80| Late Night Date Night

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This has been a pretty good summer so far. We're all settled into the new house and we're loving it here. We talked about getting a pool but until Elissa is old enough to swim we don't want to put one in and create the chance that she could drown. But we do get some play things for the backyard and we just hope that Halley doesn't chew it up before she even gets a chance to play with it. Come August we celebrate my birthday and even get to go on a nice boat ride across Lake Michigan. We spend some time with my family and do more stuff with the children's hospital. I wasn't sure what this year was going to hold, with it starting off so awful with Isaiah getting sick and Antonio being deported. But it's turning out to be the best year of my life, watching Tatiana grow up and having a kid and planning to propose. The team is looking great and I have this beautiful life in this beautiful house and nothing to complain about.

As for tonight Kelsey and I decide to do a late night date night. So after the game I quickly do my interviews and debrief with the team before running home. I shower and change and meet Kelsey out on the front porch. After I force her to take a million pictures with me we head out into the city. We go to Chicago Cut and find a booth to sit at. This was a popular place for late night eating and they're pretty good with making sure the athletes here in the city can have somewhere nice to eat and get a little privacy. So we get our seats by the water and look out into it. We order our food and enjoy a light conversation.

"How was your lunch with the other wives and girlfriends today" I wonder. They wanted to throw her their own baby shower so they went out and did something fun. And while we ran out of room for baby stuff a long time ago it was still greatly appreciated that they wanted to do this for her.

"It was awesome! There's so many strong and powerful moms on this team. They assured me that if I need anything they'll help and I have plenty of takers to baby sit for when we want a date night like this after the baby is born" she assures me.

"Good. Because I'm still going to want some me and you time once she gets here" I insist.

"You're not going to forget about me are you" she teases and I smile at her.

"I could never forget you. I could lose all my memories of who we are and what we've done and I would take one look at you and know that I loved you. No matter how cute and how needy our daughter is I'll always make time for us. I'll wake up early to get the baby changed and fed so we can have breakfast together. I'll take care of her and put her to sleep so you can have a few extra minutes to yourself in the shower. You just say the word and I'll be there" I promise.

"Why are you so good to me" she questions. But I just smile as I gaze across the table.

"I treat you the way you treat me. And I will never give you anything less than my best because I know you would do the same for me. I can't carry our baby for you because you know I would if I could. And I can't do a lot of things that would make this all a bit easier for you. But I can love you and I can treat you right. I can support you and remind you that you're the best thing that has ever been a part of me and I'm so blessed to be yours" I assure her.

"And this is why I'm pregnant" she teases and I laugh. I know she said that just to make me smile and like always it works. She smiles back at me as she looks deep into my eyes. I look back at her as she lets out a long sigh

"Are you tired" I wonder.

"I'm always tired" she insists.

"When are you going to go on maternity leave" I question.

"If I do it'll be the last month. But I don't plan on stopping any time soon. I still feel good and I can get around on my own. I don't see any reason to stop working. It's not like it's high intensity stuff. The only thing in my life that would cause me enough stress to cause any damage is watching you play baseball and you can bet your ass I'm not cutting back on that" she promises.

"You can watch the games from home, I wouldn't be mad" I assure her.

"Hell no. You guys are playing your best baseball right now. I'm not missing that because you're afraid I'll pop the baby out" she jokes.

"I'm more afraid I'm going to hit you again" I joke.

"Lightning doesn't strike twice. But for precaution I'm going to be wearing one of your hard hats if we end up sitting down by the dugout again" she teases.

"I appreciate the fact you always want to come to my games. And even though you can't button the jersey you still look super cute in it" I assure her.

"I love watching you play. You're such a great player and even though I get so nervous when someone sails a ball your way you always seem to be where you need to be when you need to be there" she explains.

"I try" I blush.

"I can't wait to bring Elissa to a game. I can't wait to put her in her little cubs onesie and put a little bow on her. We can take some pictures of her in a glove and it'll be the cutest thing ever" she smiles big.

"You've thought this through huh" I ask and she smiles.

"Quite a few times. But I don't want to forget these moments for a second. This is our first kid, I was the oldest of my family too and I loved being the oldest. I love looking back to the times I was a only child and things were so different. Then I can smile at the baby pictures of my sibling that looked just like I did" she claims.

"When do you want a second kid" I wonder.

"Not too long from now. I want us to be really close" she insists.

"Like your family" I ask and she smiles.


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