87| Sunshine

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Once Tatiana gets home and she meets the baby and rekindles with dad everyone was going to be here for a little while. For the first few days everyone stayed at our place to help out with the baby. They made us food while we made sure the baby was fed and they let us sleep in because lord knows those first few nights were the worst. But now Elissa has a schedule and she follows it pretty good. She's got her moms knack for timing and having a schedule which was great.

And she's been the most amazing little baby ever. She doesn't cry that much, only when she really needs something. But Anthony has been around a lot  too and he's been amazing with her. He's still a little scared because she's so small and she relies on us so much. But like me he's never let her down and they're doing good. They're a good little father daughter duo. They are going to do amazing things together, I just know it.

As for today we were going to do some pictures. Who knows when the next time we can get both of our families together. My dad can't stay that long and Tatiana had to get back to college. It's September and they just started classes but she was already excused to come be with family, it was just a little bit earlier than we were expecting. Then Anthony's parents will go back to Florida and Anthony will be caught up with baseball again. So for right now I was going to enjoy this time as a family as much as I can.

We take some pictures at Wrigley because we had a lot of history with our growing family there. That's where Anthony and I met and where my water broke, so we had a lot of important moments at this park. Plus I don't think there's a better place to take pictures than here. The sky was incredible and the field was perfect. We couldn't do any wrong.

So I pull on my favorite lucky Rizzo jersey and join everyone at the field. The photographer sets Elissa in some poses for individual pictures on the field. I watch from the side like the proud momma I am. I smile as big as I've ever smiled before because I had a beautiful little girl in my life now.

"We made that" Anthony states proudly as he comes beside me. He wraps his arm around my waist as I lean against him.

"No offense but I don't get it. She's the most incredible thing I've ever known and she's only here because you and I had sex" I say and he laughs.

"Well when you put it that way..." he teases.

"I'm just shocked I guess. Family has always been the most important thing to me. I've always wanted a family of my own and now I'm here with you and our daughter and I'm convinced this is the happiest I've ever been" I admit.

"I'm just happy to be here with you. I'm happy that this unplanned baby pulled us together and made things better for us. We get to teach her how to love, how to think for herself and how to be strong when she needs to but also not afraid to show weakness when it's needed too. We can make a difference in her life and that's that coolest thing ever" he admits.

"I can't think of anything that would make this any better" I insist.

"I can" he claims and I look at him weird. "But that's nothing to worry your pretty little head about. It's time to get pictures" he defers away from the precious conversation.

"You just had to schedule these pictures before I lose my baby weight didn't you" I shun.

"It doesn't matter. You are, have been and always will be, the most beautiful person I've ever known. And I'm not sugar coating it, you look amazing. Incredible. Beautiful in every type of way and that will never change. I think you look amazing, you're still glowing and you look like a super model. I promise" he says.

"You're actually the best boyfriend ever, you know that right? You have me a perfect daughter and you made sure my whole family was there to share these first precious moments with the baby with. You constantly go out of your way just to put a smile on my face. I've never felt a love like this before and I know I'll never find it again. But that's okay because I got you and I'm never going to let you go" I promise.

"Good" he says softly as he rests his chin on my shoulder. He presses a soft kiss to my cheek and I smile to myself, how lucky am I?

After Elissa has her time in the spotlight Anthony and I join her for some pictures. I couldn't wait to see these because I'm sure they're beautiful. All of this baby stuff if still coming at us so quickly because the baby came early and all our plans got moved up about a month. But we were getting a lot of stuff we wanted done thanks to our families.

We take one last picture with everyone in the picture and even Halley was there. We stand out by the ivy and the sky looked like a painting. We got lucky with the weather today, but like always my mom was looking out for me and made sure we were set. Once pictures were done we all come right over to the house and hang out like we had been doing a lot lately. But this time I order pizza and we watch the Cubs game. They were taking on the Cardinals here in town and I would have killed to be there. I had tickets because I thought I would still be able to be there, but I sent Isaiah with Anthony parents over to enjoy the game and I get rare time with Tatiana and my dad to catch up. Even though we talk every day there's still so much to tell them now that they're actually here. And now that we have Ellie there was never a shortage of stuff to talk about.

"You know, she almost looks exactly like you were when you were a newborn" my dad asks and I smile.

"Please don't tell Anthony that. I'll never hear the end of it" I insist.

"I just think it's crazy, I left this place and things were so dark and now I'm back and there's nothing but sunshine" he claims.

"I like that. I think her nickname should be Sunshine" I insist.

"Moon Pie and Sunshine" he says and I smile.

"I like the sound of that" I admit.

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