35| Just Like That

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After what had been such a wonderful vacation we return to Chicago in time for thanksgiving. So I return to my old apartment for the day and I help my sister and dad make thanksgiving dinner. Although we're technically a immigrant family and immigrants weren't always welcomed here, thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite holidays.

I know this holiday isn't all what it's supposed to be, but what it's supposed to be is something beautiful. I've always been in love with the idea of thanksgiving actually being about family that isn't blood but it's all heart. It's supposed to represent the cohesion of two different worlds who learn to live with one another, not against. In the Disney version we overcome our differences and join hands over dinner. We share and not take, we communicate not fight, we love and not hate. And while for whatever selfish reason the pilgrims and natives were never able to peacefully live beside each other, that doesn't mean we can't try and right the wrongs now. There's people from all around the world who reside in this country. They're here for opportunities, for rights, for freedoms. For whatever it is them or their ancestors were looking for and were hoping to find in this nation. And we stay in the hopes to move foreword, together, thankful for each other who helped us along the way.

"It's hot as hell in here" Trevor grunts as he walks into the kitchen. I myself was sweating through my clothes trying to get all the food done in time for my family.

"You would know considering you're preparing to go there" I tease and he sends me a glare. He grabs a breadstick out of the bread basket and leans up against the counter.

"That is not very thanksgiving like" he shuns.

"I'm sorry if I'm a bit tired from spending hours in this hot kitchen making food for my family and my annoying brother comes in here for a minute complaining about the heat and eating my food" I scoff.

"You're forgiven" he smirks. I take the spray from the sink and spray him with freezing cold water. He lets out a yelp before darting out of the kitchen with bread in hand.

"You should have done that as soon as he opened his mouth" Tatiana teases from beside me and I laugh along with her.

"Be nice to him. He's just a little stressed with not having work for a while" my dad defends.

"He could help you out and make some money" I remind him.

"Yeah... that'll be the day. Isaiah is more helpful than Trevor is" he mumbles.

"Don't I know it" I agree.

By 3 everything was done or in the over and dinner would be ready in two short hours. So the three of us join Trevor, Isaiah and Anthony our in the living room to watch some football. Although Isaiah's dream is to play baseball he still loved football too. He wasn't a big guy but he was pretty good and growing every day. 

Anthony pulls me into his lap and wraps his arms around me. He buries his face on my back and I softly rub his arms as he holds me close.

"It smells great in here" he claims.

"Good. Because we spent almost all day in that damn kitchen" I insist.

"I can't wait to eat" he claims. I feel his teeth go into my back and my eyes go big.

"Do not do this here" I warn. He knows biting outsode of the bedroom was a no-no.

"Sorry. But all I'm craving right now is you" he claims.

"You will get nothing if you don't learn to control yourself" I threaten. He finally stops and rests his chin on my shoulder. I cup his cheek to make sure he doesn't get any smart ideas and we continue to watch the game.

"Did you play football" Trevor asks Anthony and he laughs.

"No. I did baseball and hockey and my brother played football. My dad was pretty strict to keep us on the right path growing up. Those crazy "Florida man" stories are true and it's just as easy to end up in the newspaper for doing drugs as it is for doing good in sports. But my dad was strict, kept us busy in sports and my brother got the football genes" he explains.

"But you love football" Isaiah insists.

"I do" Anthony agrees, "but it just wasn't me. I didn't mind the game, I still love watching football and going to games. I just always knew baseball was what I wanted to do. It picked me as much as I picked it" he shrugs.

"Kinda like you and Kelsey" Tatiana says. I feel him press his lips to my jaw line and I smile to myself.

"Just like that" he claims.

By 5 we were all in the kitchen stacking food on top of our plates like jenga. We all knew that this food was going to last days, weeks even, but that wasn't going to stop us from trying to stuff ourselves now. So we sit around the table and eat and eat and eat.

"What are you thankful for" I ask my dad. He smiles as he looks around the table.

"I'm thankful to still be here with you all. I'm thankful that I'll never miss my Connie too much because she's in each and every one of you. I'm thankful that the fire that took everything away from us wasn't bigger than the fire in our heart that allows us to love even though things get hard. I'm thankful for Anthony coming into our lives and not changing who we are but changing how we think about people in this world.

I'm not gonna lie, it's been hard trying to keep on going. I don't want to lose you guys but being here without your mom, it hurts. But seeing Tati be Abel to graduate and Isaiah play ball and Cici fall in love like her mother and I before her. It's fulfilling, to sit here and see that life can't be beautiful again in spite of what happened" he says. I reach over and grab his hand that was sitting in the table. He gives me a warm smile and I give him one back.

"You're our hero" I assure him.

"And you all are mine" he insists.

"I'm thankful that you stayed here and fought and continue to fight. I'm thankful for these new opportunities I wouldn't have ever had if you didn't keep me sane. I'm thankful for Anthony coming into my life and giving me enough love to be unconditionally happy. I'm thankful our family has come so far and we're going to keep moving forward" I insist.

"I love you guys" Anthony says and we all start to laugh.

"We love you too" my dad promises.

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