65| I Knew It

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After we finally get settled into the house and Anthony was set with his baseball stuff I finally make it to my four month appointment. I was a little late to my four month appointment by about a week or so, but time is of the essence when you're trying to do everything at once like we were. While this appointment is not as exciting as finding out the fact that I'm pregnant, it's probably the second most important check up because we can find out the gender of the baby. Not that I care much What it would be, but it would still be nice to know.

"Do you want a boy or a girl" I ask Anthony as we drive over to the hospital. I was feeling good and getting bigger by the day and I was ready to meet my baby. But since I still had a while before I could do that finding out the gender will just have to do.

"I want a girl" he declares and I look at him weird.

"A few weeks ago you said you didn't want a girl" I remind him.

"I know, but then I thought about it. I sat down and I really thought about it. I thought about how you and your dads relationship is so special and I want that. I want my little girl to say that I'm the man in her life forever and for always. I want my little girl to always be my little girl no matter how old she gets. I never had to raise a girl or have seen a girl be raised before, it was always me and my brother and no sister. But after helping Tatiana do stuff for college and grow up I realized that having a girl isn't just about me protecting her. I'm not supposed to be here to stop bad things from happening to her, just to help her once it happens. It's raising her to be strong so she doesn't need protecting from me, she can handle it all on her own. And I know it won't be easy. She's going to go through being bullied and not knowing what she wants. She'll have friends she'll lose and she'll get her heart broken, I know it.

But I want to be part of the answer to all of her problems. I want to be the person she turns to when she just doesn't know. I want her to know that I'll always be there for her and I'll always want to look up to the sky with her when it seems too dark for the stars to shine. Then I'll remind her there no darkness that is stronger than the stars. She will always be the brightest spot in my life and no one can dull her" he explains. I reach over and grab his leg and give it a squeeze. I see him smile as he keeps his eyes on the road.

"Baby, that was beautiful" I smile.

"Thanks. I figured that I'm going to have issues with parents whether it's a girl or a boy, but I was a awful child and I don't know if I can handle a little me running around" he claims.

"All little boys aren't bad" I defend.

"Oh yes they are. My parents nearly pulled out their hair watching over my brother and I. Even the ones who seem like little angels will cut your ponytail when you're not looking" he assures me.

"Isaiah wasn't that bad" I claim and he gives me a sarcastic look. It wasn't a lie but it wasn't 100% the truth either. "Not as bad as Trevor at least" I mumble.

"Well I still want a girl" he claims.

"And what if it's not a girl" I wonder.

"I'm still going to cry because it's our baby and I'll love it regardless" he assures me. "What about you? What do you want" he asks.

"A baby" I tease as she sends me a glare. "I don't really care what it is. I just want to be able to prepare appropriately" I defend.

"We're going to be just fine" he promises as he rests his hand in top of mine. He laces his fingers with mine as we finish our drive to the appointment.

I grab Anthony and we walk into the doctors office ready to know a little bit more about our future. We make sure everything else is good and we're both healthy before we find out the good stuff. While I just want to know what my baby is I'm glad to hear that it's healthy and right where it should be in the development chart. After all the boring and rather gross part we get to what we were here for. I get laid back on a table and they use the sonogram machine to find our little baby. Once they find it we can hear it's heartbeat blare through the machine which was nice and loud. I see it starting to get arms and legs and it actually looked like a baby this time. Still creepy though.

"Alright, everything looks and sounds good. Lets see what we're having" my nurse says. She moves it around and looks for a indication on what we might be having. "It looks like you have a healthy baby girl on your hands" she announces.

Anthony shoots up from his chair next to me and lets out a victory yell. He claps his hands together loudly as he goes up to the monitor like it just hit a game tying RBI. He studied it as he smiled as big as ever.

"I knew it. We're having a girl" he cheers turning to me and I just shake my head.

"You just made him so happy" I tell the nurse and she laughs.

"I see that" she admits.

"Oh this is great. I already have a name idea and and a idea for the room. There's stuff saved on the computer for her and I can have it all by tomorrow. I can't wait to tell everyone that we're having a girl, my moms going to be so excited since she never had one. And the baby shower is going to be perfect" he lists off.

"Wow, you've had a lot of time to think about it huh" I tease.

"I've dream of this day since the moment you told me you're pregnant" he claims. Nice to know he's always thinking about us.

"What's the name you have in mind" I wonder. I haven't even started thinking about names but this man obviously had.

"Elissa Connie Rizzo. Elissa for the star that we have and Connie after-" he starts.

"After my mom" I whisper and he smiles.

"Yeah. It has a really nice ring to it and when she gets older we can tell her about the woman she was named after and why it makes her so special" he explains.

"It's perfect" I smile.

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