21| Sleepover

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I go to work like I do on any usual day. I clock in a few minutes early and make sure everything is as it should be. I set out the equipment and read up about the summer camps who were coming through today. There was quite a few camps all wanting to learn about something different so that made it a fun day for me. I was deep into my train of thought when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I see my boss standing there so I close my astronomy book that I've practically memorized but still loved to read and look at the pictures and tuck it under my arm. 

"Good news" he smiles and I smile back.

"I could use some good news" I admit. It was the bad news I was really worried about. Can't take much more of that.

"The hiring management was able to transfer your previous documents over and we updated the references and years of experience. So starting next week you can move into your moms old office and start your new role as manager, no hassle" he explains.

I let out a excited squeal as I jump up and give him a hug. We quickly break apart because that was kinda weird, he was about 30 years older than me and he was like the funny uncle to me. But I was just so excited I couldn't help it.

"Sorry, I'm just very happy" I insist.

"That's okay. We are excited to have you here with us too" he claims.

"So what do I need to do now" I wonder.

"We will have a new badge for you made and it'll be on your desk before you start. You'll have to dress business casual but as long as it's not trashy or revealing you'll be fine. Your hours are more flexible so let me know what you have in mind for the off season. I know you and Anthony will probably do something together but you have more vacation time than anyone I've ever seen who isn't your mom. Other than that you should be good to go" he smiles.

"Thank you, thank you so much" I express.

"Any time Miss Kelsey" he assures me.

I happily skip over to the break room where I pull out my phone. I quickly call Anthony who picks up on the second ring.

"Good morning Kelsey" he starts.

"Yes, yes it is" I admit.

"Ooh, someone's happy. Spill it" he demands.

"I got the promotion" I cheer and I hear him gasp.

"Oh that really is good news. I'm so proud of you" he insists.

"Thanks. I start next week and I even get my moms old office" I explain.

"We have to celebrate. You should grab Chelsea and Trevor and we can grab drinks tonight" he insists.

"Alright. I'll see what they're doing and let you know what the plans are" I promise.

"Alright. Well I'll let you go to work since you don't have much time before you're wearing the big girl pants. I love you" he says and I smile bigger than I have for a long time.

"Love you most" I insist.

I send out text about drinks tonight where they both agree to come. So after work I go home and watch the Cubs play with Tristan. They surprisingly enough end up winning which is good news because that means Anthony will be in a good mood to go drinking. So I grab Trevor and meet him over there. I find Chelsea and we start to drink as my brother catches up with Anthony. Eventually he brings over four shots and sets them down in front of us.

"I want to make a toast" he claims as he hands us each a glass. He raises his to the sky and we follow suit. "To my wonderful girlfriend Kelsey who has done wonderful things and will continue to do wonderful things. You inspire me every day to dream big and be kind and I can't think of a better person to be going through life with. I'm so happy to have you by my side and I can't wait to see where this new adventure leads us.

To Kelsey" he cheers as we clink our glasses to his.

"To Kelsey" they repeat before downing the shot. At this rate I don't know how any of us are going to go home safe.

It was about 2 in the morning by the time I finally looked at my phone. I see a text from my dad a hour ago asking if I was okay and I was a little concerned he's going to send the cops after me since I hadn't answered him. So I tell him that I was fine and that we should be done here shortly.

I find my people by the bar and pull them to the side. I tell them what time it was and we all had work the next day so I know that we needed to leave.

"Alright, I'm getting us all a cab" Anthony assures us. None of us should drive and I don't think we wanted to either.

"Sweet. Are you coming home with me or him" Trevor asks.

"Ohh say me say me" Anthony cheers like a little kid and I laugh at his childlike voice he had for such a large man.

"If it's okay with you" I insist as I turn to Anthony.

"It would be a honor to have a sleepover with you. Then Trevor can come pick the car up tomorrow and I can take you to work" Anthony insists.

"I need clothes for work" I insist.

"I got you. I'll bring extras" Chelsea promises.

"Aww you're so nice" I say as I start to pat her head.

"Aww you're so drunk" she teases as she does the same to me.

Eventually the cabs come and we go our separate ways. I ride over with Anthony and he pulls me up to his place. He gives me a shirt I change into before I crawl into his bed. He joins me under the covers before he pulls me close.

"I'm so happy we're having a sleepover" he claims and I laugh.

"That's what we're calling it" I ask.

"Yeah" he states and I smile.

"Whatever floats your boat."

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