67| Doing Our Part

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I sit behind my desk in my office as I stare down the most beautiful bouquet of flowers that Anthony just recently had sent to me. He got me a bouquet a little over a week ago for Mother's Day, even though I assured him he didn't have to do anything for me just yet. I wasn't technically a mother and I'm sure I'll appreciate this like hell next year when I'm running around chasing our little one. But he insisted on getting flowers that said happy mothers day and I thought it was cute. Then this morning he had them replaced with a beautiful new batch of flowers that was just as beautiful as the last. Even though he wasn't here with me physically he was here with me spiritually and that'll just have to do. For now I can just look at the vase and smile because I have someone who isn't here physically but he wished more than anything that he was.

And even though I was missing him like crazy these days, I know that he's doing is what he's meant to do. Baseball meant the world to him and therefore it meant the world to me too. He loved his team and this city and I was right there beside him cheering him on. So I'm going to do my part as a part of this city and teach people about the wonders of the sky while he does his part of bringing a lot of people happiness. While my role isn't as big as his, he supports me too.

I go into the planetarium and take my spot in the middle of the room. This was my last school session of the year before they go to summer break. I was both excited and sad because I loved doing these things, the kids make me so happy. But I was also ready for summer and baseball games and being closer to meeting my baby. First I had to get through this though.

"Our place in this world is quite small" I start. The room goes dark and the stars appear around us making some of the kids gasp. "We're a tiny part of this planet who is a tiny part of the solar system that's a tiny part of the galaxy who is a tiny part of this universe. And you might think that if we're such a small part of this universe then what's the point? What purpose do I have that will change this life I know? What difference can I make? What's the point to all of this?

While you guys are in high school and you start to explore these questions with your whole life ahead of you, you might feel a little discouraged. Questions like the ones I just asked can be dangerous for the answers are all so uncertain. In reality we are very very small, just a grain of sand on the beach of infinite space. But at the same time we're so much more than that.

Because out of all we know in this universe, we're lucky enough to be here. There's no mistake about that. And while there's hundreds of millions of stars, each one is special just like each one of you. Each star belongs in a constellation just like you belong on this earth as a part of this society. And while we might just feel like a star in the sky at some points in our lives, like we're just something to fill up some of the space, we are the bright spots in this world just as a star is. And it would be a real shame if we dulled our sparkle because another star is closer to earth and seems brighter.

Not every person goes to college, or gets married and has kids early. Just like how not every star is made or burned the same. We can't all be the sun, that's absurd. But we can be the stars, we can still paint the sky and make the most beautiful pictures that will last throughout generations. People have been mapping the stars for centuries, we're under the same skies so many people have been under before us. And we're still here, reminding people that without the darkness you can't see the light.

I'm about to have a baby, my first kid and I can't lie I'm a little scared. How am I supposed to explain to my little angel that she has a purpose in this universe? That she matters in such a big place like the one we live in? But then I remember that she can touch as many lives as the stars have. She can be a star of her own and no one can dull her brightness. I can't wait to bring her into this world and tell her that she makes my place in this whole universe a place worth living.

And as you guys go off this summer and you take off with your friends don't forget to look up every once in a while. Be thankful that you still can see the stars shine because there's people who's lives are so dark they can't always see the stars. Remember that even though you're a small piece of the puzzle, you're a important piece and you have a place in this world."

Once I finish my little show I open the room up for questions. Surprisingly enough there was a lot of questions but like usual not a lot of them pertained to the stars. Not directly at least.

"When is your baby due" one girl wonders.

"Early October. So I still have a under 5 months to get everything sorted out and under control" I explain.

"Is it true that you and Anthony Rizzo are together" another kid questions.

"It is very true. And I got the baby bump to prove it" I tease.

"Does he like the stars like you do" another girl questions and I giggle.

"He's a wanderer, that's for sure. He loves the stars and the sky and everything that lies behind it. Maybe not as much as me, but he enjoys the stuff I do. In fact I bought him and I a star and he wants to name or child after it" I say.

"Which star is it" a boy wonders. I zoom in on it on my program because I had it saved to find it on my computer.

"Its this one. I named it Elissa and that means wanderer" I explain.

"Woah, that's really pretty" the first girl admits.

"Thanks. I really like it and Anthony is really into the idea of naming our baby after our star and I'm really into it too. And I can't wait to meet her" I smile.

When the Stars Align (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now