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As we get farther into November it comes times to start planning holidays and making plans for the future. With it being so uncertain I make sure I don't get attached to one future over another. But there's a lot to look forward to in this life I lead, no matter what the outcome is. There's thanksgiving and bowl games and hockey is back and Christmas and New Years and Tatiana graduates, and it all happens within the next month and some. It was a lot but I was excited.

So I sit on my bed with my laptop on my lap and type away. I make some spread sheets for the walk off for cancer and make sure everyone gets a shirt and care package. I make plans for my time in Florida and make sure I can see everyone I want to. Plus Kelsey has never been out of the state before so I wanted to make sure she can see some cool southern landmarks and experience Florida the right way.

As I type away on my laptop I hear soft singing coming from the bathroom and I smile really big. Kelsey always sings in the shower and she always sounds so good. I know she doesn't like to sing in front of people but I think she had the best voice in the world. Well, besides her sister. So I decide to slide my laptop to the side and get up off the bed so I could go join her. I strip down to the nude and let myself in the bathroom.

"Please don't go poop again. At least wait until I'm out the shower" she begs and I laugh.

"I'm not here to torture you. I'm here to join you" I claim. She peeks her head out out of the shower curtain and sees me ready to join her. She calls me over with her little finger and I smile real big. I climb in the shower and almost immediately regret it.

"Holy shit Kels, are you trying to summon the devil in here? It's hot as hell" I insist as I hide from the water.

"I like the burning sensation. I think it feels good" she claims.

"I think you're insane" I whine as the water burns into my skin.

"I thought you knew that" she teases.

"Not this crazy" I insist.

"Come on, it's not that bad" she claims as she pulls me into the water. I try to back away but she had me tight. Eventually I get used to it and I smile. This isn't too bad actually. Of course it helps that I was a lot distracted.

"It can't be that bad with you in here" I reply and she rolls her eyes.

"Are you gonna ever stop with the cheesy compliments" she wonders.

"Do you want me to" I ask.

"Absolutely not" she shakes her head. "Just wondering if one day you'll grow tired of putting so much effort into this relationship" she claims.

"I'll never get tired of loving you. I'll buy you flowers every chance I get. Even if they're for no reason at all and the last ones I got you are still good, I'll still send them because they'll remind me of how beautiful you and how lucky I am to have you making my world seem brighter. I'll never get tired of telling you how much I love you because every time I do I feel my heart skip a beat. I get this feeling like everything is just as it is supposed to be because I love you and you love me. I'll always be grateful for the love we share and for the memories we are able to make.

I'll never get tired of using silly little one liners that make you smile. I keep them all in a little box in my head just to use on you" I promise.

"Well aren't I just the luckiest girl in the world" she teases.

"You're pretty lucky" I joke. She softly puts her lips on mine then not so softly kisses me harder. My hands slide across her bare skin as I try to hold her tight. So I dig my fingers into her back until she was safe in my arms.

Once we finish taking a shower we change and get ready to call it quits for the night. Neither of us were packed for Florida yet, but since we're driving it doesn't really matter. We can bring whatever we want and leave whenever we want so we weren't too worried about it. So we curl up in bed and watch some tv, whatever we could find on Netflix. We decide on Friends and just lay there together. I run my fingers through her wet hair as she fights to stay awake. Not that I was helping her any.

"I would have loved to have a friend group like that" she claims.

"Did you not have a lot of friends growing up" I question. I find that hard to believe.

"I did. But a lot of friends didn't mean I was happy. To have some true friends that'll be there through thick and thin, through the ups and the downs, that's hard. Anyone can be there when it's easy, but it's hard to find people who will stand with you in the storm. I never had that person where I trusted everything with. Hardly anyone knew my dad was here illegally and those who did are still good friends of mine. But other than Chelsea and a few other people I couldn't imagine having to do this fight alongside anyone" she sighs.

"What about me" I wonder.

"You don't count. You're not just my boyfriend, you're my best friend. I know I can put my life in your hands and you will do anything to make sure I'm okay. Before we were even dating you took care of me with the whole ball to the head incident" she insists.

"Is that why you're so close with your family" I question. Because she didn't trust anyone else.

"Yeah, they're my best friends. I know they wouldn't do anything to hurt me. I know they understand me and support me and my decisions. Even though they didn't want me to move out they wanted me to grow and be with you and build a relationship that I will keep in my heart long after we're gone. And I couldn't do any of that if they never let me go. So they did and I'm happy they did. They will always be my friends no matter what" I insist.

"That's very sweet of you. You guys are lucky to have each other" I insist.

"I think so" she smiles.

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