77| Shopping Intervention

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I check up with my baby doctor like I had to every once in a while and they tell me that everything is going well. The baby is doing great and still has a strong heart beat and doesn't have any type of defects or issues with it. So they give me some pictures and to me she looked really good. I couldn't wait to meet my little princess. Besides the normal mood swings and swelling I was as fit as, well as fit as Anthony. Things were right on schedule and not too long from now our little family will finally start.

So I head home from my appointment but decide to stop off at a baby store to pick up a few things. While we had plenty of stuff for her already I've never heard of a baby dying from getting too much love. So I look at cute things to put in her hair and little shoes and stuff like that. I just couldn't get enough of this stuff and I would buy it all if I could. I keep telling myself "she would look so cute in this" and the next thing I know I buy it and put it up in her room. I don't mean to keep buying this stuff but it's already so hard to tell her no. Even though she's not really asking.

I feel my phone go off in my purse and I quickly retrieve it. I see it's Anthony and calling and decide I better answer before he sends out the secret service to come find me.

"Hey baby" I answer as I continue to look around.

"Hey babe. How was your appointment" he wonders.

"It was good. We're both growing a lot so that's both great and awful" I tease and I hear him laugh.

"So if everything's fine why aren't you home yet" he wonders.

"Because I found a baby store I haven't been in yet and I stopped by on my way home" I explain and I hear him start to groan from the other line.

"Babe... we don't need any more baby clothes" he begs.

"I'm just looking" I defend.

"Uh huh, and how many items are in your hands" He questions as I look down at my arms.

"Just one or two... or ten" I shamefully admit.

"Oh man, I can't let you go anywhere by yourself" he teases.

"I'm sorry. I just see this stuff and think about how perfect our daughter is going to look in it. Then I tell myself that I can't let that go to waste, everyone needs to see how perfect our daughter is. So technically I'm doing everyone a favor" I claim.

"Ah, Okay. You're so right, what was I thinking? That there's no way we can put our daughter in a million pieces of clothing? How crazy of me" he jokes.

"I'm just preparing for the days she shits through three outfits but still will look cute the fourth time around" I smile.

"Can't wait" he laughs.

"So why did you call" I question picking up yet another onesie to look at.

"I wanted to go on a lunch date with you and you never came home so I had to call you" he claims.

"Well I'll purchase the stuff and I'll be there in like 30 minutes" I promise.

"More baby stuff" he asks.

"Well I'm not buying alcohol from the baby store" I shake my head.

"Alright alright, get our daughter her one millionth outfit then come home as soon as possible. I want to kiss your face" he tells me and I smile big.

"I'm leaving now" I assure him.

After purchasing what I had and a few more things i found on my way to the checkout line I was on my way. I get home and set the bags down inside the door. I'm met with a happy doggy jumping all over my legs. I give Halley plenty of kisses before grabbing the baby stuff. I take it to the nursery and put everything where it's supposed to be. Once I was done I step back and look around. I smile to myself pretty proud of my absurd buying.

"There you are" Anthony says as he joins me in the room. He pulls me into him and starts to kiss around my face.

"I'm here I'm here" I giggle as I playfully push him away. But he pulls me in closer which I kinda wanted to happen anyway.

"What did you buy our daughter this time" he accuses and I smile.

"Some dresses and stuff for her hair and cute little socks" I explain.

"You know she's not even going to remember all of this stuff" he teases.

"But I will" I remind him.

"Alright, fair enough" he admits.

"So what did you have in mind for lunch" I wonder.

"How about somewhere with some air conditioning because it is getting so hot" he admits and I nod.

"I agree with that. How about Chinese food" I ask.

"You always eat Chinese food" he accuses.

"Elissa likes it" I pout and he smiles at me.

"Okay, we can get you guys some Chinese food. Then we can talk about your shopping problem" he claims making me scoff.

"Shopping problem?! I don't have a shopping problem" I insist.

"You defiantly do. And I love that it's never for yourself but the baby isn't a Barbie doll. We can't just sit here and play dress up the first few years of her life" he claims.

"I'm carrying this child in my stomach for 9 months, if I want to play dress up with the baby then dammit I'm going to do it" I put my foot down.

"Alright alright, fair enough" he laughs.

We go to my favorite restaurant and sit in our usual seats. I get my orange chicken and two egg rolls and eat it all without hesitation. I make quite a mess but I didn't really care. The only man I needed to impress thought I was a goddess so what could go wrong?

"How do you feel about taking maternity pictures" he wonders.

"Why do you want pictures of me when I'm fat" I question as he shakes his head at me.

"You're not fat, you're carrying a baby. And I want to remember this beautiful journey we're on" he insists.

"Yes, nothing is more beautiful than you working out my charlie horses at 2 in the morning" I laugh.

"If that's a part of this process then yeah, it's beautiful" he claims.

"How is it that you never see anything I do as bad" I question.

"Because baby, you're the greatest thing I'll ever call mine and I would be a idiot to take a second of our time together for granted" he says.

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