54| Fur Baby

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"I wanna see her" Kris begs as he pops up in my room. He walks over to the chair I was sitting at with my laptop in front of me. I was all ready for my Skype date with Kelsey but like many times this spring tries I feel I can't ever seem to be left alone.

We had a off day and I just wanted to face time Kelsey without it turning into FaceTime with like 10 people trying to talk to my girlfriend. Of the ones who remember her they wanted to see her again and the new guys wanted to see what all the hype was about. But I'm a selfish man when it comes to my girlfriend. I'll share her with our families and our friends but I haven't seen her in what feels like forever and I just wanted to see her again.

"She's going to be here in less than two weeks, you'll see her then" I promise.

"But I want to see her now. You said that we we're going to best friends and you've met my girlfriend already. It's time I meet yours" he insists.

"You're so clingy" I tease and he starts to laugh.

"Are you really not going to at least let me say hi to her" he asks.

"I'm sorry dude, but I miss her. A lot. And I kinda just need it to be her and I" I insist.

"Alright, I'll let it rest. For now. But I better be the second face she sees when she gets her" he threatens as he points a stern finger at me and I smile.

"I can do that" I promise.

Once I get back to my computer I pull up Skype on my laptop. I call Kelsey and she answers on the first ring because I knew she was back in Chicago sitting next to her computer waiting for me to call. When her picture comes up I see Halley in her lap as she pets the dog. She had on the sweatshirt I sent home and her hair down because she was at home and didn't mind when it got in the way.

"You know that's a pet, not a kid right" I ask and she gasps loudly. She covers the puppies ears and I just shake my head.

"Shhh. She can hear you" she jokes as I laugh.

"You're too obsessed with that dog. What are you going to do when we have a real kid" I tease. She doesn't respond immediately as she just kinda looks at me not really sure what to say next. I realized what I said kinda spooked her and I try to figure out what to say next. But like always she comes right back to me.

"I'm gonna love that kid with all my heart. I don't know if I'll ever be ready for kids, but I'll always want them. Always. I can't wait to hold the little thing we created in my arms and to love it with all my heart. I'm gone be the best momma I can possibly be. I won't be perfect, far from it, but I'll always try my best. I'll stay up for hours to make sure our baby sleeps well and I'll make sure it has everything it'll ever need. And while you'll always be number one in my heart I will happily dump you in a second for a baby" she claims making me smile.

"Fair enough" I nod.

"What about you? What are you going to do when I have a real kid" she asks.

"Cry, like a lot. I might be this big tough guy on the field, but as soon as I see that baby I'm going to be on the floor crying my eyes out. I love kids and to have some of my own, that would be pretty great. Especially to look in their eyes and see the best parts of me and all of you. I never wanted kids up until I met you" I admit.

"But now..." she trails off.

"Now I would love to have 40 kids... that's what I told you right" I tease and she giggles.

"Pretty sure it was forty" she agrees.

"I just wanted to make you smile" I insist.

"You always do. Even when you're not here you make me smile" she promises.

"So what are you doing today" I wonder.

"I think I'm gonna take Halley to the groomers and get her fur cut. Then I might take her to get new outfits" she explains.

"Seriously, you know that's a dog right" I question as she laughs.

"I do, but I love her a lot. She's been doing a great job of keeping me company and giving me something to put my love into" she admits.

"Meanwhile all I have is a new clingy best friend who hates me because I won't let him Skype you with me" I say as she starts to laugh.

"I can't wait to meet him and all your other friends you've been telling me about" she insists.

"They can't wait to meet you too. With how much I talk about you they already know all about you. Now I just need you here" I sigh.

"Soon" she promises.

"Not soon enough" I reply.

"Who knows, I probably won't make it the whole month without seeing you. I'll be there early so we can run into each other's arms in slow motion" she teases.

"I can't wait" I admit.

"Plus there's something really really important I want to tell you" she claims and I look at her weird.

"But you're not going to" I question.

"Nope. I want to tell you in person" she insists.

"Shouldn't something really really important be told sooner rather than later" I wonder.

"I want this to be a special moment, and nothing against Skype but telling you this over here this isn't it. I want to experience it all with you so it's just going to have to wait" she claims.

"Should I be scared" I ask and she smirks a little.

"I'm not sure. It doesn't take a lot to scare you but I might of found something" she claims.

"Okay, now I'm scared" I whisper and she laughs.

"We're going to be fine" she promises.

"As long as I have you I know I will you" I admit.

"I'm right here" she promises.

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