59| Just Fine

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Our days in Arizona start to get numbered and I was actually kind of upset. I loved Chicago, but Mesa was pretty great too. And for one night in this beautiful city Anthony and I was going to go out on the town and enjoy a date night.

"You look... amazing" Anthony breathes deeply as he joins me in the bathroom. He stares at me through the mirror I was getting ready in and I couldn't help but smile. He wraps his arms around my chest and I lean into his.

"Thanks baby. You ready to have some fun tonight" I ask as he laughs at me.

"If we cant shake the dog then we're not going anywhere. She's mighty clingy" he claims as Halley joins us in the bathroom.

"She's going to get a little brother or sister in October, she'll be fine" I assure him.

"What about us, are we going to be fine" he wonders. I just smile at him through the mirror and squeeze his arm that was holding me.

"We're going to be better than fine. We're going to be the happiest people to ever walk this earth" I promise.

"I like that" he says in my ear softly.

"Me too Anthony, me too."

After I finish getting ready we head out into the city. We find a nice place to get dinner and have a wonderful time. He was kinda a local celebrity around here and it was pretty cool. They treated him right and it made my heart whole.

"Where to next" I ask as we walk out of the restaurant. Anthony grabs my hand and starts to swing our arms as we just walk for a little while.

"I don't have plans. I'm just gonna let our feet take us somewhere" he claims.

"That sounds good to me" I agree.

So we walk and we talk until we come across a local park. And not a park like the one we often visit back home. There's no vacation gimmick or community garden. All there was is a few benches and some swings and other playground toys. So we decide to go to the swings and I sit down on one of them. Anthony softly pushes me as I look up to the sky. We just hang out like we were high school sweethearts out on a school night.

"How is it we can still see the same stars and planets here like we can in Chicago? We're so far away, how is that possible" he wonders.

"The universe is a funny thing. It's so big that the relative part is that from anywhere in this planet we're under the same sky. It's more of a north vs south type of things, a lot of the time we still see the same stars. But in different places the same seven stars are seen as different things. Like in Greece the Big Dipper is known as King David's chariot or in the British isles it's known as the plow. But as long as you can find that bright star known as Polaris or the North Star, then all is well in our little universe. It helps us find our way no matter how dark the sky might be. We can always look to the stars when lost, and they'll always be there for us" I explain.

"You're my star. My light in the darkness. My guide when I don't know which way to turn. My constant. And I'm so thankful that out of all the stars... I have the brightest one in you" he says as he slows the swing down. I come to a halt as I look up at him. I pull him down into a kiss and suddenly I felt like a star. So bright and powerful. And he's the only one who made me feel like this.

"Why do you love me so much" I whisper on his lips.

"The same reason why you love the stars" he promises. He softly grabs my face and kisses my forehead and I just smile.

"I'm so lucky I have you" I insist.

"I know the feeling" he smiles. I see a tinkle in his eye like a star in the sky and it makes my heart beat faster. No matter how long we're together I know that there's no better feeling than looking into his eyes and knowing that this incredible man loves me. That he loves so many things, but nothing more than me.

It's the same feeling my parents had when they were together, that feeling that they knew everything that was going to come their way was worth it. I know my fathers choice isn't a popular one, but it's the right one. He listened to his heart and his heart was telling him that my mom was like the North Star telling him who he was and where he belongs. And without my star, without my Anthony, I'm pretty lost. I'm confused and I am weak. But with him in my sky I know that I'm right where I belong.

"Can you see our star from here too" he questions and I smile. I look up and locate the star I bought us.

"It's right there" I say pointing to it.

"I'm so happy that we'll always have that. I know it doesn't seem like a great gift because I can't show it off. But every time I look up to the sky I know that the star will always last, and we will too" he claims.

"You know stars die" I tease and he just shakes his head at my antics.

"Not the point" he sing songs.

"Don't worry, our star will never die in our life time, our baby's lifetime and their babies lifetime too. What we have will last longer than this planet will" I promise.

"I haven't a doubt in my mind or in my heart. I'm glad we're having a baby and starting our family. I can't wait to buy a house, get a family car and tell all our friends and family the good news.

We're going to be great, just you see" he smiles.

I softly cup his cheek and just stare at him. Not at the stars or the sky, but just him. I see him for all that he is and all that he wants to be and I know that there's nothing better. I loved this man with all my heart, I loved him deeply and endlessly and although I'm scared of the challenges that lie ahead, I know we can get through it together. It's not going to be easy, I'm pregnant and not married and my babies father plays professional baseball. It's going to be hard. But I know he's going to do everything he can to take care of the baby and I. He's going to be there as much as he can, maybe even more. He's going to make sure I'm happy too. We're going to be just fine, I know it.

When the Stars Align (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now