a little" I admit.

"You? Get away from the planetarium? That's not good" he insists.

"Well a few of your little fangirls tracked me down at work today and it made me feel a little uneasy" I explain. He stops rubbing my back and lifts his head so he's looking down at me. I look up at him and I can see how upset he was.

"They didn't" he grumbles.

"They did. They assured me that others knew about me, about us, and it wouldn't be too long before everyone knew" I sigh.

"Oh Kels, I'm so sorry. They must have figured it out from that Christmas post when I said your name. I didn't want this to happen. I'm so so sorry" he repeats.

"Baby calm down, it's okay. They were going to find out sooner or later. Now it's just sooner" I insist.

"I still feel awful. What if someone brings up the fire and you get caught" he questions.

"You can't think like that. You have to have faith in other people even if they have given you no reason to put faith in them. Besides the fact that it was super creepy that they came to where I work and sat there and watched me, they did no harm. They were sweet and didn't overstep too many boundaries. I'm just not used to that yet, but for you I will be" I promise.

"Are you sure you're okay" he questions.

"I will be" I smile.

When the Stars Align (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now