23| Good To Me

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As September rolls around we approach my favorite thing in the world, fall time. The temperatures start to slide and you see pumpkins everywhere. The colors turn to burgundy and deep orange which always looked best with my eyes. I can wear my hair down without feeling like it's getting stuck to the back of my neck, I couldn't wait.

I start to pack my warmer clothes away and store them in the closet. I get out my hoodies and sweatshirts and all the other clothes make me happiest. Although I share a room with my sister I still get to do what I please with it, as long as I don't touch her stuff.

"Hey, you have a visitor" Isaiah says as he peeks his head in out room.

"A visitor" I ask.

"Well it's either Anthony or Chelsea, but Chelsea doesn't usually bring you flowers" he claims. My eyes go big as my heart starts beating faster.

"Anthony's here? What is he doing here, I look a mess" I whine. I spent all day decorating my room and not myself.

"You do, but I don't think he will care" he insists.

"The thing is I do" I defend.

"You look fine, come on" he says as he comes in my room. He goes behind me and pushes me out.

"At least let me pull my hair up" I beg.

"I was given directions to come get you and that's what I'm doing" he claims.

He finally gets me out of my room and I find Anthony standing in the living room with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. He smiles big when he sees me but I wanted to run and hide. Or at least fix myself up a little.

"Hey Babe" he starts.

"Did we have a date planned" I question.

"No. But I missed you and wanted to come see you" he claims.

"I talked to you last night" I smile. 

"And I missed you" he insists.

"Did you come here to patronize me" I wonder.

"No. I came here to see if you wanted to go grab some dinner" he claims.

"I would to... after I get ready" I insist.

"What do you mean? You look great" he says.

"Thank you for that, but I need to at least change and do something with my hair" I insist.

"Fine, I don't think you need to hit if that's what you want then you shall have it. I'll hang out with Isaiah in the mean time" he says as he messes with my brothers hair.

I retreat to my room and find some summer clothes because it's the beginning September and I didn't put it all away yet. I lived in Chicago, it could be 100 degrees tomorrow honestly. But it was a beautiful 73 degrees so I find a nice sun dress to put on. I shave a little and do my hair so it's a little more controlled. Finally I come back out and find Anthony in the kitchen. He was putting the flowers in the vase and honestly the ones he got me last time were still pretty nice looking. But these new ones really pulled the place together.

"You ready" I ask and he smiles over at me. He looks me up and down to see what I changed and nods his head.

"Yeah, I'm ready" he assures me.

We head to his car and he starts to drive. I open the window and let the wind take my hair. I rest my arm so it's outside the car and I just smile. Although life isn't always perfect, it's always beautiful. And I would be a idiot not to recognize a great day like today.

Eventually we end up at the pier and I turn to Anthony questionably.

"I thought we were just getting food" I say.

"We are... on a boat" he claims and my eye go big.

"Seriosuly" I ask and he nods.

"Yeah. You might not have known about this date, but for the four days I was gone it was all I can think about. So now we're here" he shrugs.

"And when were you planning on telling me about this fancy date" I wonder.

"Now" he smiles. I just shake my head as I grab his hand. I pull him into a kiss and I feel him smile. "Are you mad" he questions making me giggle.

"Oh yeah, I'm pissed my boyfriend surprised me with a wonderful date on what can be a perfect day" I tease.

"Just making sure" he insists.

We get on a small boat and he sits behind the controls. My eyes get big as I stand in the door way ready to dip if I needed to.

"Wait... you're driving" I question and he laughs.

"Yeah, I have a boat you know. I was born in Florida" he reminds me.

"That makes me feel just a little better" I insist and he pouts.

"Come on! I'm a great boat driver" he defends.

"I guess we're going to find out aren't we" I ask.

He takes off into Lake Michigan and just when I think he's going to stop, he keeps going. We get so far out that there wasn't a building or another boat in sight. It was just us, the water, and the sky. The sun starts to set and Anthony quickly grabs my hand and pulls me out to the deck.

A small gasp passes my lips as I look out there. The sky was painted every imaginable color as the sun sets behind the clouds. There was nothing to distract me from the sun set, it was right there and it was beautiful.

"Wow... I've never seen a sky like this one" I admit.

"The best sun sets come on the boat when you're far away from everything. I was afraid that we weren't going to get here in time to see it, but just like everything else I think it worked out just fine" he says.

"It's... incredible" I whisper.

"It's almost as beautiful as you" he teases. For the first time I look from the sky to see him standing there staring at me. Like there wasn't this once in a lifetime sunset out here. "I want a picture of you with the sunset" he insists before I gave him crap for giving me a compliment.

"Only if you take one with me" I insist.

"Fine. But I want one of just you first" he claims and I look at him weird.

"Why" I wonder.

"To be my wallpaper on my phone" he admits as a blush forms on his face.

"Why not a picture of us both" I wonder.

"Because this way every time I get on my phone and I'm away I'll see you and no matter how far away I am I can smile because you're still with me" he explains.

"Why are you so good to me" I ask. I've had many, many relationships through high school and my early 20's and I never had someone treat me so good. I've never had someone be so genuinely loving to me. Why him, why now?

"It just feels right. Every compliment I say I mean hundred percent, every promise I'm keeping until my last breath. You and I... were gonna make it. And I know I can lose you if I don't appreciate you the way you deserve. If I don't treat you like queen. Because you're my everything, and without you I feel like nothing. So I treat you good because that's how you treat me. It's a two way street really" he claims.

The next second he snaps the picture of me smiling at him before he smiles too. We take a few more pictures before we eat the food he brought and watch the moon replace the sun. As far as favorite moments, this one is up there.

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