63| Welcome Home

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After we purchase what we need and get all the stuff to put into the house we were finally officially able to move into the house. I'm not going to lie, I got a little emotional when we got the last box in. Not that it took much to get me emotional now-a-days, but this made me especially emotional. I never thought that I would get to this moment in my life where everything seems to be falling into place. I've seen how ugly this world can be, my family isn't something a lot of people support. But constantly we show that love, well love is stronger than any hate we may experience.

I set a box down outside of where the nursery will be and I smile. The kids' rooms aren't done yet, we knew which one would be the nursery and which one would be the kids room, but we haven't figured out what to do with it yet. We wanted to find out a gender and know a little bit more about what's supposed to go in a nursery before getting started. But those two rooms are the only things that are unfinished in this house. And once word gets out and the news sinks in I'm sure we'll be getting things for the baby to enjoy and the rooms will be filled.

After unloading the last box I break it down and bring it downstairs. I wasn't far enough into my pregnancy where everyday things were hard for me but moving most certainly wasn't easy. But we did it and now we can call this beautiful house our own.

"Can you believe this is all ours" I ask Anthony as I plop on the couch next to him. He had been playing phone tag with the cable company but from the looks of it they figured it out.

"It's pretty crazy. We own a house. And not just any house, a beautiful house" he claims.

"What do we even do now" I wonder.

"I say we break in the new bed" he smirks and I laugh. I swat his hands away as he tries to reach for me and he just moves in closer.

"I'm not opposed. But there's one thing I want to do before we do that" I insist.

"And what's that" he wonders. He had his little pouty lip sticking out making me laugh.

"I want to take a picture of us in our new house" I claim.

"Why" he questions.

"Because I think it would be cute to have a first house picture. You know how people find those old fashion pictures of their grandparents outside the house and 50 years later they're still there. I want that. Then one day we can look back at this moment and smile. This is the start of our forever in this house and so much is awaiting us between here and the finish line. I think it would be great to have a picture to hang up and every time we pass by it we can just smile because we've come so far. Then one day when our kid gets older and they ask about this picture that's been up in the house  since the beginning of time we can tell then that this was the moment we started our family. This was the day where everything came together and that we were ready to face the world" I explain.

"That sounds wonderful. I'll grab the camera" he claims as he hops up.

I grab the dog and meet Anthony in front of the house. It was pretty far away from everything else and Halley knew better than to run away from us. Anthony finds a point where we can get the whole house in the frame and he sets the camera up. After he sets the timer on the camera he runs over to where I was standing. He stand behind me and rests his hand on my little baby belly. I see the flash go off and relax a little. I was honestly surprised Halley sat still that long, she loves the new house and loves to play in the front yard. So I make sure she's all tied down before she runs around and plays while Anthony goes to look at the picture.

"Oh, this is perfect" he claims as he walked over to me. He shows me the picture and I smile big.

"Wow, we're a good looking couple" I admit and he laughs.

"And for that reason I hope we have a son because if we have a daughter and she looks anything like you I'm surely going to have a heart attack by the time she's in high school" he claims.

"We can just cut her hair and convince her that she's a boy. That's that they do in the movies" I tease.

"We're too real to take parenting advice from a movie" he claims

"Are we though" I ask and he laughs. He looks at the picture and he just smiles so big.

"We're going to be amazing parents, I just know it. I look at this picture and I see a beautiful family. A incredibly beautiful and intelligent woman and a man who loves her more than anything. A cute little dog and a house that's ready to hold one more person, our beautiful baby. Not even Disney could make up a better movie" he claims.

"I think you're right" I agree. I pull him into a innocent kiss that turns into a not so innocent one. He wraps his arms around my back and suddenly I forgot where we were.

"We should go inside" he whispers.

"You said something about breaking in the new bed" I remind him and he smirks. He gives me one last kiss before grabbing my hand and pulling me inside. We let Haley do into the backyard because it was fenced and we run upstairs. And while being pregnant takes a lot of sexiness out of sex, Anthony kinda loved it. With my hormones being all over the place like they are I certainly didn't stop him.

So I crawl into our new bed which was super comfy and most defiantly needed broken in. Anthony carefully crawls on top of me as he tries desperately to keep his lips on mine. But there was a little something keeping us apart. And it was my baby bump.

"I'm already ready to make another baby" he claims and I start to giggle.

"That's most assuredly not how this works" I assure him.

"Well... then we'll adopt" he claims. I stop kissing him to look him in the eyes.

"Are you serious about adoption" I question and he shrugs.

"I've always thought it would be cool. There's plenty of good kids already born waiting to have a family to love them. And if we're in a good position I don't see why not? I want to have babies ourselves but I wouldn't be obliged to adopting either" he explains.

"I've always wanted to adopt a kid" I admit and he smiles.

"Really? I didn't know that" he insists.

"Well now you know" I tease.

"I would love to continue this conversation... another time. Right now I want to love you" he claims.

"I'm not stopping you" I smirk.

When the Stars Align (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now