49| Halley's Comet

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Right before Anthony leaves for spring training in Arizona we get to celebrate Valentine's Day together. I didn't really want to do much because I always thought this holiday was silly, but he was about to be gone for a month before I can see him again and my dad was gone and my mom was gone so I was going to be pretty lonely. I've never been by myself for more than a few days at a time and even then I had someone I looked up to around to help me feel less alone. But I had to hold it down here by myself before I got to join my wonderful boyfriend again.

So we decide to have a date night and hit the town before he left tomorrow. We were going to have a nice dinner and walk around the city we love one last time. Nothing too crazy, but something we can remember for a long time, at least until we meet again.

"What are you going to do while I'm gone" Anthony wonders as we sit at dinner. We both had dressed up a little and took a few pictures together before sitting down. Now we were ready to hang out for the last time for a while.

"Work, take care of my family, and miss you" I admit and he gives me a little smile.

"That's cute" he insists. "I've been thinking about faking a injury so I can come home. Should I do a pulled hamstring or a sports hernia" he jokes and I start to giggle. I just shake my head at his silly antics, I know he only says stuff like that to put a smile on my face. It always works too.

"Sports hernia for sure" I tease as he smiles back at me.

"But seriously, I'm gonna miss you so much. I don't know if I can take going this long without seeing you" he claims.

"You lived 25 years without knowing me. You can last a month" I assure him.

"But now that I know how much better life is with you in it, I don't want to know what life is without you. You make the stars shine brighter, you make the days so much better, you make me feel like the best version of me possible and I don't want to remember what I'm like before you came into my life. It wasn't a bad life, but this one is filled with love and beauty and peace, and I don't want to lose that" he insists.

"I'm always going to be here for you baby" I insist as I grab his hand. I give him a good squeeze and he smiles. "Not a day will go by that I won't remind you how much I love you and how much you mean to me. I'll never miss a chance to tell you that you're the best thing to ever happen to me and that you're the stars and the skies in my eyes."

"You're not making this any easier" he smirks and I laugh a little. Not because it was funny but because it was ironic.

"Sorry for trying to be a good girlfriend" I tease.

"You're forgiven" he jokes and I just roll my eyes.

After dinner we head to the park because that's our favorite place in the city. Even though it's still February and the flowers weren't out yet or the trees weren't fully bloomed, it was still such a breathtaking place. There is a season that you can't come to grant and millennium park and walk around and have so much to be amazed by. I never get tired of this place.

So Anthony and I walk around hand and hand just gazing around and talking. Talking like we haven't been together for ten months or like he was about to leave. He truly was my best friend, he had been from the start. And while our relationship is far from perfect, this the best thing I could ever call mine and I was so lucky to have him.

"Alright, we got to stop at your brothers place on the way home" he tells me as we wrap up our date and I look at him weird.

"Why" I wonder.

"Because I've been keeping your Valentine's Day gift there" he explains and I send him a kind glare. "Stand down. You're gonna love it" he insists.

So we hop in his car and head to the apartment. I see all my family there and I smile because I loved them so much.

"So why are we here" I wonder.

"To see my beautiful face" Trevor claims and I start to gag.

"Unlikely" I insist.

"We're not here for Trevor, but your gift should be around here somewhere" he admits.

A second later I hear what sounds like nails scratching on the wooden floor. And a lot of them. All of the sudden this black and white ball of fur comes flying around of the corner with Isaiah chasing after it. I see a husky puppy run right over to Anthony and start to jump up at his feet.

"Anthony... what did you do" I whisper.

"I got us a dog. But for a little while she's all yours. You just have to bring her with you when you get to Mesa" he insists.

"She's beautiful" I admit as he picks her up. He hands her to me and she takes no time making herself at home in my arms. She licks my face all over and I couldn't help but smile. I told Anthony that I've always wanted a dog, I just can't believe he actually got me a dog.

"She's been here a few days getting trained and making sure she's ready for the apartment life. Tatiana said she's a great puppy so you should be good to go" he explains as he pets her as she chills out in my arms.

"What's her name" I wonder.

"Halley. Like Halley's comet" he claims and I start to giggle.

"She's perfect" I insist.

So we take our little girl home and Anthony reveals the bunch of puppy stuff I somehow missed being in the apartment. We mess around with her until she falls asleep in her little bed. I watch her sleep peacefully and I couldn't keep the smile off my face.

"Thank you" I say turning to Anthony.

"For what? For loving you" he asks and I smile.

"Precisely" I admit. I pull him into a long kiss and we eventually break apart.

"Okay... I believe you" he whispers in my lips and I smile.

"And I love you."

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