44| Safe At Home

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Eventually Isaiah wakes up from his deep sleep and they can do more tests on him. He was still very groggy and in a lot of pain but the fact that he was conscious was good news considering how bad of a position he was in. We were so close to losing him but thankfully after a few days he woke up. They did everything they can to help him get better and hopefully soon they'll get him up and I can hear him laugh that infectious laugh.

As for the rest of us, we were still fighting. We haven't told Isaiah about the investigation that was going on. He almost killed himself trying to protect this family and the last thing we need for him up know is what is going on out here. His health is first and foremost, we can worry about the rest later.

So I finally go back to work and try to do my job. There isn't anything I can do right now but pray that my mom is watching over us and can help. My fate was in the hands of the investigators trying their best to find some piece of documentation 

I was in the middle of a tour when I see Anthony walk into the planetarium. He had two police officers with him following him around and my eyes go big. I have Chelsea pick up where I left off in the tour and go over to him so he doesn't draw a crowd to where I was at.

"Hey, what's going on" I whisper really not trying to get fired today.

"Listen... I need you to trust me. Do you trust me" he asks.

"Of course I do. But I don't see what trust has to do with you bringing police officers to my work making a scene" I insist.

"We just need in your office and we'll be out of sight" he promises. I let out a long sigh as I just shake my head.

"Fine" I agree.

I take them to my office and let them in. They look around and I watch as they tear things up trying to find whatever it is they're looking for. I hope they're putting all this stuff back.

"If you're looking for documentation we already looked in here. As soon as my mom passed away we checked what she kept in here and up until this place was taken by me a few months ago it's been empty" I explain.

"What about this door" a police officer asks pointing to a boarded up door that used to be a closet. It was painted over and there was no door handle so it's been out of use even before my mom passed.

"That's been closed up since I was a kid. It hasn't opened since then, she couldn't have put anything in there without someone knowing" I insist.

"It looks like it's been opened since it's been painted over. Do you mind if we crack it open" he asks.

"No... I mean it's not a problem. Just please don't ruin anything" I beg.

He and his other police buddy finds a crank and after a lot of pulling and grunting they get the door open. They move some things from in front of the door before looking into the closet with their flashlights.

"Do you know anything about the safe in here" he asks and I raise my eyebrows.

"A safe" I ask.

"Yeah. A medium sized safe all locked up sitting in the back of the closet" he says.

He pulls it out and they get it up on my desk. It was all dusty and old looking but it was defiantly a safe. I try and figure out how we didn't see this before, then I wonder what in the world she could have put in there.

"Do you know what the code might be" one of the police officers ask.

"I can try a few things" I admit as I walk up to it.

I try all the birthdays I knew and other important dates it might be. I run out of things to try until I remember something. I put the date of my mom and dads first date and I hear a pop. The door opens up and I smile to myself.

"Well... what's in there" Anthony questions. I reach my hand in there and pull everything out. There was a box with my father's name on it and a stack of papers right under it. I set the box to the side and decide to look through the papers first because that's what we wanted to see.

"Oh my god" I whisper and Anthony smiles.

"Did you find it? Did you find your birth certificates" he wonders.

"I did" I gasp and I see Anthony pop up behind me. He runs over to where I was and mixed in with some other things from school and arts and crafts things we made for her here when we would have to come to work with her was all four birth certificates signed by a real nurse who was with my mom when she gave birth at home. This proving that we were born here in the states and didn't have to leave.

"We did it! We found it" he cheers.

"We did it" I smile as I pull him into a hug. He places his hand on the back of my head and I start to cry. I know this was just the beginning of the solution to our problems, but it meant the world to me we had this. This way my sister and brothers can live with a clear mind and know that even though mom isn't here she's still looking out for us.

Anthony takes the documents and the police officers to go clear all of that stuff up. We still needed to update our addresses but other than that Isaiah should be fine to continue getting treatments and Trevor can look for new jobs and Tati can go off to college.

I leave my work and go to the hospital. I tell my family what all happened at work today and they literally jump for joy. We still keep it from Isaiah because he didn't need to worry himself. He still felt like shit and he needed to sleep. But for the rest of us the weight of the world lifts off our shoulders.

"Here" I say handing the box to my dad. He takes one look and he smiles so big.

"Is this from your mother" he wonders.

"Yeah, it was in the safe with everything else and it must be important if she kept it in there. It's a little old but unless it's food I'm sure you can still appreciate whatever it is she wanted you to have but could never give to you" I explain.

He unties the ribbon and opens up the top of the box. The smile finds its way onto his weary face as he reaches in the box. He pulls out a pair of baby booties that looked like the Brazilian flag. They were knitted and I could tell that mom made them.

"Were those mine" I gasp as I recall them from some pictures.

"They were. This is how your mom told me she was pregnant with you. She made these because I was worried about your heritage and how who I was going to effect you. She made me these to assure me she was proud of our little mixed baby and that there's nothing to be ashamed of. You wore these up until you could no more. I forgot about them but she never did" he sniffles.

"She loves you so much, you know that right" I ask.

"Always" he promises.

When the Stars Align (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now